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New entries since:Wed Dec 31 16:00:00 1969
ID Date Author Topicdown Subject
  296   19 Aug 2006 Konstantin OlchanskiBug Fixfixes for minor mhttpd problems
I commited fix for minor mhttpd problems (rev 3314):
- for a newly created experiment, the "history" button gave the error [history
panel "" does not exist] (new problem introduced in revision 3150)
- for very long history panel names (close to the 32-character limit) history
plots produce the error "Cannot find /history/display/foo/bar/variables" (broke
in revision 3190 "use strlcpy()", in previous revisions, this bug was silent
stack corruption)
- elog attachments did not work for file names containing character plus (+)
(attachement URLs should be properly encoded to escape special CGI characters)
  297   26 Aug 2006 Konstantin OlchanskiBug Fixfixes for minor mhttpd problems
> I commited fix for minor mhttpd problems (rev 3314):
> - elog attachments did not work for file names containing character plus (+)
> (attachement URLs should be properly encoded to escape special CGI characters)

I accidentally indirectly learned that the above change produced incorrect URLs
when more than one experiment is defined. I now commited a fix to this problem.

  299   04 Sep 2006 Konstantin OlchanskiBug FixFix MIDAS on MacOS 10.4.7
I commited minor fixes for building MIDAS on MacOS 10.4.7:
1) there is no linux/unistd.h
2) gcc 4.0.0 does not like "struct { ... } var;" although "struct Foo { ... } var;" is fine
3) there is no "_syscall0(...)" macro
4) there is no "gettid()", I used pthread_self() instead.

P.S. ss_gettid() returns "int" instead of "midas_thread_t" (pthread_t, really). On MacOS 10.4.7 at least, 
pthread_t appears to be a pointer, not an int. Is that right?
  305   23 Sep 2006 Konstantin OlchanskiBug Fixcommit latest ccusb.c CAMAC-USB driver
> I commited the latest driver for the Wiener CCUSB USB-CAMAC driver. It
> implements all functions from mcstd.h and has been tested to be plug-compatible
> with at least one of our CAMAC frontends. K.O.

This driver is known to not work with the latest CCUSB firmware (20x, 204, 30x, 303). I know what 
modifications are required and an updated driver will be available shortly. If there is a delay, and you need the 
driver ASAP, please drop me an email.

Also, I am thinking about dropping support for the very old CCUSB firmware revisions (before 204). (Any 

  311   16 Oct 2006 Exaos LeeBug FixBuild error with mana.c while using CERNLIB, svn 3366
If you use CERNLIB to build hmana.o, you may encounter the following error:
src/mana.c: In function ‘write_event_hbook’:
src/mana.c:2881: error: invalid assignment
or somthing like this:
src/mana.c: In function ‘write_event_hbook’:
src/mana.c:2881: warning: target of assignment not really an lvalue; this will be a hard error in the future
So I checked the mana.c and found these lines
2880            /* shift data pointer to next item */
2881            (char *) pdata += key.item_size * key.num_values;
should be changed to
2880            /* shift data pointer to next item */
2881            pdata += key.item_size * key.num_values * sizeof(char) ;
  312   16 Oct 2006 Exaos LeeBug Fix"make install" error on MacOS 10.4.7, svn 3366
While executing "make install" under MacOS 10.4.7, you may encounter errors about "dio". It is the 
problem of "Makefile". I did some change to it and attach the diff file here.
Attachment 1: Makefile.diff
< 	chmod +s $(SYSBIN_DIR)/dio
< 	chmod +s $(SYSBIN_DIR)/mhttpd
< 	chmod +s $(SYSBIN_DIR)/webpaw
> 	if [ -f $(SYSBIN_DIR)/dio ]; then chmod +s $(SYSBIN_DIR)/dio ; fi
> 	if [ -f $(SYSBIN_DIR)/mhttpd ]; then chmod +s $(SYSBIN_DIR)/mhttpd; fi
> 	if [ -f $(SYSBIN_DIR)/webpaw ]; then chmod +s $(SYSBIN_DIR)/webpaw; fi
< 	@for i in mserver mhttpd dio ; \
> 	@for i in mserver mhttpd; \
> ifeq ($(OSTYPE),linux)
> 	install -v -m 755 $(BIN_DIR)/dio $(SYSBIN_DIR)
> endif
< 	chmod +s $(SYSBIN_DIR)/dio
< 	chmod +s $(SYSBIN_DIR)/mhttpd
> 	if [ -f $(SYSBIN_DIR)/dio ]; then chmod +s $(SYSBIN_DIR)/dio; fi
> 	if [ -f $(SYSBIN_DIR)/mhttpd ]; then chmod +s $(SYSBIN_DIR)/mhttpd; fi
  313   16 Oct 2006 Stefan RittBug Fix"make install" error on MacOS 10.4.7, svn 3366
> While executing "make install" under MacOS 10.4.7, you may encounter errors about "dio". It is the 
> problem of "Makefile". I did some change to it and attach the diff file here.

I committed your patch. Thank you.
  314   16 Oct 2006 Stefan RittBug FixBuild error with mana.c while using CERNLIB, svn 3366
Committed, thanks.
  336   02 Feb 2007 Exaos LeeBug FixProblem solved by Re-define _syscall0(...)
OK, I searched and found that my kernel doesn't support "_syscall0" any more. So I patched the system.c as the following (from line 954):

#if defined(OS_DARWIN)
// blank
#elif defined(OS_LINUX)

#include <sys/syscall.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#undef _syscall0
#define _syscall0(type, name) \
  type name(void) \
    return syscall(__NR_##name); \


My kernel version:
exaos@memes midas>$ uname -a
Linux memes 2.6.17-10-generic #2 SMP Tue Dec 5 22:28:26 UTC 2006 i686 GNU/Linux

Maybe it's not the perfect way, but it works. Smile
  340   06 Feb 2007 Stefan RittBug FixProblem solved by Re-define _syscall0(...)

Exaos Lee wrote:
Maybe it's not the perfect way, but it works. Smile

I changed it to:
#ifdef OS_UNIX

   return syscall(SYS_gettid);

#endif                          /* OS_UNIX */

without any #define.

Does this work for you?

- Stefan
  364   02 Apr 2007 Exaos LeeBug FixSIGABT of "mlogger" and possible fix
Version: svn 3658
Code: mlogger.c
Problem: After executation of "mlogger", a "SIGABT" appears.
Compiler: GCC 4.1.2, under Ubuntu Linux 7.04 AMD64
Possible fix:
Change the code in "mlogger.c" from
   /* append argument "-b" for batch mode without graphics */
   rargv[rargc] = (char *) malloc(3);
   rargv[rargc++] = "-b";

   TApplication theApp("mlogger", &rargc, rargv);

   /* free argument memory */
   /* append argument "-b" for batch mode without graphics */
   rargv[rargc] = (char *) malloc(3);
   rargv[rargc++] = "-b";

   TApplication theApp("mlogger", &rargc, rargv);

   /* free argument memory */

I think, it might be the problem of 'rargv[rargc++]="-b"'. You may try the following test program:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <malloc.h>

int main(int argc, char** argv)
        char* pp;
        pp = (char *)malloc(sizeof(char)*3);
        /* pp = "-b"; */

        return 0;
If using "pp=\"-b\"", a SIGABRT appears.
  366   03 Apr 2007 Stefan RittBug FixSIGABT of "mlogger" and possible fix

Exaos Lee wrote:
Version: svn 3658
Code: mlogger.c
Problem: After executation of "mlogger", a "SIGABT" appears.
Compiler: GCC 4.1.2, under Ubuntu Linux 7.04 AMD64
Possible fix:
Change the code in "mlogger.c" from
   /* append argument "-b" for batch mode without graphics */
   rargv[rargc] = (char *) malloc(3);
   rargv[rargc++] = "-b";

   TApplication theApp("mlogger", &rargc, rargv);

   /* free argument memory */
   /* append argument "-b" for batch mode without graphics */
   rargv[rargc] = (char *) malloc(3);
   rargv[rargc++] = "-b";

   TApplication theApp("mlogger", &rargc, rargv);

   /* free argument memory */

I think, it might be the problem of 'rargv[rargc++]="-b"'.

Actually the line
rargv[rargc] = (char *) malloc(3);

needs also to be removed, since rargv[1] points to "-b" which is some static memory and does not need any allocation. I committed the change.
  372   10 May 2007 Konstantin OlchanskiBug Fixmhttpd: fix broken boolean arrays in "edit on start"
For some time now, boolean arrays did not work correctly in "/experiment/edit on start". This is now fixed 
in rev 3680. K.O.
  373   10 May 2007 Konstantin OlchanskiBug FixFix error reporting from cm_transition()
For some time now, error reporting from cm_transition() was broken.

Typical symptom was when starting a run from mhttpd, when a transition error occurred, the run does not 
start (good) but the user is presented with a message "Success" in big letters (confusing the user).

Part of the problem was caused by user-written frontends that return an empty error string. Code in 
cm_transition() now detects this and shows the numeric value of the error status returned by the frontend.

This is fixed in revision 3681.

The error string "Success" is now returned only when cm_transition() was successful, and other error 
reporting inside this function was cleaned up.

  391   29 Jun 2007 Konstantin OlchanskiBug Fixmscb, musbstd fixed on Linux, MacOS
I commited a few minor changes to musbstd and mscb code to make them work on
MacOSX (tested on 10.3.9) and Linux (tested on Fedora 6).

The basic functions work with the MSCB USB master, but I still need to
investigate some cases where the connection hangs and usb communications do not
work until the USB cable is unplugged and plugged back in. I see this problem
both on MacOS and Linux.

Important changes:
1) mscb_select_device() does not work on both Linux and MacOS and is disabled.
Please run "msc -d usb0".
2) on Linux, the Makefile should define -DOS_LINUX and -DHAVE_LIBUSB;
   on MacOS, the Makefile should define -DOS_LINUX and -DOS_DARWIN. (This is
because MacOS is treated as a funny type of Linux).
3) when doing USB communications, one has to use the correct endpoint numbers,
which seem to be system dependant and for now, I hard code them in mscb.c for
the tested systems.

There supposed to be no changes to the Windows code, but I cannot test on
Windows, so if somebody does and finds breakage, please let me know.

  392   02 Jul 2007 Stefan RittBug Fixmscb, musbstd fixed on Linux, MacOS

KO wrote:
There supposed to be no changes to the Windows code, but I cannot test on Windows, so if somebody does and finds breakage, please let me know.

I can confirm that revision 3713 still works under Windows.
  394   06 Jul 2007 Konstantin OlchanskiBug Fixmscb, musbstd fixed on Linux, MacOS
> I commited a few minor changes to musbstd and mscb code...
> The basic functions work with the MSCB USB master, but I still need to
> investigate some cases where the connection hangs and usb communications do not
> work until the USB cable is unplugged and plugged back in. I see this problem
> both on MacOS and Linux.

I think I fixed the hangs we see on linux and macos - at the end all I had to do is
issue a usb reset to make mscb communicate again.

Also tested on Linux FC6 and SL4.5.

  402   22 Aug 2007 Konstantin OlchanskiBug Fixcommit latest ccusb.c CAMAC-USB driver
> > I commited the latest driver for the Wiener CCUSB USB-CAMAC driver. It
> > implements all functions from mcstd.h and has been tested to be plug-compatible
> > with at least one of our CAMAC frontends. K.O.

Well, it took almost a year to finish an updated driver, which has now been
commited to MIDAS SVN (see

This supports ccusb firmware release 0x402. With earlier firmware, simple CAMAC operations should work,
but to use the readout list feature one has to have the latest main firmware (0x402 as of today) and the latest CPLD

The driver kit includes:
- the "ccusb" driver which implements the MIDAS mcstd.h CAMAC interface;
- test_ccusb to probe the interface and generally make the lights flash;
- ccusb_flash for updating the ccusb main firmware (assembled from bits and pieces found on the CCUSB driver CD);
- feccusb, an example midas frontend, which uses the ccusb readout list feature and has extensive error handling,
should be good enough for production use (unlike the Wiener libxxusb drivers, which lack basic error handling).
- analyzer.cxx, an rootana-based example on how to decode the ccusb data;
- README file with release notes.

If you use this driver, please drop me an email (even if it works perfectly for you, hah!) - the ccusb device is very
nice but can be hard to use and I would like to hear about problems other people have with it.

Today's version of the README files is attached below:

MIDAS driver for the Wiener/JTec CC-USB CAMAC-USB interface.

Date: 22-AUG-2007/KO

Note 1: The CC-USB interface comes with a CD which contains manuals,
firmware files, Windows and Linux software. The Wiener/JTec driver
is called "libxxusb". These MIDAS/musbstd drivers were written before
libxxusb bacame available and do not use libxxusb.

This driver implements the MIDAS CAMAC interafce "mcstd.h" using
the MIDAS USB interface musbstd.h.

Note 2: There exist many revisions of CCUSB firmware. Basic CAMAC
access works in all of them, but the "readout list" feature seems
to be only functional with firmware revision 0x402 or older and
with CPLD revisions CC_atmmgr_101406.jed, CC_datamgr_021905.jed,
CC_lammgr_brdcst_041906.jed or older.

To upgrade the main CCUSB firmware, follow instructions from
the CCUSB manual. On Linux, one can use the ccusb_flash
program included with these MIDAS drivers. It is a copy
of ccusb_flash from the Wiener CD, with all the pieces
assembled into one place and with a working Makefile. (I am too
lazy to add the flashing bits to the ccusb.c driver).

To upgrade the CPLD firmware, one needs a Xilinx JTag programmer
cable (we use a "parallel port to JTag" cable provided by Wiener),
and the Xilinx software (on Linux, we use Xilinx91i). For successful
upgrade, follow instructions from Xilinx and Wiener.

Note 3: Before starting to use the CCUSB interface, one should obtain
the latest version of the CCUSB manual and firmware by downloading
the latest version the CCUSB driver CD from the Wiener web
site (registration required)

Note 4: The example CCUSB frontend assumes this hardware configuration:
LeCroy 2249A 12 channel ADC in slot 20, Kinetic Systems 3615 6 channel
scaler in slot 12. NIM trigger input connected to CCUSB input "I1"
firing at 10-100 Hz. Without the external trigger CCUSB will not
generate any data and the frontend will only give "data timeout"
errors. With the trigger, the LED on the scaler should flash at 1 Hz
and the LEDs on the CCUSB should flash at the trigger rate.

Note 5: The CCUSB interface does not reliably power up in some CAMAC
crates (this has something to do with the sequence in which
different voltages start at different times with different CAMAC
power supplies). Some newer CCUSB modules may have this
problem fixed in the hardware and in the CPLD firmware. For modules
exhibiting this problem (i.e. no USB communication after power up),
try to cycle the power several time, or implement the "hardware reset
switch" (ask Wiener).

Note 6: The CCUSB firmware is very fickle and would crash if you look
at it the wrong way. This MIDAS driver tries to avoid all known crashers
and together with the example frontend, can recover from some
of them. Other crashes cannot be recovered from other than by
a hardware reset or power cycle.

  437   19 Feb 2008 Maggie LeeBug Fix"make install" error on MacOS 10.4.7, svn 3366
> While executing "make install" under MacOS 10.4.7, you may encounter errors about "dio". It is the 
> problem of "Makefile". I did some change to it and attach the diff file here.

Thank you very much for your instructions for installing Midas on MacOSX.
I followed your instructions to change the Makefile but I still get the following error message:

... Installing programs and utilities to /usr/local/bin
install: darwin/bin/lazylogger exists but is not a directory
install: darwin/bin/mchart exists but is not a directory
install: darwin/bin/mcnaf exists but is not a directory
install: darwin/bin/mdump exists but is not a directory
install: darwin/bin/melog exists but is not a directory
install: darwin/bin/mhdump exists but is not a directory
install: darwin/bin/mhist exists but is not a directory
install: darwin/bin/mhttpd exists but is not a directory
install: darwin/bin/mlogger exists but is not a directory
install: darwin/bin/mlxspeaker exists but is not a directory
install: darwin/bin/mserver exists but is not a directory
install: darwin/bin/mstat exists but is not a directory
install: darwin/bin/mtape exists but is not a directory
install: darwin/bin/odbedit exists but is not a directory
install: darwin/bin/odbhist exists but is not a directory
install: darwin/bin/stripchart.tcl exists but is not a directory
install: darwin/bin/webpaw exists but is not a directory
make: *** [install] Error 71

Could you help me solve this problem? Thank you in advance =)
  438   19 Feb 2008 Maggie LeeBug Fix"make install" error on MacOS 10.4.7, svn 3366
I forgot to mention that, the following (and similar) lines:
           install -v -D -m 755 $$file $(SYSBIN_DIR)/`basename $$file` ; \
are changed into
           install -v -d -m 755 $$file $(SYSBIN_DIR)/`basename $$file` ; \

since -D is an illegal option for install. I am not sure whether -D in Linux means the same thing for -d in MacOSX install. 

> > While executing "make install" under MacOS 10.4.7, you may encounter errors about "dio". It is the 
> > problem of "Makefile". I did some change to it and attach the diff file here.
> Thank you very much for your instructions for installing Midas on MacOSX.
> I followed your instructions to change the Makefile but I still get the following error message:
> ... 
> ... Installing programs and utilities to /usr/local/bin
> ... 
> install: darwin/bin/lazylogger exists but is not a directory
> install: darwin/bin/mchart exists but is not a directory
> install: darwin/bin/mcnaf exists but is not a directory
> install: darwin/bin/mdump exists but is not a directory
> install: darwin/bin/melog exists but is not a directory
> install: darwin/bin/mhdump exists but is not a directory
> install: darwin/bin/mhist exists but is not a directory
> install: darwin/bin/mhttpd exists but is not a directory
> install: darwin/bin/mlogger exists but is not a directory
> install: darwin/bin/mlxspeaker exists but is not a directory
> install: darwin/bin/mserver exists but is not a directory
> install: darwin/bin/mstat exists but is not a directory
> install: darwin/bin/mtape exists but is not a directory
> install: darwin/bin/odbedit exists but is not a directory
> install: darwin/bin/odbhist exists but is not a directory
> install: darwin/bin/stripchart.tcl exists but is not a directory
> install: darwin/bin/webpaw exists but is not a directory
> make: *** [install] Error 71
> Could you help me solve this problem? Thank you in advance =)
ELOG V3.1.4-2e1708b5