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ID Date Authordown Topic Subject Text Attachments
  674   23 Nov 2009 Exaos LeeSuggestionScripts for "midas-config"Supposing you have installed MIDAS to some
directory such as "/opt/MIDAS/r4621", you
have to write some Makefile as the following
  697   08 Apr 2010 Exaos LeeForumHow to stop a run with a timer?I want to let the run stop and start periodically.
But I looked through the ODB
and didn't find anything may help. I also
  754   30 Mar 2011 Exaos LeeForumHow large does "bank32" support?Reading an FADC buffer often needs large buffer
size, especially while several
FADCs work together. I want to know how large
  768   24 Jun 2011 Exaos LeeSuggestionBuild MIDAS debian packages using autoconf/automake.Here is my story. I deployed several Debian
Linux boxes as the DAQ systems in our lab.
But I feel it's boring to build and install 
  786   18 Apr 2012 Exaos LeeBug ReportBuild error with mlogger: invalid conversion from ‘void*’ to ‘gzFile’I tried to build MIDAS under ArchLinux, failed
on errors as following:
[CODE]src/mlogger.cxx: In function ‘INT midas_flush_buffer(LOG_CHN*)’:
  794   13 Jun 2012 Exaos LeeBug ReportCannot start/stop run through mhttpdRevision: r5286 
Platform: Debian Linux 6.0.5 AMD64, with
packages from squeeze-backports 
  797   13 Jun 2012 Exaos LeeBug ReportCannot start/stop run through mhttpd> Well, it's mhttpd who cannot start the run,
not you. So what happens when you press
> the "start run" button? Any errors in midas.log
  798   14 Jun 2012 Exaos LeeBug ReportCannot start/stop run through mhttpd> > Revision: r5286 
> > Platform: Debian Linux 6.0.5 AMD64, with
packages from squeeze-backports 
  1905   07 May 2020 EstelleBug ReportConflic between Rootana and midas about the redefinition of TID_xxx data types Dear Midas and Rootana people,

We have tried to update our midas DAQ with
  316   27 Dec 2006 Eric-Olivier LE BIGOTForumAccess to out_info from mana.cHello,

Is it possible to access out_info (defined
  317   05 Jan 2007 Eric-Olivier LE BIGOTSuggestionAccess to out_info from mana.cWould it be relevant to transform out_info
into a *non-static* variable of a type
defined by a *named* struct?
  206   05 Apr 2005 Donald ArseneauBug Reportpointers and segfault in yb_any_file_rcloseI'm getting segfaults in yb_any_file_rclose
(closing a file opened with
yb_any_file_ropen with type MIDAS).
  1396   24 Sep 2018 Devin BurkeForumImplementing MIDAS on a SatelliteHello Everybody,

I am a member of a satellite team with a
  1402   25 Sep 2018 Devin BurkeForumImplementing MIDAS on a Satellite> > Hello Everybody,
> > 
> > I am a member of a satellite team with
  548   09 Jan 2009 Derek EscontriasForummlogger problemHi,

I am running Scientific Linux with kernel
  550   13 Jan 2009 Derek EscontriasForummlogger problem> > Hi,
> > 
> > I am running Scientific Linux with kernel
  560   26 Jan 2009 Derek EscontriasForumQuestion - ODB access from a custom pageHi, I am looking for a way to mutate ODB values
from a custom page. I have been
using the edit attribute for the 'odb' tag,
  618   18 Aug 2009 Denis CalvetSuggestionCould not create strings other than 32 characters with odbedit -c "..." commandHi,
I am writing shell scripts to create some
tree structure in an ODB. When 
  2451   13 Jan 2023 Denis CalvetSuggestionDebug printf remaining in mhttpd.cxxHi everyone,

It has been a long time since my last message.
  323   21 Jan 2007 Denis BilenkoBug Reportbuffer bugsHello,

We've been using midas and have stumbled
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