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New entries since:Wed Dec 31 16:00:00 1969
Entry  24 May 2021, Mathieu Guigue, Bug Report, Bug "is of type" 

I am running a simple FE executable that is supposed to define a PRAW DWORD bank.
The issue is that, right after the start of the run, the logger crashes without messages.
Then the FE reports this error, which is rather confusing.
12:59:29.140 2021/05/24 [feTestDatastruct,ERROR] [odb.cxx:6986:db_set_data1,ERROR] "/Equipment/Trigger/Variables/PRAW" is of type UINT32, not UINT32
    Reply  02 Jun 2021, Konstantin Olchanski, Bug Report, Bug "is of type" 
> Hi,
> I am running a simple FE executable that is supposed to define a PRAW DWORD bank.
> The issue is that, right after the start of the run, the logger crashes without messages.
> Then the FE reports this error, which is rather confusing.
> ```
> 12:59:29.140 2021/05/24 [feTestDatastruct,ERROR] [odb.cxx:6986:db_set_data1,ERROR] "/Equipment/Trigger/Variables/PRAW" is of type UINT32, not UINT32
> ```

I think this is fixed in latest midas. There was a typo in this message, the same tid was printed twice,
with result you report "mismatch UINT32 and UINT32", instead of "mismatch of UINT32 vs what is actually there".

This fixes the message, after that you have to manually fix the mismatch in the data type in ODB (delete old one, I guess).

Entry  02 Mar 2019, Pintaudi Giorgio, Forum, Best MIDAS branch/version for "production" 
My name is Giorgio Pintaudi and I am a Ph.D. student at Yokohama National 
University (Japan). I also happen to be a T2K collaborator.
I am currently developing the DAQ software for a T2K near detector called WAGASCI 
(different from ND280) and we recently decided to adopt MIDAS as a user 
Now I am using the "develop" branch of the MIDAS BitBucket repository: I merge 
the remote repository every now and then with my local copy and that is fine ... 
but on the 25th of April our experiment is officially starting and I was 
wondering which version of MIDAS should I use for "production".
So my question is:
For a running experiment that needs software stability what branch of the MIDAS 
repository is better suited? The master branch or the develop branch? Moreover, 
what point in time do you think is more stable?
Best regards
    Reply  04 Mar 2019, Konstantin Olchanski, Forum, Best MIDAS branch/version for "production" 
Hi, Giorgio - you are asking excellent questions. I will try to answer them, but as ever, there are no 
easy answers.

In general, the top of the midas "develop" branch is "the best midas there is".

So for a new experiment, it is a reasonable place to start. Of course you can see
that there is quite a bit of commit activity going on, however, most substantial
changes are done on separate branches, where we try the new code, debug
it and test it. Only when the new code is "ready", we commit it to the "develop"
branch. Then, most often, we find some more last minute post-merge bugs,
and fix them right then and there on the head of the "develop" branch. Eventually
the dust settles and we have stable code that stays stable for a long time.

For example, right now we are waiting for the dust to settle on the change
of the MIDAS URL scheme, which was necessitated by needs of several experiments
that have more-complex-then-usual https proxy configurations. Unusual today,
but more common as we move forward, I think.

So if the head of the "develop" branch does not work for you, we encourage
that you file a bug report (here on this forum or on the bitbucket issue tracker).

While we try to sort out your problem, you can fall back to a previous version
of midas:

a) go back to one of the older "midas-YYYY-MM-X" tags
b) go back to one of the release candidate branches "feature/midas-YYYY-MM".

But if you have an already running system and you already have a working
instance of MIDAS, you do not have to update it to the latest version
unless you need some newest feature or you suffer from a bug
that has been fixed in a newer version.

In general, I find that it is fairly safe to update a working instance of MIDAS to
the latest code. But do keep your old working copy, if there is trouble, you can
always go back to something that works.

Now to your questions:

> For a running experiment that needs software stability what branch of the MIDAS 
> repository is better suited?

easy to answer. the most stable is the version you are using right now (doh!). each time
you upgrade, there is a risk that something will go wrong.

if you start from scratch, use the head of the "develop" branch (the latest and greatest),
if you run into trouble, report the trouble and update to a newer version with your
trouble fixed, or go back in time to previous tags and release candidate branches (as I described 

> The master branch or the develop branch?

the "develop" branch.

> Moreover, what point in time do you think is more stable?

I find that it is impossible to have a stable-stable-stable version of midas
because the rest of the world flows forward in time. Old versions of midas
stop compiling because of OS and compiler changes; they stop running
because of OS or web browser or hardware changes. Then somebody
always asks for new features and new or old bugs surface constantly.

But we try to mark some "good" spots using git tags and release branches,
however the more far you go back in time, the more likely the code will
not even compile anymore.


> Hello!
> My name is Giorgio Pintaudi and I am a Ph.D. student at Yokohama National 
> University (Japan). I also happen to be a T2K collaborator.
> I am currently developing the DAQ software for a T2K near detector called WAGASCI 
> (different from ND280) and we recently decided to adopt MIDAS as a user 
> interface.
> Now I am using the "develop" branch of the MIDAS BitBucket repository: I merge 
> the remote repository every now and then with my local copy and that is fine ... 
> but on the 25th of April our experiment is officially starting and I was 
> wondering which version of MIDAS should I use for "production".
> So my question is:
> For a running experiment that needs software stability what branch of the MIDAS 
> repository is better suited? The master branch or the develop branch? Moreover, 
> what point in time do you think is more stable?
> Best regards
> Giorgio
    Reply  04 Mar 2019, Pintaudi Giorgio, Forum, Best MIDAS branch/version for "production" 
Hi Konstantin,
thank you for the very in-depth answer. Right now I am using the latest version of MIDAS (the head of the 
develop branch) and I have not noticed any bugs or problems in the MIDAS code, except the ones that I 
myself put in the part of the code that I am developing of course.
So I will do as you suggest and continue to use the head of the develop branch.
Thank you again for taking the time to answer all my questions!

PS other than the code peculiar to our experiment, I have made a little modification to the MIDAS install 
Makefile (I noticed that there is an "install" target but not an "uninstall" target so I wrote it).
If you are interested, I could make a merge request on BitBucket, just let me know.


> Hi, Giorgio - you are asking excellent questions. I will try to answer them, but as ever, there are no 
> easy answers.
> In general, the top of the midas "develop" branch is "the best midas there is".
> So for a new experiment, it is a reasonable place to start. Of course you can see
> that there is quite a bit of commit activity going on, however, most substantial
> changes are done on separate branches, where we try the new code, debug
> it and test it. Only when the new code is "ready", we commit it to the "develop"
> branch. Then, most often, we find some more last minute post-merge bugs,
> and fix them right then and there on the head of the "develop" branch. Eventually
> the dust settles and we have stable code that stays stable for a long time.
> For example, right now we are waiting for the dust to settle on the change
> of the MIDAS URL scheme, which was necessitated by needs of several experiments
> that have more-complex-then-usual https proxy configurations. Unusual today,
> but more common as we move forward, I think.
> So if the head of the "develop" branch does not work for you, we encourage
> that you file a bug report (here on this forum or on the bitbucket issue tracker).
> While we try to sort out your problem, you can fall back to a previous version
> of midas:
> a) go back to one of the older "midas-YYYY-MM-X" tags
> b) go back to one of the release candidate branches "feature/midas-YYYY-MM".
> But if you have an already running system and you already have a working
> instance of MIDAS, you do not have to update it to the latest version
> unless you need some newest feature or you suffer from a bug
> that has been fixed in a newer version.
> In general, I find that it is fairly safe to update a working instance of MIDAS to
> the latest code. But do keep your old working copy, if there is trouble, you can
> always go back to something that works.
> Now to your questions:
> > For a running experiment that needs software stability what branch of the MIDAS 
> > repository is better suited?
> easy to answer. the most stable is the version you are using right now (doh!). each time
> you upgrade, there is a risk that something will go wrong.
> if you start from scratch, use the head of the "develop" branch (the latest and greatest),
> if you run into trouble, report the trouble and update to a newer version with your
> trouble fixed, or go back in time to previous tags and release candidate branches (as I described 
> above).
> > The master branch or the develop branch?
> the "develop" branch.
> > Moreover, what point in time do you think is more stable?
> I find that it is impossible to have a stable-stable-stable version of midas
> because the rest of the world flows forward in time. Old versions of midas
> stop compiling because of OS and compiler changes; they stop running
> because of OS or web browser or hardware changes. Then somebody
> always asks for new features and new or old bugs surface constantly.
> But we try to mark some "good" spots using git tags and release branches,
> however the more far you go back in time, the more likely the code will
> not even compile anymore.
> K.O.
> > Hello!
> > My name is Giorgio Pintaudi and I am a Ph.D. student at Yokohama National 
> > University (Japan). I also happen to be a T2K collaborator.
> > I am currently developing the DAQ software for a T2K near detector called WAGASCI 
> > (different from ND280) and we recently decided to adopt MIDAS as a user 
> > interface.
> > Now I am using the "develop" branch of the MIDAS BitBucket repository: I merge 
> > the remote repository every now and then with my local copy and that is fine ... 
> > but on the 25th of April our experiment is officially starting and I was 
> > wondering which version of MIDAS should I use for "production".
> > So my question is:
> > For a running experiment that needs software stability what branch of the MIDAS 
> > repository is better suited? The master branch or the develop branch? Moreover, 
> > what point in time do you think is more stable?
> > Best regards
> > Giorgio
    Reply  05 Mar 2019, Konstantin Olchanski, Forum, Best MIDAS branch/version for "production" 
> PS other than the code peculiar to our experiment, I have made a little modification to the MIDAS install 
> Makefile (I noticed that there is an "install" target but not an "uninstall" target so I wrote it).
> If you are interested, I could make a merge request on BitBucket, just let me know.

Hmm... for most experiments, we do not "install" midas. I should probably remove the "install" target from the Makefile.


> Bests
> Giorgio
> > Hi, Giorgio - you are asking excellent questions. I will try to answer them, but as ever, there are no 
> > easy answers.
> > 
> > In general, the top of the midas "develop" branch is "the best midas there is".
> > 
> > So for a new experiment, it is a reasonable place to start. Of course you can see
> > that there is quite a bit of commit activity going on, however, most substantial
> > changes are done on separate branches, where we try the new code, debug
> > it and test it. Only when the new code is "ready", we commit it to the "develop"
> > branch. Then, most often, we find some more last minute post-merge bugs,
> > and fix them right then and there on the head of the "develop" branch. Eventually
> > the dust settles and we have stable code that stays stable for a long time.
> > 
> > For example, right now we are waiting for the dust to settle on the change
> > of the MIDAS URL scheme, which was necessitated by needs of several experiments
> > that have more-complex-then-usual https proxy configurations. Unusual today,
> > but more common as we move forward, I think.
> > 
> > So if the head of the "develop" branch does not work for you, we encourage
> > that you file a bug report (here on this forum or on the bitbucket issue tracker).
> > 
> > While we try to sort out your problem, you can fall back to a previous version
> > of midas:
> > 
> > a) go back to one of the older "midas-YYYY-MM-X" tags
> > b) go back to one of the release candidate branches "feature/midas-YYYY-MM".
> > 
> > But if you have an already running system and you already have a working
> > instance of MIDAS, you do not have to update it to the latest version
> > unless you need some newest feature or you suffer from a bug
> > that has been fixed in a newer version.
> > 
> > In general, I find that it is fairly safe to update a working instance of MIDAS to
> > the latest code. But do keep your old working copy, if there is trouble, you can
> > always go back to something that works.
> > 
> > Now to your questions:
> > 
> > > For a running experiment that needs software stability what branch of the MIDAS 
> > > repository is better suited?
> > 
> > easy to answer. the most stable is the version you are using right now (doh!). each time
> > you upgrade, there is a risk that something will go wrong.
> > 
> > if you start from scratch, use the head of the "develop" branch (the latest and greatest),
> > if you run into trouble, report the trouble and update to a newer version with your
> > trouble fixed, or go back in time to previous tags and release candidate branches (as I described 
> > above).
> > 
> > > The master branch or the develop branch?
> > 
> > the "develop" branch.
> > 
> > > Moreover, what point in time do you think is more stable?
> > 
> > I find that it is impossible to have a stable-stable-stable version of midas
> > because the rest of the world flows forward in time. Old versions of midas
> > stop compiling because of OS and compiler changes; they stop running
> > because of OS or web browser or hardware changes. Then somebody
> > always asks for new features and new or old bugs surface constantly.
> > 
> > But we try to mark some "good" spots using git tags and release branches,
> > however the more far you go back in time, the more likely the code will
> > not even compile anymore.
> > 
> > 
> > K.O.
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > > Hello!
> > > My name is Giorgio Pintaudi and I am a Ph.D. student at Yokohama National 
> > > University (Japan). I also happen to be a T2K collaborator.
> > > I am currently developing the DAQ software for a T2K near detector called WAGASCI 
> > > (different from ND280) and we recently decided to adopt MIDAS as a user 
> > > interface.
> > > Now I am using the "develop" branch of the MIDAS BitBucket repository: I merge 
> > > the remote repository every now and then with my local copy and that is fine ... 
> > > but on the 25th of April our experiment is officially starting and I was 
> > > wondering which version of MIDAS should I use for "production".
> > > So my question is:
> > > For a running experiment that needs software stability what branch of the MIDAS 
> > > repository is better suited? The master branch or the develop branch? Moreover, 
> > > what point in time do you think is more stable?
> > > Best regards
> > > Giorgio
    Reply  05 Mar 2019, Stefan Ritt, Forum, Best MIDAS branch/version for "production" 
> Hmm... for most experiments, we do not "install" midas. I should probably remove the "install" target from the Makefile.

... and change the documentation accordingly (Suzannah!?). Installing midas these days does not really make sense, since normally only one 
users uses it on a given machine.

    Reply  06 Mar 2019, Pintaudi Giorgio, Forum, Best MIDAS branch/version for "production" 
> > Hmm... for most experiments, we do not "install" midas. I should probably remove the "install" target from the Makefile.
> ... and change the documentation accordingly (Suzannah!?). Installing midas these days does not really make sense, since normally only one 
> users uses it on a given machine.
> Stefan

I understand. Anyway, I preferred to install MIDAS in the /opt/midas folder to be consistent with the other programs (Pyrame and Calicoes from LLR) that we are using for our experiment (they are all installed in the /opt folder). Moreover, I am using Linux systemd to enable mhttpd on startup (and other handy features like auto-restart after a crash). And quite unfortunately CentOS doesn't support to start systemd units as a non-root user.
So in my particular case, perhaps it made some sense to install MIDAS in a folder other than the source code folder.

    Reply  06 Mar 2019, Pintaudi Giorgio, Forum, Best MIDAS branch/version for "production" 
> > Hmm... for most experiments, we do not "install" midas. I should probably remove the "install" target from the Makefile.
> ... and change the documentation accordingly (Suzannah!?). Installing midas these days does not really make sense, since normally only one 
> users uses it on a given machine.
> Stefan

I understand. Anyway, I preferred to install MIDAS in the /opt/midas folder to remain consistent with the other programs that we are using for 
our experiment (Pyrame and Calicoes from LLR). I am also using Linux systemd to enable mhttpd on startup (and other handy features like auto-
restart after a crash) and unfortunally CentOS doesn't support to enable systemd units as a non-root user.
So in my particular case, perhaps it made some sense to install MIDAS in a folder other than the source code folder
    Reply  06 Mar 2019, Konstantin Olchanski, Forum, Best MIDAS branch/version for "production" 
> > > Hmm... for most experiments, we do not "install" midas. I should probably remove the "install" target from the Makefile.
> install MIDAS in the /opt/midas folder to remain consistent with the other programs that we are using for 
> our experiment (Pyrame and Calicoes from LLR).

I see. Would this work as well? Instead of "make install" do this:
su - root
cd /opt
git pull midas
cd midas
add /opt/midas/linux/bin to your PATH. (is it time to get rid of the "linux" part from the default build path?!?)

> I am also using Linux systemd to enable mhttpd on startup

We use cron @reboot to start mhttpd.

But. CentOS7 systemd cron unit file has a bug and they run @reboot cron jobs before NIS and autofs is ready, see

Can you post your systemd unit file to this elog, others may find it useful.

    Reply  06 Mar 2019, Pintaudi Giorgio, Forum, Best MIDAS branch/version for "production" 
> I see. Would this work as well? Instead of "make install" do this:
> su - root
> cd /opt
> git pull midas
> cd midas
> make
> add /opt/midas/linux/bin to your PATH. (is it time to get rid of the "linux" part from the default build path?!?)

Got it. I will do that in the future.

> Can you post your systemd unit file to this elog, others may find it useful.

Description=MIDAS data acquisition system

ExecStart=/opt/midas/bin/mhttpd -e WAGASCI --http 8081 --https 8444
Environment="MIDASSYS=/opt/midas" "MIDAS_EXPTAB=/home/neo/Code/WAGASCI/MIDAS/online/exptab" "MIDAS_EXPT_NAME=WAGASCI" 
"SVN_EDITOR=emacs -nw" "GIT_EDITOR=emacs -nw"

Entry  02 Mar 2008, Exaos Lee, Suggestion, Bash Script for handling an experiment code
I rearanged the files in "examples/experiment" as the attached "". I re-write the start/stop script as the attached "". The script "" can be re-used for many experiments. The user only needs to provide an script "" as the following containing the settings for the experiment environment.

[ ! "$MIDASSYS" ] && MIDASSYS=/opt/MIDAS.PSI/Version/Current
[ ! "$HTTPPORT" ] && HTTPPORT=8080
[ ! "$SRVHOST" ]  && SRVHOST=localhost



if [ ! "$MIDAS_EXPTAB" ]; then

I hope this can be helpful. Smile There seem to be some problems such as:
1. When several experiments are defined, the $LOGGER may be not the one used for this exp.
2. The "pidof" may be not in some platforms, so this script is limited.

Hope anybody can help me to improve it for general purpose. All my best!
Entry  10 Mar 2024, Zaher Salman, Bug Report, Autostart program 
Hello everyone,

It seems that if a frontend is started automatically by using Program->Auto start then the status page does not show it as started. This is since the FE name has a number after the name. If I stop and start manually then the status page shows the correct state of the FE. Am I doing something wrong or is this a bug somewhere?

    Reply  11 Mar 2024, Konstantin Olchanski, Bug Report, Autostart program 
> It seems that if a frontend is started automatically by using Program->Auto start then the status page does not show it as started. This is since the FE name has a number after the name. If I stop and start manually then the status page shows the correct state of the FE. Am I doing something wrong or is this a bug somewhere?

Zaher, please read

Entry  28 Nov 2013, Konstantin Olchanski, Info, Audit of fixed size arrays 
In one of the experiments, we hit a long time bug in mdump - there was an array of 32 equipments and if 
there were more than 32 entries under /equipment, it would overrun and corrupt memory. Somehow this 
only showed up after mdump was switched to c++. The solution was to use std::vector instead of fixed 
size array.

Just in case, I checked other midas programs for fixed size arrays (other than fixed size strings) and found 
none. (in midas.c, there is a fixed size array of TR_FIFO[10], but code inspection shows that it cannot 

I used this script. It can be modified to also identify any strange sized string arrays.


#!/usr/bin/perl -w

while (1) {
  my $in = <STDIN>;
  last unless $in;
  #print $in;

  $in =~ s/^\s+//;

  next if $in =~ /^char/;
  next if $in =~ /^static char/;

  my $a = $in =~ /(.*)[(\d+)\]/;

  next unless $a;

  my $a1 = $1;
  my $a2 = $2;

  next if $a2 == 0;
  next if $a2 == 1;
  next if $a2 == 2;
  next if $a2 == 3;

  #print "[$a] [$a1] [$a2]\n";
  print "-> $a1[$a2]\n";

# end
Entry  29 Aug 2009, Exaos Lee, Forum, At last, I'm here again! 
I always got a 503 server error while I tried to connect this log book the latest 
weeks. I don't know why. I hope it is not due to the network censorship because 
of the coming National Day of China. Anyway, good luck to me when I want to paste 
something here.
Entry  12 Oct 2003, Konstantin Olchanski, , Array overruns in mhttpd.c::submit_elog() 
While adding new functionality to submit_elog() (add the message text to the
outgoing email), I noticed that the email text is being stored into an array
of size 256, mail_text[256], without any checks for array overrun. This
cannot be good. How should this be corrected?
    Reply  12 Oct 2003, Konstantin Olchanski, , Array overruns in mhttpd.c::submit_elog() 
> While adding new functionality to submit_elog() (add the message text to the
> outgoing email), I noticed that the email text is being stored into an array
> of size 256, mail_text[256], without any checks for array overrun. This
> cannot be good. How should this be corrected?
> K.O.

Similar problem exists in midas.c::el_submit(). The array "message[10000]" is
easy to overrun by submitting a long elog message.

    Reply  13 Oct 2003, Stefan Ritt, , Array overruns in mhttpd.c::submit_elog() 
> > While adding new functionality to submit_elog() (add the message text to 
> > outgoing email), I noticed that the email text is being stored into an 
> > of size 256, mail_text[256], without any checks for array overrun. This
> > cannot be good. How should this be corrected?
> > K.O.
> Similar problem exists in midas.c::el_submit(). The array "message[10000]" 
> easy to overrun by submitting a long elog message.
> K.O.

The whole elog functionality in mhttpd will be replaced (sometime) by the 
standalone ELOG package, linked against mhttpd. The ELOG functionality is 
much richer and does not conatin all the mentioned problems which have been 
fixed there some time ago. For the time being it might however be worth to 
fix the mentioned problems, but without spending too much time on it.
    Reply  13 Oct 2003, Konstantin Olchanski, , Array overruns in mhttpd.c::submit_elog() 
> > > While adding new functionality to submit_elog() ....
> The whole elog functionality in mhttpd will be replaced (sometime) ...

I humbly submit that this has been the standard reply for the last 2 years since I was aware of 
the "last N days does not always work" problem (just saw it again yesterday).

ELOG V3.1.4-2e1708b5