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New entries since:Wed Dec 31 16:00:00 1969
ID Date Authordown Topic Subject
  2051   10 Dec 2020 Frederik WautersForumhistory and variables confusion
I wanted to have a c++ style driver, e.g. a instance of a "PowerSupply" class. This was not compatible with the list of DEVICE_DRIVER structs, with needs a C function entry point with variable arguments. 

Anyways, I attach my odb. I believe the issue stands regardless of the specific design choice here. Setting the History Log flag copies the banks created to the "Variables" of every equipments initialized, leading to a mismatch between the names array, and the variables. Can be solved by not using FE history events, but Virtual, but the flag in the Equipment is confusing.  

Bank creation in readout function:

for(const auto& d: drivers)
  bk_create(pevent,bk_name, TID_FLOAT, (void **)&pdata);
  std::vector<float> voltage = d->GetVoltage();
  std::vector<float> current = d->GetCurrent();
    *pdata++ =;
    *pdata++ =;
  bk_close(pevent, pdata);
Attachment 1: genesys.odb
Events sent = DOUBLE : 2
Events per sec. = DOUBLE : 0.2583311805734952
kBytes per sec. = DOUBLE : 0.0268664427796435

IP = STRING : [13]
NChannels = INT32 : 2
port = INT32 : 8003
Global Reset On FE Start = BOOL : n
Address = INT32[2] :
[0] 0
[1] 1
Identification Code = STRING[2] :
[64] TDK-LAMBDA,GH30-50,114B137-0007,G:02.109
[64] TDK-LAMBDA,GH30-50,114B137-0004,G:02.109
Names = STRING[2] :
[32] ch1
[32] ch2
Blink = BOOL[2] :
[0] n
[1] n
Enable = BOOL : n
reply timout = INT32 : 50
min reply = INT32 : 3
Read ESR = BOOL : n
ESR = INT32[2] :
[0] 0
[1] 0

State = BOOL[2] :
[0] y
[1] n
Set State = BOOL[2] :
[0] y
[1] n
Voltage = FLOAT[2] :
[0] 1.997
[1] 0
Demand Voltage = FLOAT[2] :
[0] 2
[1] 0
Current = FLOAT[2] :
[0] 2.03
[1] 0
Current Limit = FLOAT[2] :
[0] 16
[1] 0
LG 0 = FLOAT[4] :
[0] 1.997
[1] 2.03
[2] 0
[3] 0
LH 0 = FLOAT[8] :
[0] 1
[1] 0.0005
[2] 0
[3] 0
[4] 0
[5] 0
[6] 0
[7] 0

Event ID = UINT16 : 121
Trigger mask = UINT16 : 0
Buffer = STRING : [32] SYSTEM
Type = INT32 : 1
Source = INT32 : 0
Format = STRING : [8] MIDAS
Enabled = BOOL : y
Read on = INT32 : 35
Period = INT32 : 10000
Event limit = DOUBLE : 0
Num subevents = UINT32 : 0
Log history = INT32 : 1
Frontend host = STRING : [32] localhost
Frontend name = STRING : [32] Power Frontend
Frontend file name = STRING : [256] /home/labor/online/backend_pc/midas_fe/power_control/power.cpp
Status = STRING : [256] Ok
Status color = STRING : [32] greenLight
Hidden = BOOL : n
Write cache size = INT32 : 100000

  2052   11 Dec 2020 Frederik WautersForumhistory and variables confusion
1. ok, so calling the same readout functions from different equipments is just a bad idea, my bad, no blame for Midas to write data from both bank to both odb trees ...

2. One needs the same amount of bank entries as the size of settings/names[] . Otherwise the "History Log" flag does not work. So just don`t us "names" but "channel names" or something. 

" Second, it's advisable to group similar equipment into one. Like if you have five power supplies powering
and experiment, you don't want to have five equipments Supply1, Supply2, ..., but only one equipment
"Power Supplies".  "

It would be nice if this also works with c++ style drivers, i.e. a instance of a class. I don`t now how one would give an entry point to the "DEVICE_DRIVER" struct then.

> I wanted to have a c++ style driver, e.g. a instance of a "PowerSupply" class. This was not compatible with the list of DEVICE_DRIVER structs, with needs a C function entry point with variable arguments. 
> Anyways, I attach my odb. I believe the issue stands regardless of the specific design choice here. Setting the History Log flag copies the banks created to the "Variables" of every equipments initialized, leading to a mismatch between the names array, and the variables. Can be solved by not using FE history events, but Virtual, but the flag in the Equipment is confusing.  
> Bank creation in readout function:
> for(const auto& d: drivers)
> {
> ...
> ...
>   bk_create(pevent,bk_name, TID_FLOAT, (void **)&pdata);
> ...			
>   std::vector<float> voltage = d->GetVoltage();
>   std::vector<float> current = d->GetCurrent();
>   for(channels)
>   {
>     *pdata++ =;
>     *pdata++ =;
>   }
>   bk_close(pevent, pdata);
> }
  2131   15 Mar 2021 Frederik WautersForumINT INT32 in experim.h

> Ok, I added
> /* define integer types with explicit widths */
> typedef unsigned char      UINT8;
> typedef char               INT8;
> typedef unsigned short     UINT16;
> typedef short              INT16;
> typedef unsigned int       UINT32;
> typedef int                INT32;
> typedef unsigned long long UINT64;
> typedef long long          INT64;
> #endif
> to cover all new types. If there is a collision with user defined types, compile your program with -DNO_INT_TYPES_DEFINE and you remove the 
> above definition. I hope there are no other conflicts.
> Stefan
  2296   29 Oct 2021 Frederik WautersBug Reportmidas::odb::iterator + operator
I have 16 array odb key

{"FIR Energy", {
            {"Energy Gap Value", std::array<uint32_t,16>(10) },

I can get the maximum of this array like 

uint32_t max_value = *std::max_element(values.begin(),values.end());

but when I need the maximum of a sub range

uint32_t max_value = *std::max_element(values.begin(),values.begin()+4);

I get

/home/labor/new_daq/frontends/SIS3316Module.cpp:584:62: error: no match for ‘operator+’ (operand types are ‘midas::odb::iterator’ and ‘int’)
  584 |   max_value = *std::max_element(values.begin(),values.begin()+4);
      |                                                ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~^~
      |                                                            |  |
      |                                                            |  int

As the + operator is overloaded for midas::odb::iterator, I was expected this to work.

(and yes, I can find the max element by accessing the elements on by one)
  2297   29 Oct 2021 Frederik WautersBug Reportmidas::odb::iterator + operator | work around
ok, so retrieving as a std::array (as it was defined) does not work

    std::array<uint32_t,16> avalues = settings["FIR Energy"]["Energy Gap Value"];

but retrieving as an std::vector does, and then I have a standard c++ iterator which I can use in std stuff

    std::vector<uint32_t> values = settings["FIR Energy"]["Energy Gap Value"];

> I have 16 array odb key
> {"FIR Energy", {
>             {"Energy Gap Value", std::array<uint32_t,16>(10) },
> I can get the maximum of this array like 
> uint32_t max_value = *std::max_element(values.begin(),values.end());
> but when I need the maximum of a sub range
> uint32_t max_value = *std::max_element(values.begin(),values.begin()+4);
> I get
> /home/labor/new_daq/frontends/SIS3316Module.cpp:584:62: error: no match for ‘operator+’ (operand types are ‘midas::odb::iterator’ and ‘int’)
>   584 |   max_value = *std::max_element(values.begin(),values.begin()+4);
>       |                                                ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~^~
>       |                                                            |  |
>       |                                                            |  int
>       |               
> As the + operator is overloaded for midas::odb::iterator, I was expected this to work.
> (and yes, I can find the max element by accessing the elements on by one)
  2310   26 Jan 2022 Frederik WautersForum.gz files
I adapted our analyzer to compile against the manalyzer included in the midas repo.

All our data files are .mid.gz, which now fail to process :(

frederik@frederik-ThinkPad-T550:~/new_daq/build/analyzer$ ./analyzer -e100 -s100 ../../run_backup_11783.mid.gz 
Registered modules: 1
file[0]: ../../run_backup_11783.mid.gz
Setting up the analysis!
TMReadEvent: error: short read 0 instead of -1193512213

Which is in the TMEvent* TMReadEvent(TMReaderInterface* reader) class in the midasio.cxx file

Reading the unzipped files works. But we have always processed our .gz files directly, for the unzipping we would need ~2x disk space.

Am I doing something wrong? I see that there is some activity on lz4 in the midasio repo, is gunzip next?
  2328   31 Jan 2022 Frederik WautersForum.gz files
> > I adapted our analyzer to compile against the manalyzer included in the midas repo.
> > TMReadEvent: error: short read 0 instead of -1193512213
> I think this problem is fixed in the latest version of midasio and manalyzer, but this update
> was not pulled into midas yet. (Canada is in the middle of a covid wave since December).
> What happens is you do not have the gzip library installed on your computer and
> your analyzer is built without support for gzip.
> The fix is done the hard way, the gzip library is no longer optional, but required.
> You do not say what linux you use, so I cannot give exact instructions, but for:
> ubuntu: apt -y install libz-dev
> centos7: installed by default
> centos8: installed by default
> debian11/raspbian: same as ubuntu
> K.O.

My libz under ubuntu

-- Found ZLIB: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ (found version "1.2.11") 
-- MIDAS: Found ZLIB version 1.2.11

I got both the manalyzer example and mine going with
* the latest midas dev
* + the latest manalyzer (cf6c233)
* + almost latest midasio (568a617, otherwise I get an linking error 

./libmidas.a(midasio.cxx.o): In function `Lz4Error(int)':
midasio.cxx:(.text+0x359): undefined reference to `MLZ4F_getErrorName(unsigned long)'

So this works, I will assume that in the near future this all will come together in the standard midas release.

  2447   11 Nov 2022 Frederik WautersBug FixO_CREAT in open in split.cxx
midas currently does not compile on linux

/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/fcntl2.h:50:24: error: call to ‘__open_missing_mode’ declared with attribute error: open with O_CREAT or O_TMPFILE in second argument needs 3 arguments
   50 |    __open_missing_mode ();

giving the mode is mandatory:

fix is to give open in midas/examples/lowlevel/split.cxx a default mode, e.g. 006600
  2606   19 Sep 2023 Frederik WautersBug Reportepics fe "Start Command"
The epics frontend overwrites the "start command" odb after each start:

  // set start command in ODB
   midas::odb efe("/Programs/EPICS Frontend");
   std::string p(__FILE__);
   std::string s("build/epics_fe");
   auto i = p.find("epics_fe.cxx");
   p.replace(i, s.length(), s);
   p = p.substr(0, i + s.length());
   efe["Start command"].set_string_size(p, 256);

this should be set such that it only writes when the key is not there. It causes the following issue: on a pc with multiple experiments defined, you need to start the fe's with a "-e <name>" flag. 
  2608   24 Sep 2023 Frederik WautersSuggestionscroll when browsing for a link
Another small user experience request:

When making a link in the odb (web interface) a nice browser window pop's up. There is however not scrolling possible in the window. As a result, you can not reach a odb key if it is nested to deeply. 

Trying to type out the Link target in the field only allows for 32 characters

context: we are setting up a bunch of Links in the History
  2671   15 Jan 2024 Frederik WautersForumdump history FILE files
We switched from the history files from MIDAS to FILE, so we have *.dat files now (per variable), instead of the old *.hst. 

How shoul
d one now extract data from these data files? With the old *,hst files I can e.g. mhdump -E 102 231010.hst 

but with the new *.dat files I get

...2023/history$ mhdump -E 0 -T "Run number" mhf_1697445335_20231016_run_transitions.dat | head -n 15
event name: [Run transitions], time [1697445335]
tag: tag: /DWORD 1 4 /timestamp
tag: tag: UINT32 1 4 State
tag: tag: UINT32 1 4 Run number
record size: 12, data offset: 1024
record 0, time 1697557722, incr 112387
record 1, time 1697557783, incr 61
record 2, time 1697557804, incr 21
record 3, time 1697557834, incr 30
record 4, time 1697557888, incr 54
record 5, time 1697558318, incr 430
record 6, time 1697558323, incr 5
record 7, time 1697558659, incr 336
record 8, time 1697558668, incr 9
record 9, time 1697558753, incr 85

not very intelligible

Yes, I can do csv export on the webpage. But it would be nice to be able to extract from just the files. Also, the webpage export only saves the data shown ( range limited and/or downsampled)
  2716   18 Feb 2024 Frederik WautersForumdump history FILE files
> $ cat mhf_1697445335_20231016_run_transitions.dat
> event name: [Run transitions], time [1697445335]
> tag: tag: /DWORD 1 4 /timestamp
> tag: tag: UINT32 1 4 State
> tag: tag: UINT32 1 4 Run number
> record size: 12, data offset: 1024
> ...
> data is in fixed-length record format. from the file header, you read "record size" is 12 and data starts at offset 1024.
> the 12 bytes of the data record are described by the tags:
> 4 bytes of timestamp (DWORD, unix time)
> 4 bytes of State (UINT32)
> 4 bytes of "Run number" (UINT32)
> endianess is "local endian", which means "little endian" as we have no big-endian hardware anymore to test endian conversions.
> file format is designed for reading using read() or mmap().
> and you are right mhdump, does not work on these files, I guess I can write another utility that does what I just described and spews the numbers to stdout.
> K.O.

Thanks for the answer. As this FILE system is advertised as the new default (eog:2617), this format does merit some more WIKI info.
  1279   26 Apr 2017 Francesco RengaForumProblem with logger at run start
Dear experts,
    we have a problem when trying to run a MIDAS DAQ which worked in the past on the same PC (but on a different
network). We get the following error messages when starting a new run:

Wed Apr 26 23:03:12 2017 [mhttpd,ERROR] [midas.c:9106:rpc_client_connect,ERROR] cannot connect to host "scar
lett", port 44858: connect() returned -1, errno 113 (No route to host)
Wed Apr 26 23:03:12 2017 [mhttpd,ERROR] [midas.c:3539:cm_transition_call,ERROR] cannot connect to client "Lo
gger" on host scarlett, port 44858, status 503

(scarlett is indeed the hostname of the PC). The error occurs even if the PC is disconnected from the network.

Any suggestion?

Best Regards,
  1283   26 Apr 2017 Francesco RengaForumProblem with logger at run start
Dear Stefan,
           thank you very much for your reply. We could finally fix the problem by replacing "scarlett" with "scarlett.localdomain" in our
hostname configuration file /etc/hostname (under debian).

Best Regards,

> Dear Francesco,
> Your error (No route to host) typically means that you have a network problem outside of MIDAS. Your computer has to "find itself" and 
> this is probably broken. Try to do a "ping scarlett" or "nslookup scarlett" and you will see that the DNS server can't be reached or is 
> wrongly configured. Sometimes it helps to put scarlett explicitly into /etc/hosts
> Stefan
> > Dear experts,
> >     we have a problem when trying to run a MIDAS DAQ which worked in the past on the same PC (but on a different
> > network). We get the following error messages when starting a new run:
> > 
> > Wed Apr 26 23:03:12 2017 [mhttpd,ERROR] [midas.c:9106:rpc_client_connect,ERROR] cannot connect to host "scar
> > lett", port 44858: connect() returned -1, errno 113 (No route to host)
> > Wed Apr 26 23:03:12 2017 [mhttpd,ERROR] [midas.c:3539:cm_transition_call,ERROR] cannot connect to client "Lo
> > gger" on host scarlett, port 44858, status 503
> > 
> > (scarlett is indeed the hostname of the PC). The error occurs even if the PC is disconnected from the network.
> > 
> > Any suggestion?
> > 
> > Best Regards,
> >         Francesco
  1367   04 May 2018 Francesco RengaForumODB full
Dear expert,
      I'm developing a frontend and I'm getting this kind of error at each event:

10:14:56.564 2018/05/04 [Sample Frontend,ERROR] [odb.c:5911:db_set_data1,ERROR]
online database full

If I run the mem command in odbedit I get the result at the end of this post.

Notice that I need to use an event size which is significantly larger than the
default one. I don't know if it is relevant for this error. I have in the ODB:

  /Experiment/MAX_EVENT_SIZE = 900000000

and in the frontend code:

  /* maximum event size produced by this frontend */
  INT max_event_size = 300000000;

  /* maximum event size for fragmented events (EQ_FRAGMENTED) */
  INT max_event_size_frag = 5 * 1024 * 1024;

  /* buffer size to hold events */
  INT event_buffer_size = 600000000;

Events seem to be properly stored in the output files, but I'm afraid I could
get some other problem.

Thank you for your help,


Database header size is 0x21040, all following values are offset by this!
Key area  0x00000000 - 0x0007FFFF, size 524288 bytes
Data area 0x00080000 - 0x00100000, size 524288 bytes

Free block at 0x00000B58, size 0x00000008, next 0x000053E0
Free block at 0x000053E0, size 0x00000008, next 0x00006560
Free block at 0x00006560, size 0x00079AA0, next 0x00000000

Free Key area: 498352 bytes out of 524288 bytes

Free block at 0x000847F0, size 0x0007B810, next 0x00000000

Free Data area: 505872 bytes out of 524288 bytes

Free: 498352 (95.1%) keylist, 505872 (96.5%) data
  1393   11 Sep 2018 Francesco RengaForumLaunching an executable script from the sequencer
Dear experts,
              is there any way to launch an executable script on the host computer from the MIDAS 
sequencer? If not, is there any interest to develop such a feature?

Thank you,
  1484   11 Mar 2019 Francesco RengaForumRun length
Dear all,
        I need to implement a DAQ sequence where a short run (100 events, which takes a couple of 
minutes) is taken every hour, with a long run in between two short runs. In the sequencer, I can do:

LOOP infinite

.... some ODB settings ....
     WAIT events 100

.... some ODB settings ....
     WAIT seconds 3600


I have two questions: 

- for the long run, I want to write on disk only a maximum number of events. I think I can suppress 
the event polling in the frontend, with an ODB query of the number of collected events. I'm 
wondering if there is a smarter way to do that. It is also ok if the run is stopped after a maximum 
number of events, but the subsequent short run should still start exactly after 1h from the previous 
short run. 

- with the script above, the real time lapse between the start of two short runs would depend on 
the duration of the short run itself. Is there a way to start the short run exactly 1 h after the starting 
of the previous short run?

Thank you in advance for your help,
  1485   12 Mar 2019 Francesco RengaForumProblem stopping every second run
Dear all,
         I'm running a DAQ frontend and it works well if one single run is
taken. If I try to take a second run right after, the run is performed but, when
stopping it, I get the error messages below. Any hint?

Thank you for your help,

11:42:24.012 2019/03/12 [mhttpd,ERROR] [midas.c:6022:cm_shutdown,ERROR] Killing
and Deleting client 'cygnus_daq' pid 12472

11:42:24.012 2019/03/12 [mhttpd,ERROR] [midas.c:6019:cm_shutdown,ERROR] Cannot
connect to client 'cygnus_daq' on host 'localhost', port 46341

11:42:24.012 2019/03/12 [mhttpd,ERROR] [midas.c:9539:rpc_client_connect,ERROR]
cannot connect to host "localhost", port 46341: connect() returned -1, errno 111
(Connection refused)

11:42:24.012 2019/03/12 [mhttpd,ERROR] [midas.c:10821:rpc_client_call,ERROR]
call to "cygnus_daq" on "localhost" RPC "rc_transition": error,
ss_recv_net_command() status 411

11:42:24.012 2019/03/12 [mhttpd,ERROR] [system.c:4715:ss_recv_net_command,ERROR]
error receiving network command header, see messages

11:42:24.011 2019/03/12 [mhttpd,ERROR] [system.c:4661:recv_tcp2,ERROR]
unexpected connection closure

11:42:23.994 2019/03/12 [cygnus_daq,ERROR] [midas.c:1951:,ERROR]
cm_disconnect_experiment not called at end of program
  1872   03 Apr 2020 Francesco RengaInfoCLOCK_REALTIME on MacOS
Dear all,
       I'm trying to compile MIDAS on MacOS 10.10 and I get this error:

/Users/francesco/MIDAS/midas/src/system.cxx:3187:18: error: use of undeclared identifier 
   clock_settime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &ltm);

Is it related to my (old) version of MacOS? Can I fix it somehow?

Thank you,
  2169   19 May 2021 Francesco RengaSuggestionMYSQL logger
Dear all,
      I'm trying to use the logging on a mysql DB. Following the instructions on 
the Wiki, I recompiled MIDAS after installing mysql, and cmake with NEED_MYSQL=1 
can find it:

-- MIDAS: Found MySQL version 8.0.23

Then, I compiled my frontend (cmake with no options + make) and run it, but in the 
ODB I cannot find the tree for mySQL. I have only:


while I would expect also:


What could be missing? Maybe should I add something in the CMakeList file or run 
cmake with some option?

Thank you,
ELOG V3.1.4-2e1708b5