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ID Date Author Topic Subjectdown
  1361   23 Mar 2018 Suzannah DavielBug Reportlink to an array element displays whole array in mhttpd
> It might have worked some ~5 years ago, but it never really showed the target value of a link, just the 
> link itself. I reworked the code now to show both the link and the target of the link, so you can change 
> both in the mhttpd ODB page. Should be consistent now with odbedit. Have a look if it works for you.
> Stefan

Thank you. That has solved the problem.
  1121   15 Oct 2015 Amy RobertsForumlazylogger: a little less lazy?
We're using the lazylogger to trigger a script that copies files, and the lag 
between a completed file appearing and the lazylogger trigger occasionally feels 
uncomfortably long.  It's not too bad - at most, around five or so minutes.  But 
of course it's tough to be patient when you're waiting to look at data.

The settings for our lazylogger specify a 'Stay behind' of zero and a 'Period' of 

Is there a way to make the lazylogger less lazy?  What determines the time 
between the appearance of a file and the lazylogger trigger?
  804   20 Jun 2012 Konstantin OlchanskiInfolazylogger write to HADOOP HDFS
I tried using the lazylogger "Disk" method to write into a HADOOP HDFS clustered filesystem and found a 
number of problems. I ended up replacing the lazylogger lazy_copy() function that still uses former YBOS 
code with a new lazy_disk_copy() function that uses generic fread/fwrite. Also fixed the situation where 
lazylogger cannot cleanly stop from the mhttpd "programs/stop" button while it is busy writing (the fix 
works only for the "Disk" method).

(Note that one can also use the "Script" method for writing into HDFS)

Anyhow, the new lazylogger writes into HDFS just fine and I expect that it would also work for writing into 
DCACHE using PNFS (if ever we get the SL6 PNFS working with our DCACHE servers).

Writing into our test HDFS cluster runs at about 20 MiBytes/sec for 1GB files with replication set to 3.

svn rev 5295
  818   29 Jun 2012 Konstantin OlchanskiInfolazylogger write to HADOOP HDFS
> Anyhow, the new lazylogger writes into HDFS just fine and I expect that it would also work for writing into 
> DCACHE using PNFS (if ever we get the SL6 PNFS working with our DCACHE servers).
> Writing into our test HDFS cluster runs at about 20 MiBytes/sec for 1GB files with replication set to 3.

Minor update to lazylogger and mlogger:

lazylogger default timeout 60 sec is too short for writing into HDFS - changed to 10 min.
mlogger checks for free space were insufficient and it would fill the output disk to 100% full before stopping 
the run. Now for disks bigger than 100GB, it will stop the run if there is less than 1GB of free space. (100% 
disk full would break the history and the elog if they happen to be on the same disk).

Also I note that mlogger.cxx rev 5297 includes a fix for a performance bug introduced about 6 month ago (mlogger 
would query free disk space after writing each event - depending on your filesystem configuration and the event 
rate, this bug was observed to extremely severely reduce the midas disk writing performance).

svn rev 5296, 5297

P.S. I use these lazylogger settings for writing to HDFS. Write speed varies around 10-20-30 Mbytes/sec (4-node 
cluster, 3 replicas of each file).

[local:trinat_detfac:S]Settings>ls -l
Key name                        Type    #Val  Size  Last Opn Mode Value
Period                          INT     1     4     7m   0   RWD  10
Maintain free space (%)         INT     1     4     7m   0   RWD  20
Stay behind                     INT     1     4     7m   0   RWD  0
Alarm Class                     STRING  1     32    7m   0   RWD  
Running condition               STRING  1     128   7m   0   RWD  ALWAYS
Data dir                        STRING  1     256   7m   0   RWD  /home/trinat/online/data
Data format                     STRING  1     8     7m   0   RWD  MIDAS
Filename format                 STRING  1     128   7m   0   RWD  run*
Backup type                     STRING  1     8     7m   0   RWD  Disk
Execute after rewind            STRING  1     64    7m   0   RWD  
Path                            STRING  1     128   7m   0   RWD  /hdfs/users/trinat/data
Capacity (Bytes)                FLOAT   1     4     7m   0   RWD  5e+09
List label                      STRING  1     128   7m   0   RWD  HDFS
Execute before writing file     STRING  1     64    7m   0   RWD  
Execute after writing file      STRING  1     64    7m   0   RWD  
Modulo.Position                 STRING  1     8     7m   0   RWD  
Tape Data Append                BOOL    1     4     7m   0   RWD  y

  534   27 Nov 2008 Konstantin OlchanskiInfolazylogger updated
lazylogger was updated to improve handling of the list of runs still on disk
(odb /Lazy/xxx/List).

Previously, each and every run was listed in the List arrays. With modern
Terabyte-sized data disks, many many days worth of runs tend to remain on disk
and these List arrays were getting too big, inflating the size of ODB dumps
written by mlogger into the output data file and slowing down starting and
stopping of runs considerably.

Now, the runs are listed as ranges of "first run" - "last run", (see example below).

This significantly reduces the size of the "List" arrays and makes lazylogger
usable for the ALPHA experiment at CERN and for T2K/ND280 prototype DAQ at
TRIUMF (writing to Castor and Dcache respectively, using the newly added
"Script" method).

The new List format is fully compatible with the old format and you can update
and run the new lazylogger without changing anything in ODB. New runs will be
added to the List arrays in the new format and data in the old format will
eventually go away as old runs are removed from disk.

svn revision 4394.

Example: this reads like this:
range from 7100 to 7154
range from 7157 to 7161 (7155-7156 are missing)
range from 7163 to 7168 (7162 is missing)
runs 7170, 7173, 7176
range from 7179 to 7182
and so forth.

ODB /Lazy/Dcache/List
[0] 7100 (0x1BBC)
[1] -7154 (0xFFFFE40E)
[2] 7157 (0x1BF5)
[3] -7161 (0xFFFFE407)
[4] 7163 (0x1BFB)
[5] -7168 (0xFFFFE400)
[6] 7170 (0x1C02)
[7] 7173 (0x1C05)
[8] 7176 (0x1C08)
[9] 7179 (0x1C0B)
[10] -7182 (0xFFFFE3F2)
[11] 7184 (0x1C10)
[12] 7188 (0x1C14)
[13] -7199 (0xFFFFE3E1)
[0] 7200 (0x1C20)
[1] -7225 (0xFFFFE3C7)
  1700   20 Sep 2019 Frederik WautersBug Reportlazylogger in cmake & max_event_size

The compile option -DHAVE_FTPLIB checked in mdsupport.cxx disappeared if you 
compile with cmake.

I added:


to CMakeLists.txt to fix this. Can probably be done in a more elegant way 
(checking if the right libraries exist?).


Our MAX_EVENT_SIZE is set in the odb to 805306368. This number is also used in 

  INT lazy_copy(char *outfile, char *infile, int max_event_size)

this is to big when copying with ftp, causing a crash. Reducing it here with a 
factor 10 solves our problems.
  1709   27 Sep 2019 Konstantin OlchanskiBug Reportlazylogger in cmake & max_event_size
> The compile option -DHAVE_FTPLIB checked in mdsupport.cxx disappeared if you 
> compile with cmake.

Hi, Stefan - do we still need to support FTP in the logger? In the lazylogger, special support for 
FTP is not needed, they can you the "script" method and do FTP without our help.

I move to remove FTP support from MIDAS. (second? other opinions?)

> Our MAX_EVENT_SIZE is set in the odb to 805306368. This number is also used in 
> this is to big when copying with ftp, causing a crash. Reducing it here with a 
> factor 10 solves our problems.

I am surprised that changing MAX_EVENT_SIZE (to a "too big" value) causes lazylogger to 
crash. More usually MAX_EVENT_SIZE has no effect until you try to write an event that is 
somehow "too big", then there is a crash. Perhaps there is a bug specifically in the FTP code.

Anyhow, I recommend the solution of using the "script" method. We have example lazylogger 
scripts in midas/progs/lazy*.perl (the scripts do not have to be in perl, python is ok). We do
not have any example that uses FTP because we do not use FTP for data storage. But you can
easily adapt lazy_test.perl and lazy_copy.perl to use scp and sftp, the secure versions of FTP.

  1724   14 Oct 2019 Stefan RittBug Reportlazylogger in cmake & max_event_size
> > The compile option -DHAVE_FTPLIB checked in mdsupport.cxx disappeared if you 
> > compile with cmake.
> Hi, Stefan - do we still need to support FTP in the logger? In the lazylogger, special support for 
> FTP is not needed, they can you the "script" method and do FTP without our help.
> I move to remove FTP support from MIDAS. (second? other opinions?)

I oppose to remove FTP support from lazylogger. We still use it heavily at PSI. In comparison to the "script" method, it 
shows the current speed in MB/s which helps us to diagnose some network problem by writing this number into the 
history. The "script" method only give you an integral transfer speed after a file has be completely written.

I'm however not sure who FTP is used in lazylogger. It goes into mdsupport.cxx and I seem to remember that Pierre 
wrote the FTP code by hand, so no external library is necessary.

Attachment 1: Screenshot_2019-10-14_at_13.54.53_.png
  1730   24 Oct 2019 Konstantin OlchanskiBug Reportlazylogger in cmake & max_event_size
> > > The compile option -DHAVE_FTPLIB checked in mdsupport.cxx disappeared if you 
> > > compile with cmake.
> > 
> > Hi, Stefan - do we still need to support FTP in the logger? In the lazylogger, special support for 
> > FTP is not needed, they can you the "script" method and do FTP without our help.
> > 
> > I move to remove FTP support from MIDAS. (second? other opinions?)
> I oppose to remove FTP support from lazylogger.

Confirmed. FTP support in lazylogger stays.

  168   14 Oct 2004 Konstantin OlchanskiBug Reportlazylogger complains about zero-size files
With latest midas, I see this:

Thu Oct 14 19:31:17 2004 [Lazy_Tape] [lazylogger.c:1717:Lazy] lazy_file_exists
file run17567.ybs doesn't exists
Thu Oct 14 19:31:27 2004 [Lazy_Tape] [lazylogger.c:1717:Lazy] lazy_file_exists
file run17567.ybs doesn't exists

The file run17567.ybs has size zero:

-rw-r--r--    1 twistonl users      950272 Oct 13 19:29
-rw-r--r--    1 twistonl users      950272 Oct 13 19:45
-rw-r--r--    1 twistonl users           0 Oct 13 20:00
-rw-r--r--    1 twistonl users      983040 Oct 13 20:03
-rw-r--r--    1 twistonl users      950272 Oct 13 20:26

I am not sure how to fix this lazylogger logic. Please help.

  533   27 Nov 2008 Konstantin OlchanskiBug Reportlazylogger complains about zero-size files
I now have a better understanding of this: lazylogger uses ss_file_size() to find
out if a file exists or not. This function used to return 0 (probably) for
non-existant files (there was no check for error status from stat() system call,
so the return value for non-existant files was never well defined).

With ss_file_size() returning 0 for nonexistant files, 0-size files clearly cause
problems to lazylogger.

Now, since svn revision 4397, ss_file_size() returns -1 for non-existant files,
but lazylogger still needs to be tought about this.

The problem "lazylogger does not like 0-size files" remains for now.


> With latest midas, I see this:
> Thu Oct 14 19:31:17 2004 [Lazy_Tape] [lazylogger.c:1717:Lazy] lazy_file_exists
> file run17567.ybs doesn't exists
> Thu Oct 14 19:31:27 2004 [Lazy_Tape] [lazylogger.c:1717:Lazy] lazy_file_exists
> file run17567.ybs doesn't exists
> The file run17567.ybs has size zero:
> -rw-r--r--    1 twistonl users      950272 Oct 13 19:29
> /twist/data_onl/current/run17565.ybs
> -rw-r--r--    1 twistonl users      950272 Oct 13 19:45
> /twist/data_onl/current/run17566.ybs
> -rw-r--r--    1 twistonl users           0 Oct 13 20:00
> /twist/data_onl/current/run17567.ybs
> -rw-r--r--    1 twistonl users      983040 Oct 13 20:03
> /twist/data_onl/current/run17568.ybs
> -rw-r--r--    1 twistonl users      950272 Oct 13 20:26
> /twist/data_onl/current/run17569.ybs
> I am not sure how to fix this lazylogger logic. Please help.
> K.O.
  827   16 Aug 2012 Cheng-Ju LinBug Reportlaunching roody kills the analyzer
Hi All,

I've installed midas (Rev:5294) on SLC6.3 (64bit), along with recent trunk versions of rootana and roody. 
All the packages compiled OK. The example code in $MIDASSYS/examples/experiment also runs OK 
provided that I don't launch roody. If I try to launch roody, then it immediately crashes the analyzer with 
the following trace:

#6 root_server_thread (arg=ox7f54fc001150) at src/mana.c:5154
#7 0x0000003219a1e13a in TThread::Function(void*) () from /usr/lib64/root/
#8 0x0000003dd1207851 in start_thread () from /lib64/
#9 0x0000003dd0ee76dd in clone () from /lib64/

The line src/mana.c:5154 points to the following:

TObject *obj;
            if (strncmp(request + 10, "Any", 3) == 0)
               obj = folder->FindObjectAny(request + 14);
               obj = folder->FindObject(request + 11);    // LINE 5154

Any suggestions on what may be going on here?  Thanks.

  828   16 Aug 2012 Cheng-Ju LinBug Fixlaunching roody kills the analyzer
OK, I've found the solution in the roody forum.  The solution for 64bit machine is to replace
   uint32_t p =0;
   uintptr_t p =0;

in the roody header file roody/include/DataSourceTNetFolder.h


> Hi All,
> I've installed midas (Rev:5294) on SLC6.3 (64bit), along with recent trunk versions of rootana and roody. 
> All the packages compiled OK. The example code in $MIDASSYS/examples/experiment also runs OK 
> provided that I don't launch roody. If I try to launch roody, then it immediately crashes the analyzer with 
> the following trace:
> #6 root_server_thread (arg=ox7f54fc001150) at src/mana.c:5154
> #7 0x0000003219a1e13a in TThread::Function(void*) () from /usr/lib64/root/
> #8 0x0000003dd1207851 in start_thread () from /lib64/
> #9 0x0000003dd0ee76dd in clone () from /lib64/
> The line src/mana.c:5154 points to the following:
> TObject *obj;
>             if (strncmp(request + 10, "Any", 3) == 0)
>                obj = folder->FindObjectAny(request + 14);
>             else
>                obj = folder->FindObject(request + 11);    // LINE 5154
> Any suggestions on what may be going on here?  Thanks.
> Cheng-Ju
  829   17 Aug 2012 Konstantin OlchanskiBug Reportlaunching roody kills the analyzer
> I've installed midas (Rev:5294) on SLC6.3 (64bit), along with recent trunk versions of rootana and roody. 
> #6 root_server_thread (arg=ox7f54fc001150) at src/mana.c:5154

You are connecting to mana, the old midas analyzer. The code for connecting to it is still present in roody,
but I cannot support the matching server code in mana.c - it is 2 revolutions behind the current state of
the ROOT object server (look in ROOTANA - the NetDirectory stuff and the latest is the XmlServer stuff).

I can offer 2 solutions - switch from mana.c to a ROOTANA based analyzer or graft the XmlServer code
into your analyzer (it is very simple - you need to create an XmlServer object and tell it which ROOT
containers you want to make visible to ROODY).

I guess you can also debug the old midas server code inside mana.c...

  830   17 Aug 2012 Cheng-Ju LinBug Reportlaunching roody kills the analyzer
Hi Konstantin,

Many thanks for your feedback.  I was able to keep the analyzer from exiting when launching roody by making some changes in the roody code. 
This at least allows me to keep moving forward. I will look into your suggestion of converting to ROOTANA based analyzer as well.



> > I've installed midas (Rev:5294) on SLC6.3 (64bit), along with recent trunk versions of rootana and roody. 
> >
> > #6 root_server_thread (arg=ox7f54fc001150) at src/mana.c:5154
> You are connecting to mana, the old midas analyzer. The code for connecting to it is still present in roody,
> but I cannot support the matching server code in mana.c - it is 2 revolutions behind the current state of
> the ROOT object server (look in ROOTANA - the NetDirectory stuff and the latest is the XmlServer stuff).
> I can offer 2 solutions - switch from mana.c to a ROOTANA based analyzer or graft the XmlServer code
> into your analyzer (it is very simple - you need to create an XmlServer object and tell it which ROOT
> containers you want to make visible to ROODY).
> I guess you can also debug the old midas server code inside mana.c...
> K.O.
  837   26 Sep 2012 Konstantin OlchanskiBug Reportlaunching roody kills the analyzer
> > 
> > I guess you can also debug the old midas server code inside mana.c...
> > 

I ended up doing this. (After receiving some discussion by email).

Remembered that this is an old problem with the old midasServer network
protocol in mana.c - if mana.c is compiled 32-bit, it sends 32-bit pointers, if compiled 64-bit
it sends 64-bit pointers. On the receiving end (in roody), the ROOT TMessage object does not
provide any easy way to tell between them (i.e. object length is reported as 12 or 16 for the two cases).

To make things more interesting, the midasServer code in ROOTANA always sends 32-bit "pointers",
(which are not pointers but 32-bit integer cookies).

I use the ROOTANA midasServer to test ROODY (I have no working mana.c analyzers available),
and ROODY expects to receive 32-bit "pointers", so the two are consistent.

But if I compile my midasServer to send/receive 64-bit "pointers" (cookies), I reproduce this crash. What I can reproduce I can "fix".

If I change the code in ROODY to receive and return 64-bit "pointers" (cookies), both 32-bit and 64-bit midasServer seems to work okey.

This is committed as roody svn rev 248. (

It is the same fix as suggested by Cheng-Ju Stephen Lin [].

I hope this helps (or breaks the ROODY midasServer connection for everybody. I hope not).

  890   10 Jun 2013 Konstantin https ssl certificate update, elogd update, relocation.
The HTTPS SSL certificate on has been updated. Same as the old
certificate, the new one is self-signed and your web browser may complain about
that and ask you to "save a security exception".

When you save the new certificate, you can verify that you are connected to the
real by comparing the "SHA1 fingerprint" reported by your web
browser to the one given below (as reported by "svn update"):

Certificate information:
 - Hostname:
 - Valid: from Mon, 10 Jun 2013 18:43:19 GMT until Tue, 10 Jun 2014 18:43:19 GMT
 - Issuer: DAQ, TRIUMF, Vancouver, BC, CA
 - Fingerprint: 3f:15:d0:1d:68:ae:f0:73:10:78:84:66:f3:af:c7:67:5c:70:00:62

At the same time, elogd was updated to latest version from Stefan (elog-2.9.2-1.i386).

Also as part of local computer updates, elogd is temporarily running on This should be 
transparent to all users but please let me know if there are strange artefacts, etc. (ladd03 will become the 
new ladd00 "soon").

  764   17 Jun 2011 Konstantin https ssl certificate update
The HTTPS SSL certificate on has been updated. Same as the old
certificate, the new one is self-signed and your web browser may complain about
that and ask you to "save a security exception".

When you save the new certificate, you can verify that you are connected to the
real by comparing the "SHA1 fingerprint" reported by your web
browser to the one given below (as reported by "svn update"):

Certificate information:
 - Hostname:
 - Valid: from Jun 17 23:36:35 2011 GMT until Jun 16 23:36:35 2012 GMT
 - Issuer: DAQ, TRIUMF, Vancouver, BC, CA
 - Fingerprint: 2a:be:9f:9f:70:d4:dc:72:9f:63:bf:4f:fe:c0:2c:8f:a8:29:f2:f1

  796   13 Jun 2012 Konstantin https ssl certificate update
The HTTPS SSL certificate on has been updated. Same as the old
certificate, the new one is self-signed and your web browser may complain about
that and ask you to "save a security exception".

When you save the new certificate, you can verify that you are connected to the
real by comparing the "SHA1 fingerprint" reported by your web
browser to the one given below (as reported by "svn update"):

Certificate information:
 - Hostname:
 - Valid: from Wed, 13 Jun 2012 22:31:51 GMT until Thu, 13 Jun 2013 22:31:51 GMT
 - Issuer: DAQ, TRIUMF, Vancouver, BC, CA
 - Fingerprint: 82:95:78:cb:78:d3:93:1d:d4:c8:e8:1a:64:0f:62:04:2d:0e:c3:4a

  2173   26 May 2021 Marco ChiappiniInfolabel ordering in history plot
Dear all,
is there any way to order the labels in the history plot legend? In the old 
system there was the “order” column in the config panel, but I can not find it 
in the new system. Thanks in advance for the support.

Best regards,
Marco Chiappini
ELOG V3.1.4-2e1708b5