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  2860   27 Sep 2024 Ben SmithForumPython frontend rate limitations?
> in your case the limitation is likely that you're sending 1.25MB per event and we have a lot of data marshalling to do between the python and C++ layer.
> I'll add it to my to-do list to investigate improving the performance of medium-to-large events in the python code.

I've now added better support for numpy arrays in the python code that encodes a `midas.event.Event` object. If you use the "correct" numpy data type then you can get vastly improved performance as numpy already stores the data in memory in the format that we need.

In your example, if you change
        self.zero_buffer = [0] * self.total_data_size
        self.zero_buffer = np.ndarray(self.total_data_size, np.int16)

then the max data rate of the frontend goes from 330MB/s to 7600MB/s on my laptop (a factor 20 improvement from one line of code!) 

To ensure you're using the optimal numpy dtype for your bank, you can reference a dict called `midas.tid_np_formats`. For example `midas.tid_np_formats[midas.TID_SHORT]` is equivalent to `np.int16`. If you use an int16 array and write it as a TID_SHORT bank, then we'll use the fast path. If there is a mismatch, we'll have to do type conversions and will end up on the slow path.
  2859   24 Sep 2024 Konstantin OlchanskiSuggestionClean up compiler warning in manalyzer
> > I like the look of std::format, looks cleaner than string streams
> I fully agree. String streams is a pain if you want to do zero-leading hex output mixed with decimal output. Yes it's easier to read if you don't know printf syntax,
> but 10-20 times more chars to write and not necessarily cleaner.

IMO c++ string streams formatting is optimized for "hello world" and is useless for printing hex numbers, table-formatted data and generally anything real-life.

plus the borked std::to_string() (it takes a global lock for the "C" locale), "fixed" it by introducing std::to_chars() in C++17,
with "ultimate fix" in std::format in C++26.

no question why C++ has the bad reputation. for a "done right" example, take a look at the Go standard library.

> Probable is that we would have to convert about a few thousand of sprintf's() in midas.

surprising few bare sprintf() remaining in MIDAS, most of them overflow-safe and most of them to be converted to msprintf().

  2858   24 Sep 2024 Konstantin OlchanskiBug ReportCan we convert the .mid file into .root file
"Can we convert the .mid file into .root file".

yes, you can, but the operation is under-defined. it's like asking "can I convert these stones into houses". the answer is "yes", but it involves 
more than running a universal conversion program.

For this reason, I recommend against converting midas files "to root". for some types of midas data such a conversion makes no sense (i.e. alpha-g 
streamed udp packets with chopped compressed waveforms).

I recommend that you analyze you data in the midas analyzer. You can start with manalyzer_example_root.cxx,
it shows how to create a ROOT histogram, how to access midas event bank data and call the TH1 "Fill" method.

Instead of filling histograms in the analyzer, you can create a ROOT TTree and fill it with data from midas data banks,
effectively you will create your own custom converter from midas to root.

The key thing is that it has to be a custom converter, because only you know the meaning of midas bank data
and how it should be best stored in a root tree.

  2857   24 Sep 2024 Stefan RittInfoNews MSCB++ API
> Where is the example of error handling?

#include "mscbxx.h"
#include "mexcept.h"

   try {
      // connect to node 10 at submaster mscb123
      midas::mscb m("mscb123", 10);

      // print a variable
      std::cout << m["Input0"] << std::endl;
   } catch (mexception e) {
      std::cout << e << std::endl; // simply print exception
  2856   22 Sep 2024 Tam Kai ChungBug ReportCan we convert the .mid file into .root file
Dear experts, 
I am a new user of MIDAS. I have just created some banks by a frontend.cxx code.
Now, I would like to do some analysis from the data.

I have an analyzer.cxx code (A very simple one without complicated routine).

I try to link the analyzer.o with rmana.o and libmidas.a to create analyzer.exe

I am not sure whether I can do the analysis offline in the follow way:

analyzer.exe -i run00001.mid -o run00001.root

When I run this command,  I get the following error:

Error in <TClass::LoadClassInfo>: no interpreter information for class TSocket is available even though it has a TClass initialization routine.

I am using root 6.30

Any suggestion about this issue? Thank you.

  2855   20 Sep 2024 Stefan RittSuggestionClean up compiler warning in manalyzer
> I like the look of std::format, looks cleaner than string streams

I fully agree. String streams is a pain if you want to do zero-leading hex output mixed with decimal output. Yes it's easier to read if you don't know printf syntax,
but 10-20 times more chars to write and not necessarily cleaner.

Proble is that we would have to convert about a few thousand of sprintf's() in midas.

  2854   20 Sep 2024 Joseph McKennaSuggestionClean up compiler warning in manalyzer
> > This is a super small pull request, simple replace deprecated sprintf with snprintf
> >
> sprintf() is not deprecated and "char buf[256]; sprintf(buf, "%05d", 64-bit-int);" is safe, will never overflow.
> we could bulk-convert all these sprintf() to snprintf() but I would rather wait for this:
> let me think on this for a bit.
> K.O.

I completely agree that the 64-bit int is safe and will never overflow. Doing a little digging, both clang and gcc don't raise warnings on x86_64 (even with -Wall -Wextra -Wpedantic), even when I give it a buffer impossibly small (two bytes). However I've narrowed down the depreciation warning comes from: MacOS

I like the look of std::format, looks cleaner than string streams
  2853   20 Sep 2024 Stefan RittBug ReportCrash using ODB watch
The problem has been fixed in the current version. Here is my analysis:

- the midas::odb object *can* go out of scope in the function, since the odb::watch() function creates a deep copy of the object. 
This does not cause a memory leak if one call odb::unwatch_all() at the end of a program.

- The creation from XML had a flaw where the ODB key handle ("hKey") is not initialized since it is not passed by the db_copy_xml() function.
I added code to db_copy_xml() to also fetch the key handle in the XML file, which now fixes the issue. Please note that you have to
update both the server and client side of midas to get this functionality if you are using it by a remote client.

- I saw the flag MK added on his pull request to the constructor of odb::odb(). This is a way to fight the symptoms (by creating an
object the "old" way if not otherwise needed, but how we have the cause cured. Nevertheless I added that parameter, but set to to true by default:

   odb::odb(const std::string &str, bool init_via_xml = true);

since this should be fully working now and should always be faster than the old method. I only keep it for debugging should we observe
another flaw in odb_from_xml(). 

Best regards,
  2852   18 Sep 2024 Marius KoeppelBug ReportCrash using ODB watch
I created a PR to fix this issue
The crash happened since the change in commit 3ad98c5 always got the ODB via XML.
However, the creation from XML should only be used when a user wants to read fast (and when we are on a remote machine) so I added the flag use_from_xml to explicitly specify this.

> > {
> > odb new_settings("/Equipment/Test FE/Settings");
> >; // <-- here I am getting a segmentation fault
> > }
> this code has a bug. "watch" is attached to object "new_settings" that is deleted
> after the closing curly bracket.

> I would say Stefan's odb API should not allow you to write code like this. an API defect.

As pointed out in the thread this feature is explicitly supported by odbxx.cxx:

void odb::watch(std::function<void(midas::odb &)> f) {
      if (m_hKey == 0 || m_hKey == -1)
         mthrow("watch() called for ODB key \"" + m_name +
                "\" which is not connected to ODB");

      // create a deep copy of current object in case it
      // goes out of scope
      midas::odb* ow = new midas::odb(*this);

      ow->m_watch_callback = f;
      db_watch(s_hDB, m_hKey, midas::odb::watch_callback, ow);

      // put object into watchlist

Also in the old way (see for example it was possible to create a watch in a scope without the user taking care that the "object" does not go out of scope.
I think this feature should be supported by the framework.

  2851   17 Sep 2024 Konstantin OlchanskiBug ReportCrash using ODB watch
> {
> odb new_settings("/Equipment/Test FE/Settings");
>; // <-- here I am getting a segmentation fault
> }

this code has a bug. "watch" is attached to object "new_settings" that is deleted
after the closing curly bracket.

I would say Stefan's odb API should not allow you to write code like this. an API defect.

  2850   16 Sep 2024 Mark GrimesBug ReportCrash using ODB watch
Maybe I've misunderstood the code, but odb::watch() creates a deep copy of itself to set the watch to.  The comment where this happens specifies that this is in case the current one goes out of scope.  See
So as far as I can tell allowing the current odb instance to go out of scope is supported.



> Okay, but this is then a big issue IMO. For Mu3e we do this in every frontend and I also checked again all of these watches are broken at the moment (with commit 3ad98c5 they worked).
> In the old style we did for example (see
> INT frontend_init()
> {
>    HNDLE hKey;
>    // create Settings structure in ODB
>    db_create_record(hDB, 0, "Equipment/Clock Reset/Settings", strcomb1(cr_settings_str).c_str());
>    db_find_key(hDB, 0, "/Equipment/Clock Reset", &hKey);
>    assert(hKey);
>    db_watch(hDB, hKey, cr_settings_changed, NULL);
>    /*
>     * Set our transition sequence. The default is 500. Setting it
>     * to 600 means we are called AFTER most other clients.
>     */
>    cm_set_transition_sequence(TR_START, 600);
>    return CM_SUCCESS;
> }
> I thought this will be the same (under the hood) in the current odbxx way via:
> odb settings("Equipment/Clock Reset/Settings");
> Best,
> Marius
> > Well, the object *went* out of scope. For my code it‘s hard to realize this, so the error reporting is poor. Also the first object should have the same
> > problem. Just by accident that it does not crash.
> > 
> > Stefan 
> > 
> > > This is not the case here. Note that the error message: "Callback received for a midas::odb object which went out of scope" is not called! The segmentation fault happens later line 96.
> > > 
> > > > The answer is in the error message: „Object went out of scope“. When your frontent_init() exits, the odb objects are destroyed. When you get a callback, it‘s linked to the
> > > > destroyed object. This is like if you have a local string and pass a reference to that string in the return of the function.
> > > > 
> > > > Use a global object (bad) or use „new“ (potential memory leak). I would use a global structure which holds all odb objects.
> > > > 
> > > > Stefan
> > > >  
> > > > > 
> > > > > last week I was running MIDAS with the commit 3ad98c5. Today I updated MIDAS and now all my watch functions are crashing. Attached I have a minimal example frontend of the problem.
> > > > > 
> > > > > In our software we have two functions one which sets up the ODB values of the frontend and another one which sets up all watch functions. So overall we connect two time to the ODB during fronend_init one time to create the values and one time to create the watch. In the example code a simple version of this setup is shown:
> > > > > 
> > > > > INT frontend_init() {
> > > > > 
> > > > >   cm_msg(MINFO, "frontend_init() setup", "Test FE");
> > > > > 
> > > > >   odb settings = {
> > > > >     {"Test", 123},
> > > > >     {"sub", {}}
> > > > >   };
> > > > >   settings.connect_and_fix_structure("/Equipment/Test FE/Settings");
> > > > >   //; <-- this works without segmentation fault
> > > > > 
> > > > >   odb new_settings("/Equipment/Test FE/Settings");
> > > > >; // <-- here I am getting a segmentation fault
> > > > > 
> > > > >   return CM_SUCCESS;
> > > > > }
> > > > > 
> > > > > When I directly set the watch everything runs fine however, when I create a new ODB object and use this one to set a watch I am getting the following segmentation fault:
> > > > > 
> > > > > Process 18474 stopped
> > > > > * thread #1, queue = '', stop reason = EXC_BAD_ACCESS (code=1, address=0x34)
> > > > >     frame #0: 0x000000010004fa38 test_fe`midas::odb::watch_callback(hDB=<unavailable>, hKey=<unavailable>, index=0, info=0x00006000002001c0) at odbxx.cxx:96:25 [opt]
> > > > >    93  	      if (po->m_data == nullptr)
> > > > >    94  	         mthrow("Callback received for a midas::odb object which went out of scope");
> > > > >    95  	      midas::odb *poh = search_hkey(po, hKey);
> > > > > -> 96  	      poh->m_last_index = index;
> > > > >    97  	      po->m_watch_callback(*poh);
> > > > >    98  	      poh->m_last_index = -1;
> > > > >    99  	   }
> > > > > 
> > > > > Best,
> > > > > Marius
  2849   16 Sep 2024 Marius KoeppelBug ReportCrash using ODB watch
Okay, but this is then a big issue IMO. For Mu3e we do this in every frontend and I also checked again all of these watches are broken at the moment (with commit 3ad98c5 they worked).
In the old style we did for example (see

INT frontend_init()
   HNDLE hKey;

   // create Settings structure in ODB
   db_create_record(hDB, 0, "Equipment/Clock Reset/Settings", strcomb1(cr_settings_str).c_str());
   db_find_key(hDB, 0, "/Equipment/Clock Reset", &hKey);

   db_watch(hDB, hKey, cr_settings_changed, NULL);

    * Set our transition sequence. The default is 500. Setting it
    * to 600 means we are called AFTER most other clients.
   cm_set_transition_sequence(TR_START, 600);

   return CM_SUCCESS;

I thought this will be the same (under the hood) in the current odbxx way via:

odb settings("Equipment/Clock Reset/Settings");;


> Well, the object *went* out of scope. For my code it‘s hard to realize this, so the error reporting is poor. Also the first object should have the same
> problem. Just by accident that it does not crash.
> Stefan 
> > This is not the case here. Note that the error message: "Callback received for a midas::odb object which went out of scope" is not called! The segmentation fault happens later line 96.
> > 
> > > The answer is in the error message: „Object went out of scope“. When your frontent_init() exits, the odb objects are destroyed. When you get a callback, it‘s linked to the
> > > destroyed object. This is like if you have a local string and pass a reference to that string in the return of the function.
> > > 
> > > Use a global object (bad) or use „new“ (potential memory leak). I would use a global structure which holds all odb objects.
> > > 
> > > Stefan
> > >  
> > > > 
> > > > last week I was running MIDAS with the commit 3ad98c5. Today I updated MIDAS and now all my watch functions are crashing. Attached I have a minimal example frontend of the problem.
> > > > 
> > > > In our software we have two functions one which sets up the ODB values of the frontend and another one which sets up all watch functions. So overall we connect two time to the ODB during fronend_init one time to create the values and one time to create the watch. In the example code a simple version of this setup is shown:
> > > > 
> > > > INT frontend_init() {
> > > > 
> > > >   cm_msg(MINFO, "frontend_init() setup", "Test FE");
> > > > 
> > > >   odb settings = {
> > > >     {"Test", 123},
> > > >     {"sub", {}}
> > > >   };
> > > >   settings.connect_and_fix_structure("/Equipment/Test FE/Settings");
> > > >   //; <-- this works without segmentation fault
> > > > 
> > > >   odb new_settings("/Equipment/Test FE/Settings");
> > > >; // <-- here I am getting a segmentation fault
> > > > 
> > > >   return CM_SUCCESS;
> > > > }
> > > > 
> > > > When I directly set the watch everything runs fine however, when I create a new ODB object and use this one to set a watch I am getting the following segmentation fault:
> > > > 
> > > > Process 18474 stopped
> > > > * thread #1, queue = '', stop reason = EXC_BAD_ACCESS (code=1, address=0x34)
> > > >     frame #0: 0x000000010004fa38 test_fe`midas::odb::watch_callback(hDB=<unavailable>, hKey=<unavailable>, index=0, info=0x00006000002001c0) at odbxx.cxx:96:25 [opt]
> > > >    93  	      if (po->m_data == nullptr)
> > > >    94  	         mthrow("Callback received for a midas::odb object which went out of scope");
> > > >    95  	      midas::odb *poh = search_hkey(po, hKey);
> > > > -> 96  	      poh->m_last_index = index;
> > > >    97  	      po->m_watch_callback(*poh);
> > > >    98  	      poh->m_last_index = -1;
> > > >    99  	   }
> > > > 
> > > > Best,
> > > > Marius
  2848   16 Sep 2024 Stefan RittBug ReportCrash using ODB watch
Well, the object *went* out of scope. For my code it‘s hard to realize this, so the error reporting is poor. Also the first object should have the same
problem. Just by accident that it does not crash.


> This is not the case here. Note that the error message: "Callback received for a midas::odb object which went out of scope" is not called! The segmentation fault happens later line 96.
> > The answer is in the error message: „Object went out of scope“. When your frontent_init() exits, the odb objects are destroyed. When you get a callback, it‘s linked to the
> > destroyed object. This is like if you have a local string and pass a reference to that string in the return of the function.
> > 
> > Use a global object (bad) or use „new“ (potential memory leak). I would use a global structure which holds all odb objects.
> > 
> > Stefan
> >  
> > > 
> > > last week I was running MIDAS with the commit 3ad98c5. Today I updated MIDAS and now all my watch functions are crashing. Attached I have a minimal example frontend of the problem.
> > > 
> > > In our software we have two functions one which sets up the ODB values of the frontend and another one which sets up all watch functions. So overall we connect two time to the ODB during fronend_init one time to create the values and one time to create the watch. In the example code a simple version of this setup is shown:
> > > 
> > > INT frontend_init() {
> > > 
> > >   cm_msg(MINFO, "frontend_init() setup", "Test FE");
> > > 
> > >   odb settings = {
> > >     {"Test", 123},
> > >     {"sub", {}}
> > >   };
> > >   settings.connect_and_fix_structure("/Equipment/Test FE/Settings");
> > >   //; <-- this works without segmentation fault
> > > 
> > >   odb new_settings("/Equipment/Test FE/Settings");
> > >; // <-- here I am getting a segmentation fault
> > > 
> > >   return CM_SUCCESS;
> > > }
> > > 
> > > When I directly set the watch everything runs fine however, when I create a new ODB object and use this one to set a watch I am getting the following segmentation fault:
> > > 
> > > Process 18474 stopped
> > > * thread #1, queue = '', stop reason = EXC_BAD_ACCESS (code=1, address=0x34)
> > >     frame #0: 0x000000010004fa38 test_fe`midas::odb::watch_callback(hDB=<unavailable>, hKey=<unavailable>, index=0, info=0x00006000002001c0) at odbxx.cxx:96:25 [opt]
> > >    93  	      if (po->m_data == nullptr)
> > >    94  	         mthrow("Callback received for a midas::odb object which went out of scope");
> > >    95  	      midas::odb *poh = search_hkey(po, hKey);
> > > -> 96  	      poh->m_last_index = index;
> > >    97  	      po->m_watch_callback(*poh);
> > >    98  	      poh->m_last_index = -1;
> > >    99  	   }
> > > 
> > > Best,
> > > Marius
  2847   16 Sep 2024 Marius KoeppelBug ReportCrash using ODB watch
This is not the case here. Note that the error message: "Callback received for a midas::odb object which went out of scope" is not called! The segmentation fault happens later line 96.

> The answer is in the error message: „Object went out of scope“. When your frontent_init() exits, the odb objects are destroyed. When you get a callback, it‘s linked to the
> destroyed object. This is like if you have a local string and pass a reference to that string in the return of the function.
> Use a global object (bad) or use „new“ (potential memory leak). I would use a global structure which holds all odb objects.
> Stefan
> > 
> > last week I was running MIDAS with the commit 3ad98c5. Today I updated MIDAS and now all my watch functions are crashing. Attached I have a minimal example frontend of the problem.
> > 
> > In our software we have two functions one which sets up the ODB values of the frontend and another one which sets up all watch functions. So overall we connect two time to the ODB during fronend_init one time to create the values and one time to create the watch. In the example code a simple version of this setup is shown:
> > 
> > INT frontend_init() {
> > 
> >   cm_msg(MINFO, "frontend_init() setup", "Test FE");
> > 
> >   odb settings = {
> >     {"Test", 123},
> >     {"sub", {}}
> >   };
> >   settings.connect_and_fix_structure("/Equipment/Test FE/Settings");
> >   //; <-- this works without segmentation fault
> > 
> >   odb new_settings("/Equipment/Test FE/Settings");
> >; // <-- here I am getting a segmentation fault
> > 
> >   return CM_SUCCESS;
> > }
> > 
> > When I directly set the watch everything runs fine however, when I create a new ODB object and use this one to set a watch I am getting the following segmentation fault:
> > 
> > Process 18474 stopped
> > * thread #1, queue = '', stop reason = EXC_BAD_ACCESS (code=1, address=0x34)
> >     frame #0: 0x000000010004fa38 test_fe`midas::odb::watch_callback(hDB=<unavailable>, hKey=<unavailable>, index=0, info=0x00006000002001c0) at odbxx.cxx:96:25 [opt]
> >    93  	      if (po->m_data == nullptr)
> >    94  	         mthrow("Callback received for a midas::odb object which went out of scope");
> >    95  	      midas::odb *poh = search_hkey(po, hKey);
> > -> 96  	      poh->m_last_index = index;
> >    97  	      po->m_watch_callback(*poh);
> >    98  	      poh->m_last_index = -1;
> >    99  	   }
> > 
> > Best,
> > Marius
  2846   16 Sep 2024 Stefan RittBug ReportCrash using ODB watch
The answer is in the error message: „Object went out of scope“. When your frontent_init() exits, the odb objects are destroyed. When you get a callback, it‘s linked to the
destroyed object. This is like if you have a local string and pass a reference to that string in the return of the function.

Use a global object (bad) or use „new“ (potential memory leak). I would use a global structure which holds all odb objects.

> last week I was running MIDAS with the commit 3ad98c5. Today I updated MIDAS and now all my watch functions are crashing. Attached I have a minimal example frontend of the problem.
> In our software we have two functions one which sets up the ODB values of the frontend and another one which sets up all watch functions. So overall we connect two time to the ODB during fronend_init one time to create the values and one time to create the watch. In the example code a simple version of this setup is shown:
> INT frontend_init() {
>   cm_msg(MINFO, "frontend_init() setup", "Test FE");
>   odb settings = {
>     {"Test", 123},
>     {"sub", {}}
>   };
>   settings.connect_and_fix_structure("/Equipment/Test FE/Settings");
>   //; <-- this works without segmentation fault
>   odb new_settings("/Equipment/Test FE/Settings");
>; // <-- here I am getting a segmentation fault
>   return CM_SUCCESS;
> }
> When I directly set the watch everything runs fine however, when I create a new ODB object and use this one to set a watch I am getting the following segmentation fault:
> Process 18474 stopped
> * thread #1, queue = '', stop reason = EXC_BAD_ACCESS (code=1, address=0x34)
>     frame #0: 0x000000010004fa38 test_fe`midas::odb::watch_callback(hDB=<unavailable>, hKey=<unavailable>, index=0, info=0x00006000002001c0) at odbxx.cxx:96:25 [opt]
>    93  	      if (po->m_data == nullptr)
>    94  	         mthrow("Callback received for a midas::odb object which went out of scope");
>    95  	      midas::odb *poh = search_hkey(po, hKey);
> -> 96  	      poh->m_last_index = index;
>    97  	      po->m_watch_callback(*poh);
>    98  	      poh->m_last_index = -1;
>    99  	   }
> Best,
> Marius
  2845   16 Sep 2024 Marius KöppelBug ReportCrash using ODB watch
Hi all,

last week I was running MIDAS with the commit 3ad98c5. Today I updated MIDAS and now all my watch functions are crashing. Attached I have a minimal example frontend of the problem.

In our software we have two functions one which sets up the ODB values of the frontend and another one which sets up all watch functions. So overall we connect two time to the ODB during fronend_init one time to create the values and one time to create the watch. In the example code a simple version of this setup is shown:

INT frontend_init() {

  cm_msg(MINFO, "frontend_init() setup", "Test FE");

  odb settings = {
    {"Test", 123},
    {"sub", {}}
  settings.connect_and_fix_structure("/Equipment/Test FE/Settings");
  //; <-- this works without segmentation fault

  odb new_settings("/Equipment/Test FE/Settings");; // <-- here I am getting a segmentation fault

  return CM_SUCCESS;

When I directly set the watch everything runs fine however, when I create a new ODB object and use this one to set a watch I am getting the following segmentation fault:

Process 18474 stopped
* thread #1, queue = '', stop reason = EXC_BAD_ACCESS (code=1, address=0x34)
    frame #0: 0x000000010004fa38 test_fe`midas::odb::watch_callback(hDB=<unavailable>, hKey=<unavailable>, index=0, info=0x00006000002001c0) at odbxx.cxx:96:25 [opt]
   93  	      if (po->m_data == nullptr)
   94  	         mthrow("Callback received for a midas::odb object which went out of scope");
   95  	      midas::odb *poh = search_hkey(po, hKey);
-> 96  	      poh->m_last_index = index;
   97  	      po->m_watch_callback(*poh);
   98  	      poh->m_last_index = -1;
   99  	   }

  2844   13 Sep 2024 Konstantin OlchanskiSuggestionClean up compiler warning in manalyzer
> This is a super small pull request, simple replace deprecated sprintf with snprintf

sprintf() is not deprecated and "char buf[256]; sprintf(buf, "%05d", 64-bit-int);" is safe, will never overflow.

we could bulk-convert all these sprintf() to snprintf() but I would rather wait for this:

let me think on this for a bit.

  2843   13 Sep 2024 Konstantin OlchanskiSuggestionmanalyzer thread safety and custom http IP binding
> - Enable ROOT's thread safety when running in multithreaded mode
> This helps avoid users having to write their call to a global thread lock when calling ->Fill() on ROOT histograms and Trees

merged by hand. (pull request shows a "rejected", bitbucket has no "merged manually" button).

also noted this change in the documentation:

  2842   13 Sep 2024 Konstantin OlchanskiBug Fixmstrcpy, was: strlcpy and strlcat added to glibc 2.38
for the record, as ultimate solution, strlcpy() and strlcat() were wholesale 
replaced by mstrlcpy() and mstrlcat(). this should fix "missing strlcpy()" 
problem for good and make midas more consistent across all platforms (including 
non-linux, non-unix). on my side, I continue replacing these function with proper 
std::string operations. K.O.
  2841   13 Sep 2024 Konstantin OlchanskiBug Reportmfe.cxx with RO_STOPPED and EQ_POLLED
> > I noticed that a check was added to mfe.cxx in 1961af0d6:

This is the reason I recommend against using mfe.c based frontends. There was never any
proper documentation on how they work and what different settings in ODB common
and elsewhere do. My attempts to document it by reverse-engineering were only partially
successful. Since then a number of changes was made that were also hard-to-impossible
to document.

I recommend that all use the new c++ tmfe frontend, which was designed for easy documentation,
and explanation. See for full documentation.

(pending improvements is to integrate TMEvent support, add the data-transmit thread and event fifo).

ELOG V3.1.4-2e1708b5