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ID Date Authordown Topic Subject Text Attachments
  1196   08 Sep 2016 Amy RobertsBug Reportcontrol characters not sanitized by json_write - can cause JSON.parse of mhttpd result to failI've recently run into issues when using JSON.parse
on ODB keys containing 
8-bit data.
  1197   09 Sep 2016 Amy RobertsSuggestionAJAX jmsg "get messages since t" ability - add to docs?I recently needed to watch the Midas messages
for a particular error - and 
thus needed a command to "get all the messages
  1339   16 Feb 2018 Amy RobertsSuggestionrespect capitalization option in db_get_values mjsonrpc method?I'd like to use the mjsonrpc db_get_values
method, but (as indicated in the
documentation) it returns all ODB keys as
  1340   17 Feb 2018 Amy RobertsSuggestionrespect capitalization option in db_get_values mjsonrpc method?It appears I needed to read the documentation
more closely - the method db_save
does respect key-name capitalization and
  1796   28 Jan 2020 Amy RobertsSuggestionMIDAS tested with MariaDB?We're using the History Logger MIDAS feature
and writing to mySQL tables, but 
in some cases have run into issues installing
  2000   29 Sep 2020 Amy RobertsForumusing python client to start and stop runI'm using a python client to start and stop
runs, and the following code *appears* 
to set the MIDAS state to "Run"
  2021   24 Nov 2020 Amy RobertsSuggestionODBSET wildcards with array keys in Sequencer filesI'm interested in using the matching feature
for ODBSET explained on
  2023   25 Nov 2020 Amy RobertsSuggestionODBSET wildcards with array keys in Sequencer filesThe following all fail with "Cannot find ODB
key "<key>""
  2025   25 Nov 2020 Amy RobertsSuggestionODBSET wildcards with array keys in Sequencer filesI think the issue may be the version of MIDAS
I'm using.  Mine is current as of February
4, 2020.  
  2061   17 Dec 2020 Amy RobertsSuggestionImproving variable functionality in Sequencer?We're using the sequencer to manage runs,
and this typically looks something like:
  2065   05 Jan 2021 Amy RobertsSuggestionImproving variable functionality in Sequencer?Hello, just wanted to re-ping on this question
now that folks are starting to get back from
  2289   14 Oct 2021 Amy RobertsSuggestionAdding (or improving discoverability) of TID for odbsetCreating an ODB key requires users to know
the Type ID that are defined in
  1751   06 Jan 2020 Alireza TalebitaherForumSSL_ERROR_NO_CYPHER_OVERLAPHello,

I am quite new in both Linux and MIDAS.
  1753   07 Jan 2020 Alireza TalebitaherForumSSL_ERROR_NO_CYPHER_OVERLAPHi Konstantin,
Thanks for your reply, 
  1755   08 Jan 2020 Alireza TalebitaherForumSSL_ERROR_NO_CYPHER_OVERLAPHi,
As, the link suggests, I perform "yum install
-y mod_ssl certwatch crypto-utils" but it
  1006   06 Jun 2014 Alexey KalininForumproblem with writing data on diskHello,
Our experiment based on MIDAS 2.x DAQ.
I'm using several identical frontend-%d 
  1009   16 Jun 2014 Alexey KalininForumproblem with writing data on diskHello, once again.
What I found is when I tryed to stop the
run, mlogger still working and writing some
  1010   18 Jun 2014 Alexey KalininForumproblem with writing data on diskHello, 
I'm in deppression.
I removed Everything from computer with mserver
  2307   02 Dec 2021 Alexey KalininBug Reportsome frontend kicked by cm_periodic_tasksHello,
We have a small experiment with MIDAS based
  2337   11 Feb 2022 Alexey KalininBug Reportsome frontend kicked by cm_periodic_tasksThanks for the answer.
As soon as I can(possible in a month) I'll
try suggestion below:
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