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    Reply  05 Feb 2024, Ben Smith, Bug Fix, string --> int64 conversion in the python interface ? 
> The symptoms are consistent with a string --> int64 conversion not happening 
> where it is needed. 

Thanks for the report Pasha. Indeed I was missing a conversion in one place. Fixed now!

Entry  30 Mar 2016, Belina von Krosigk, Forum, mserver ERR message saying data area 100% full, though it is free 

I have just installed Midas and set-up the ODB for a SuperCDMS test-facility (on
a SL6.7 machine). All works fine except that I receive the following error message:

[mserver,ERROR] [odb.c:944:db_validate_db,ERROR] Warning: database data area is
100% full

Which is puzzling for the following reason:

-> I have created the ODB with: odbedit -s 4194304
-> Checking the size of the .ODB.SHM it says: 4.2M
-> When I save the ODB as .xml and check the file's size it says: 1.1M
-> When I start odbedit and check the memory usage issuing 'mem', it says: 
Free Key area: 1982136 bytes out of 2097152 bytes
Free Data area: 2020072 bytes out of 2097152 bytes
Free: 1982136 (94.5%) keylist, 2020072 (96.3%) data

So it seems like nearly all memory is still free. As a test I created more
instances of one of our front-ends and checked 'mem' again. As expected the free
memory was decreasing. I did this ten times in fact, reaching

Free Key area: 1440976 bytes out of 2097152 bytes
Free Data area: 1861264 bytes out of 2097152 bytes
Free: 1440976 (68.7%) keylist, 1861264 (88.8%) data

So I could use another >20% of the database data area, which is according to the
error message 100% (resp. >95%) full. Am I misunderstanding the error message?
I'd appreciate any comments or ideas on that subject!

Thanks, Belina
Entry  14 Jan 2019, Becky Chislett, Bug Report, Custom script with new MIDAS 
I am having difficulty getting the custom scripts to work within the updated MIDAS. Before the 
update I was using something like : 

<input type=submit name=customscript value="test">

on my custom page to run a script under /CustomScript/test, however, with the update to 
MIDAS this is no longer working. I can't find any information about this functionality being 
updated in the latest version - has this changed? Or should it still work? 

Becky (g-2 DAQ)
Entry  23 Jul 2006, Art Olin, Forum, File output for histories 
The ALPHA experiment at CERN has recently adopted MIDAS, and the history data in numerical form is needed by the collaboration. Furthermore the DAQ is running under linux and most collaborators are windows or mac users, so it should be available in a platform independent way.

Basically we need the output from the mhist code. The most convenient, and possibly easiest implementation would be to select required data (ID, variable, time range) in the midas history display, click a button requesting file output and input a file name. One might also want to specify the interval time required.

A related nice feature would be like the root "view event status" , where text at the bottom of the history would display the position of the cursor in the history chart coordinates. Probably more work and less important to us.

Comments on the practicality?
    Reply  23 Jul 2006, Art Olin, Forum, File output for histories 
Hi, Stefan,

Using mhist is how I'll start, but I'm getting substantial resistance. It's not so much the command line that's the problem. First I have to install an ssh client on their machines! Then they ssh to the server, pipe the result to a file, then ftp the file back to their machine.

A browser implementation of this is much simpler.

I agree that the "View Event Status idea is not practical. I didn't know about the GIF implementation of the histories.
Entry  24 Jul 2006, Art Olin, Bug Report, Elog attachments Mix+Positronorig.xlsMix+Positron.xls
Hi. When I attach the file below, Mix+Positronorig.xlx to an elog, and then open it or download it to disk, the file, 060... is severely truncated.
-rw-r--r-- 1 alpha users 17408 Jul 24 11:25 Mix+Positronorig.xls
-rw-r--r-- 1 alpha users 1 Jul 24 11:04 060724_100544_Mix+Positron Cabling 20060723.xls

It's something to do with long filenames or special characters in filenames. Worked OK when I renamed the original file to M1.xls.
Entry  08 Aug 2019, Art Olin, Suggestion, midas cmake migration 
I want to report a bug in the ROOT build process that might be relevant to the midas implementation. I had an annoying failure to build root 6.18 (current pro version) with a misleading error message about a fault in the root code. It turned out this was a cmake problem, and the error was from my cmake version being older than 3.14, which is quite recent. Took a bit of searching to find this.

I recommend when the cmake version is distributed that the instructions include the required cmake version. Developers are generally working well ahead of what is available in the older OS's.
Entry  11 Jul 2023, Anubhav Prakash, Forum, Possible ODB corruption! Webpages not loading! Screenshot_2023-07-11_153016.pngScreenshot_2023-07-11_153016j.png
The ODB server seems to have crashed/corrupted. I tried reloading the previous
working version of ODB(using the commands in folliwng image) but it didn't work.

I have also attached the screenshot of the site Any help to resolve this would be appreciated! Normally Prof. Thomas Lindner would solve such issues, but he is busy working at CERN till 17th of July, and we cannot afford to wait until then.

The following is the error: when I run bash /home/midptf/online/bin/

[ODBEdit1,INFO] Fixing ODB "/Programs/ODBEdit" struct size mismatch (expected
316, odb size 92)
[ODBEdit1,ERROR] [odb.cxx:556:realloc_data,ERROR] cannot malloc_data(256),
called from db_set_link_data
[ODBEdit1,ERROR] [odb.cxx:6923:db_set_link_data,ERROR] Cannot reallocate
"/System/Tmp/140305391605888I/Start command" with new size 256 bytes, online
database full
[ODBEdit1,ERROR] [odb.cxx:8531:db_paste,ERROR] found string length of zero, set
to 32, odb path "Start command"
[ODBEdit1,ERROR] [odb.cxx:11293:db_get_record,ERROR] struct size mismatch for
"/Programs/ODBEdit" (expected size: 316, size in ODB: 92)
[ODBEdit1,ERROR] [odb.cxx:556:realloc_data,ERROR] cannot malloc_data(256),
called from db_set_link_data
[ODBEdit1,ERROR] [odb.cxx:6923:db_set_link_data,ERROR] Cannot reallocate
"/System/Tmp/140305391605888I/Start command" with new size 256 bytes, online
database full
[ODBEdit1,ERROR] [odb.cxx:8531:db_paste,ERROR] found string length of zero, set
to 32, odb path "Start command"
[ODBEdit1,ERROR] [odb.cxx:11381:db_get_record1,ERROR] after db_check_record()
still struct size mismatch (expected 316, odb size 92) of "/Programs/ODBEdit",
calling db_create_record()
[ODBEdit1,ERROR] [odb.cxx:556:realloc_data,ERROR] cannot malloc_data(256),
called from db_set_link_data
[ODBEdit1,ERROR] [odb.cxx:6923:db_set_link_data,ERROR] Cannot reallocate
"/System/Tmp/140305391605888I/Start command" with new size 256 bytes, online
database full
[ODBEdit1,ERROR] [odb.cxx:8531:db_paste,ERROR] found string length of zero, set
to 32, odb path "Start command"
[ODBEdit1,ERROR] [odb.cxx:11387:db_get_record1,ERROR] repaired struct size
mismatch of "/Programs/ODBEdit"
[ODBEdit1,ERROR] [odb.cxx:11293:db_get_record,ERROR] struct size mismatch for
"/Programs/ODBEdit" (expected size: 316, size in ODB: 92)
[ODBEdit1,ERROR] [alarm.cxx:702:al_check,ERROR] Cannot get program info record
for program "ODBEdit", db_get_record1() status 319
[ODBEdit1,INFO] Fixing ODB "/Programs/mhttpd" struct size mismatch (expected
316, odb size 60)
[ODBEdit1,ERROR] [odb.cxx:556:realloc_data,ERROR] cannot malloc_data(256),
called from db_set_link_data
[ODBEdit1,ERROR] [odb.cxx:6923:db_set_link_data,ERROR] Cannot reallocate
"/System/Tmp/140305391605888I/Start command" with new size 256 bytes, online
database full
[ODBEdit1,ERROR] [odb.cxx:8531:db_paste,ERROR] found string length of zero, set
to 32, odb path "Start command"
[ODBEdit1,ERROR] [odb.cxx:8531:db_paste,ERROR] found string length of zero, set
to 32, odb path "Start command"
[ODBEdit1,ERROR] [odb.cxx:11293:db_get_record,ERROR] struct size mismatch for
"/Programs/mhttpd" (expected size: 316, size in ODB: 92)
[ODBEdit1,ERROR] [odb.cxx:556:realloc_data,ERROR] cannot malloc_data(256),
called from db_set_link_data
[ODBEdit1,ERROR] [odb.cxx:6923:db_set_link_data,ERROR] Cannot reallocate
"/System/Tmp/140305391605888I/Start command" with new size 256 bytes, online
database full
[ODBEdit1,ERROR] [odb.cxx:8531:db_paste,ERROR] found string length of zero, set
to 32, odb path "Start command"
[ODBEdit1,ERROR] [odb.cxx:11381:db_get_record1,ERROR] after db_check_record()
still struct size mismatch (expected 316, odb size 92) of "/Programs/mhttpd",
calling db_create_record()
[ODBEdit1,ERROR] [odb.cxx:556:realloc_data,ERROR] cannot malloc_data(256),
called from db_set_link_data
[ODBEdit1,ERROR] [odb.cxx:6923:db_set_link_data,ERROR] Cannot reallocate
"/System/Tmp/140305391605888I/Start command" with new size 256 bytes, online
database full
[ODBEdit1,ERROR] [odb.cxx:8531:db_paste,ERROR] found string length of zero, set
to 32, odb path "Start command"
[ODBEdit1,ERROR] [odb.cxx:11387:db_get_record1,ERROR] repaired struct size
mismatch of "/Programs/mhttpd"
[ODBEdit1,ERROR] [odb.cxx:11293:db_get_record,ERROR] struct size mismatch for
"/Programs/mhttpd" (expected size: 316, size in ODB: 92)
[ODBEdit1,ERROR] [alarm.cxx:702:al_check,ERROR] Cannot get program info record
for program "mhttpd", db_get_record1() status 319
[ODBEdit1,INFO] Fixing ODB "/Programs/Logger" struct size mismatch (expected
316, odb size 60)
[ODBEdit1,ERROR] [odb.cxx:556:realloc_data,ERROR] cannot malloc_data(256),
called from db_set_link_data
[ODBEdit1,ERROR] [odb.cxx:6923:db_set_link_data,ERROR] Cannot reallocate
"/System/Tmp/140305391605888I/Start command" with new size 256 bytes, online
database full
[ODBEdit1,ERROR] [odb.cxx:8531:db_paste,ERROR] found string length of zero, set
to 32, odb path "Start command"
[ODBEdit1,ERROR] [odb.cxx:8531:db_paste,ERROR] found string length of zero, set
to 32, odb path "Start command"
[ODBEdit1,ERROR] [odb.cxx:11293:db_get_record,ERROR] struct size mismatch for
"/Programs/Logger" (expected size: 316, size in ODB: 92)
[ODBEdit1,ERROR] [odb.cxx:556:realloc_data,ERROR] cannot malloc_data(256),
called from db_set_link_data
[ODBEdit1,ERROR] [odb.cxx:6923:db_set_link_data,ERROR] Cannot reallocate
"/System/Tmp/140305391605888I/Start command" with new size 256 bytes, online
database full
[ODBEdit1,ERROR] [odb.cxx:8531:db_paste,ERROR] found string length of zero, set
to 32, odb path "Start command"
[ODBEdit1,ERROR] [odb.cxx:11381:db_get_record1,ERROR] after db_check_record()
still struct size mismatch (expected 316, odb size 92) of "/Programs/Logger",
calling db_create_record()
[ODBEdit1,ERROR] [odb.cxx:556:realloc_data,ERROR] cannot malloc_data(256),
called from db_set_link_data
[ODBEdit1,ERROR] [odb.cxx:6923:db_set_link_data,ERROR] Cannot reallocate
"/System/Tmp/140305391605888I/Start command" with new size 256 bytes, online
database full
[ODBEdit1,ERROR] [odb.cxx:8531:db_paste,ERROR] found string length of zero, set
to 32, odb path "Start command"
[ODBEdit1,ERROR] [odb.cxx:11387:db_get_record1,ERROR] repaired struct size
mismatch of "/Programs/Logger"
[ODBEdit1,ERROR] [odb.cxx:11293:db_get_record,ERROR] struct size mismatch for
"/Programs/Logger" (expected size: 316, size in ODB: 92)
[ODBEdit1,ERROR] [alarm.cxx:702:al_check,ERROR] Cannot get program info record
for program "Logger", db_get_record1() status 319

14:54:29 [ODBEdit,ERROR] [odb.cxx:1763:db_validate_db,ERROR] Warning: database
data area is 100% full

14:54:29 [ODBEdit,ERROR] [odb.cxx:1283:db_validate_key,ERROR] hkey 643368, path
"/Alarms/Classes/<NULL>/Display BGColor", string value is not valid UTF-8

14:54:29 [ODBEdit1,ERROR] [odb.cxx:556:realloc_data,ERROR] cannot
malloc_data(256), called from db_set_link_data

14:54:29 [ODBEdit1,ERROR] [odb.cxx:6923:db_set_link_data,ERROR] Cannot
reallocate "/System/Tmp/140305391605888I/Start command" with new size 256 bytes,
online database full

14:54:29 [ODBEdit1,ERROR] [odb.cxx:8531:db_paste,ERROR] found string length of
zero, set to 32, odb path "Start command"

14:54:29 [ODBEdit1,ERROR] [odb.cxx:8531:db_paste,ERROR] found string length of
zero, set to 32, odb path "Start command"
Entry  28 Sep 2015, Anthony Villano, Suggestion, Feature Request: MIDAS sequencer abort. 
I am working for the SuperCDMS collaboration on some DAQ issues for our upcoming
SNOLAB installation.  So far, the MIDAS sequencer seems to be a good paradigm
for us to do procedural tasks for our detectors and data running interspersed
with other protocols.  

In our testing we've found that the sequencer works very well for this kind of
activity, although it would be useful to have a kind of scripted "abort" for
when something goes wrong -- especially if the user selects to abort a run

Because the sequencer is setting various detector parameters to a certain value
before performing the tasks, the values will never be restored if the user
aborts the sequence.  Instead, perhaps there can be a portion of a MIDAS
sequence script which is instructed to happen on an abort.  Perhaps something
like all commands after a given tag like:


get run on a user-initiated abort?  
Entry  11 Jun 2008, Andreas Suter, Suggestion, mlogger is flooding the message queue 
The current versions of mlogger SVN 4215 is flooding our message system with
stuff like

> Tue Jun 10 16:42:01 2008 [Logger,INFO] Configured history with 22 events
> Tue Jun 10 16:42:14 2008 [Logger,INFO] Configured history with 22 events
> Tue Jun 10 16:42:26 2008 [Logger,INFO] Configured history with 22 events

This is fatal to us and blowing up the midas.log like hell. I would prefer if
one could flag these kind of messages (ODB /Logger/..), i.e. enable and disable
it. At the moment I have to comment it out in the source code since we cannot
work with it.

    Reply  21 Jan 2009, Andreas Suter, Bug Report, mhttpd, mlogger updates 
There is an obvious "unwanted feature" in this version of the mhttpd. It writes the
"plot time" into the gif (mhttpd, if-statement starting in line 8853). 

Please check this obvious things more carefully in the future before submitting code. ;-)

> mhttpd and mlogger have been updated with potentially troublesome changes.
> Before using these latest versions, please make a backup of your ODB. This is
> svn revisions 4434 (mhttpd.c) and 4435 (mlogger.c).
> These new features are now available:
> - a "feature complete" implementation of "history in an SQL database". We use
> this new code to write history data from the T2K test setup in the TRIUMF M11
> beam line to a MySQL database (mlogger) and to make history plots directly from
> this database (mhttpd). We still write normal midas history files and we have a
> utility to import midas .hst files into an SQL database (utils/mh2sql). The code
> is functional, but incomplete. For best SQL database data layout, you should
> enable the "per variable history" (but backup your ODB before you do this!). All
> are welcome to try it, kick the tires, report any problems. Documentation TBW.
> - experimental implementation of "ODBRpc" added to the midas javascript library
> (ODBSet, ODBGet & co). This permits buttons on midas "custom" web pages to
> invoke RPC calls directly into user frontend programs, for example to turn
> things on or off. Documentation TBW.
> - the mlogger/mhttpd implementation of /History/Tags has proved troublesome and
> we are moving away from it. The SQL database history implementation already does
> not use it. During the present transition period:
> - mlogger and mhttpd will now work without /History/Tags. This implementation
> reads history tags directly from the history files themselves. Two downsides to
> this: it is slower and tags become non-persistent: if some frontends have not
> been running for a while, their variables may vanish from the history panel
> editor. To run in this mode, set "/History/DisableTags" to "y". Existing
> /History/Tags will be automatically deleted.
> - for the above 2 reasons, I still recommend using /History/Tags, but the format
> of the tags is now changed to simplify management and reduce odb size. mlogger
> will automatically convert the tags to this new format (this is why you should
> make a backup of your ODB).
> - using old mlogger with new mhttpd is okey: new mhttpd understands both formats
> of /History/Tags.
> - using old mhttpd with new mlogger is okey: please set ODB
> "/History/CreateOldTags" to "y" (type TID_BOOL/"boolean") before starting mlogger.
> K.O.
Entry  17 Jan 2011, Andreas Suter, Bug Report, Problems with midas history SVN 4936 
I have the following problems after updating to midas SVN 4936: the history 
system (web-page via mhttpd) seems to stop working. I checked the history files 
themself and they are indeed written, except that the events ID's are not the 
same anymore (I mean the ones defined under /Equipment/XXX/Common/Event ID), 
rather the mlogger seems to choose an ID by itself.
Currently the only way to get things working again was to recompile midas with 
adding -DOLD_HISTORY to the CFLAGS which is troublesome since it is likely to be 
forgotton with the next SVN update. When looking into the SVN I have the 
impression there is something going on concerning the history system, however
I couldn't find any documentation.
What is the best practice for the future, in order not to run into any problems 
but still being able to look at the old history (also from within the web-page 
via mhttpd)?
Entry  11 Feb 2014, Andreas Suter, Bug Report, mhttpd, etc. arrayIndex_b.jpegmultiDriverSet.jpegmultiDriverSet_labels.jpegheader1.jpeg
I found a couple of bugs in the current mhttpd, midas version: "93fa5ed"

This concerns all browser I checked (firefox, chrome, internet explorer, opera)

1) When trying to change a value of a frontend using a multi class driver (we
have a lot of them), the field for changing appears, but I cannot get it set!
Neither via the two set buttons (why 2?) nor via return.

It also would be nice, if the css could be changed such that input/output for
multi-driver would be better separated; something along as suggested in

2) If I changing a value (generic/hv class driver), the index of the array
remains when chaning a value until the next update of the page

3) We are using a web-password. In the current version the password is plain visible when entering.

4) I just copied the header as described here:, but I get another result:

It looks like as a wrong cookie is filtered?
Entry  27 Feb 2014, Andreas Suter, Suggestion, runlog is "ugly" runlog-default.pngmhttp_css_1.pngmhttp_css_2.pngrunlog-proposal.png
I have a couple of questions and suggestions concerning the "new" CSS style of the mhttpd, especially related to the runlog

  1. If I am not mistaken, the mhttpd.css is hard coded (path/name) into the mhttpd. Wouldn't it be beneficial to have ODB entries where to get is from? This way people could change the look and feel more freely.
  2. Especially the look and feel of the runlog is unsatisfactorily from my point of view. See . The old style was much more readable. I could recover the old style look and feel by slightly changing the mhttpd.cxx where I changed in show_rawfile(const char*) "dialogTable" to "runlogTable" in the table class. This way I could tinker around with the mhttpd.css by adding the following stuff there:
    • adding .runlogTable in line 289 :
    • adding some style information for the runlogTable :
This way the "old" runlog look and feel recovered : , which I think is much more readable.
  • If possible, I would love to have alternating background colors between the runs for readability reasons, but I am not sure how easy it would be to add something like this.
    I not much experience with HTML/CSS yet, though a concrete implementation might be different.
  •     Reply  28 Feb 2014, Andreas Suter, Suggestion, runlog is "ugly" mhttpd.cxx.diffmhttpd.css.diff
    Understand me right, I mostly like the new style, except the runlog as reported.
    Attached you will find the diff's you were asking for. But as pointed out, I
    haven't worked so far on CSS and hence this should be checked!!
    I understand that the mhttpd.js needs to be the default one, however, mhttpd.css
    might be left to the end-user to adopt to their specific needs. I shortly
    checked in the mhttpd demon. It checks for the resources path in the ODB. If it
    also would check for a CSS name, mhttpd.css could be changed/adopted by the
    end-users without breaking things (at least it would then be their one business).
    > > If I am not mistaken, the mhttpd.css is hard coded (path/name) into the mhttpd.
    > mhttpd.css is served from $MIDASSYS/resources/mhttpd.css. The actual path is
    reported on the mhttpd 
    > "help" page.
    > (I think the internal mhttpd.css and mhttpd.js should be removed as no longer
    useful - nothing will work 
    > right if the real mhttpd.js and mhttpd.css cannot be served).
    > > Especially the look and feel of the runlog is unsatisfactorily from my point
    of view.
    > persons in charge of implementing the CSS stuff failed to convert quite a few
    pages, for example, the elog 
    > and the history editor pages were left completely broken. (mostly fixed now).
    > so thank you for reporting the runlog breakage, I hope Stefan & co can fix it
    quickly. (I cannot do - I have 
    > have no runlog pages on any of my test experiments).
    > > the old style was much more readable.
    > I think the new style is not too bad, except for a few visual artefacts here
    and there, the general comment 
    > that CSS is too complicated and hard to debug and the fact that over-subtle
    colouring yields inconsistent 
    > visuals between different monitors and ambient lighting conditions. (persons
    who select the colours always 
    > respond that "but to me, it looks just fine on my laptop", making it hard to
    resolve any issues).
    > > I could recover the old style look and feel by slightly changing the mhttpd.cxx
    > If you post the patches that fix it for you, I can commit them to midas. (git
    diff | mail
    > K.O.
    Entry  11 Mar 2014, Andreas Suter, Forum, mlogger problem 
    I stumbled over a problem which I cannot pin point and would appreciate suggestions.

    I set up an experiment, and all of a sudden I noticed the following behaviour.

    I can start any number of frontends without any problems as long as mlogger is NOT running.
    I can also start mlogger without any problems. However, as soon as I started the mlogger, I cannot start anything else any more (including odbedit). I get the following assertion:
    16:07:06 [Logger,INFO] Program Logger on host lem00 started
    [nemu@lem00 2014]$ odbedit -e nemu
    odbedit: src/odb.c:753: db_update_open_record: Assertion `xkey->notify_count == pkey->notify_count' failed.
    This is even happening if I stop all frontends, start only the mlogger and afterwards try to start odbedit.

    I tried to see if this is a generic feature on a test experiment, but there I cannot reproduce it. It seems that there is either something wrong with the ODB, something wrong with hotlinks, ..., I don't know.

    I would appreciated suggestions how pin point the issue.
        Reply  11 Mar 2014, Andreas Suter, Forum, mlogger problem 

    Stefan Ritt wrote:

    Andreas Suter wrote:
    I stumbled over a problem which I cannot pin point and would appreciate suggestions.

    I set up an experiment, and all of a sudden I noticed the following behaviour.

    I can start any number of frontends without any problems as long as mlogger is NOT running.
    I can also start mlogger without any problems. However, as soon as I started the mlogger, I cannot start anything else any more (including odbedit). I get the following assertion:
    16:07:06 [Logger,INFO] Program Logger on host lem00 started
    [nemu@lem00 2014]$ odbedit -e nemu
    odbedit: src/odb.c:753: db_update_open_record: Assertion `xkey->notify_count == pkey->notify_count' failed.
    This is even happening if I stop all frontends, start only the mlogger and afterwards try to start odbedit.

    I tried to see if this is a generic feature on a test experiment, but there I cannot reproduce it. It seems that there is either something wrong with the ODB, something wrong with hotlinks, ..., I don't know.

    I would appreciated suggestions how pin point the issue.

    K.O. put that in:

    He should have a look at it.

    Have you tried to rebuild your ODB from scratch? (Save in XML, then delete .ODB.SHM, then load again form XML)?


    Yes, I could recover the ODB by falling back to a previous dump. Still, I would like to know what is the exact meaning of the above assertion. It might help to understand what are the likely cause which results in the assertion.

    Entry  12 Mar 2014, Andreas Suter, Info, Windows support droped? 
    In the old SVN midas world it was typically such that the Windows dll's and
    exe's were ready to be used when checking out. I am not so sure this is the case
    for the current version, since when I use the packed dll's  and exe's (e.g.
    odbedit.exe) I get the warning that this is running midas 2.0.0 but the current
    version (on the linux server) is 2.1.
    What does this mean?
    1) A little bug in the packed windows part, but up-to-date dll's and exe's?
    2) The dll's and exe's are not bundled any more to up-to-date version?
    If 2) is the case, I would like to get a hint how to build midas under Windows
    (Windows 7), since we still have some few Windows clients.  
    Entry  13 May 2015, Andreas Suter, Forum, Check if Client is running from Javascript 
    Is there currently an easy way to check from javascript if a midas client is
    running? I mean an equivalent to cm_exist.

    Sometimes this would be very useful in custom pages.
        Reply  14 May 2015, Andreas Suter, Forum, Check if Client is running from Javascript 
    Thanks a lot! This helps for now.

    Thomas Lindner wrote:

    Andreas Suter wrote:
    Is there currently an easy way to check from javascript if a midas client is
    running? I mean an equivalent to cm_exist.

    Sometimes this would be very useful in custom pages.

    It is not as clean as what you asked, but I have in the past written javascript like this to check if a program is running

    var req = new Array();
    req[0]= "Programs/towerfe3_00/First failed";
    var result = ODBMGet(req);
    if(result[0] == 0){
    // then program is running
    ELOG V3.1.4-2e1708b5