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New entries since:Wed Dec 31 16:00:00 1969
ID Date Authordown Topic Subject
  2680   18 Jan 2024 Stefan RittForumHistory tags
This part of the system has been designed by KO, so he should reply here.

  2681   18 Jan 2024 Stefan RittForummhttpd eqtable
I fixed both in the current version, so please give it a try.

  2683   22 Jan 2024 Stefan RittBug ReportWarnings about ODB keys that haven't been touched for 10+ years
> What's the best way to make these messages go away? 
> - Change the logic in db_validate_and_repair_key_wlocked() to not worry if keys are 10+ years old? 
> - Write a script to "touch" all the old keys so they've been modified recently?
> - Something else?

The function db_validate_and_repair_key_wlocked() has been written by KO so he should reply here.

In my opinion, I would go with the first one. Changing the function is easier than to write a script
and teach everybody how to use it. This would be one more thing not to forget.

Now changing the function is not so obvious. We could extend the check to let's say 20 years, but
then we meet here again in ten years. Maybe the best choice would be to just check that the time
is not in the future.

Anyhow, most people don't realize, but we all will have fun on Jan 19, 2038, when the Unix time
overflows in 32-bit signed integers. I don't know if midas will be around by then (I will be 74 years),
but before that date one has to worry about many places in midas where we use Unix time. At that time
your date stamps from 2013 would be 25 years old, so we either remove the date check (just keep
the check of not being in the future), or extend it to 26 years.

  2694   28 Jan 2024 Stefan RittForumnumber of entries in a given ODB subdirectory ?
I guess you won't change your FPGA configuration just when you start a run, so I don't consider the race
condition very crucial (although KO is correct, it it there).

I guess rather than any pseudo code you want to see real working code (db_get_num_entries() does not exist!), right?

The easiest these day is to ask ChatGPT. MIDAS has been open source since a long time, so it has been used
to train modern Large Language Models. Attached is the result. Here is the direct link from where you can
copy the code:

Please note that you never can be 100% sure that the code from a LLM is correct, so always compile and debug it.
But nevertheless, it's always easier to start from some existing code, even if there is a danger that it's not perfect.

  2695   28 Jan 2024 Stefan RittBug ReportWarnings about ODB keys that haven't been touched for 10+ years
> Please run "git blame" to find out who added that check.

OK ok, was me. But actually 2003. I hope that this being more than 20y ago excuses me not remembering it ;-)

> I think this age check should be removed, but there must be *some* check for invalid/bogus timestamps. Or 
> not, we should check if MIDAS cares about timestamps at all, if ODB functions never use/look at timestamp, 
> maybe we are okey with bogus timestamps. They may look funny in the odb editor, but that's it.

I changed the code to only check for timestamps more than 1h in the future and then complain. This should
avoid glitches when switching daylight savings time.

  2705   08 Feb 2024 Stefan RittForumnumber of entries in a given ODB subdirectory ?
> Konstantin is right: KEY.num_values is not the same as the number of subkeys (should it be ?)

For ODB keys of type TID_KEY, the value num_values IS the number of subkeys. The only issue here is 
what KO mentioned already. If you obtain num_values, start iterating, then someone else might 
change the number of subkeys, then your (old) num_values is off. Therefore it's always good to 
check the return status of all subkey accesses. To do a truely atomic access to a subtree, you need 
db_copy(), but then you have to parse the JSON yourself, and again you have no guarantee that the 
ODB hasn't changed in meantime.

  2708   13 Feb 2024 Stefan RittForumnumber of entries in a given ODB subdirectory ?
> > For ODB keys of type TID_KEY, the value num_values IS the number of subkeys. 
> this logic makes sense, however it doesn't seem to be consistent with the printout of the test example
> at the end of . The printout reports 
> key.num_values = 1, but the actual number of subkeys = 6, and all subkeys being of TID_KEY type
> I'm certain that the ODB subtree in question was not accessed concurrently during the test.

You are right, num_values is always 1 for TID_KEYS. The number of subkeys is stored in 

  ((KEYLIST *) ((char *)pheader + pkey->data))->num_keys

Maybe we should add a function to return this. But so far db_enum_key() was enough.

  2715   15 Feb 2024 Stefan RittForumnumber of entries in a given ODB subdirectory ?
> Hmm... is there any use case where you want to know the number of directory entries, but you will not iterate 
> over them later?

I agree. 

One more way to iterate over subkeys by name is by using the new odbxx API:

   midas::odb tree("/Test/Settings");
   for (midas::odb& key : tree)
      std::cout << key.get_name() << std::endl;

  2720   27 Feb 2024 Stefan RittForumdisplaying integers in hex format ?
Thanks for reporting that bug. I fixed it and committed the change to the develop branch.

  2737   15 Apr 2024 Stefan RittBug Reportopen MIDAS RPC ports
One thing coming to my mind is the interface binding. If you have a midas host with two networks 
("global" and "local"=192.168.x.x), you can tell to which interface a socket should bind. 
By default it binds both interfaces, but we could restrict the socket only to bind to the local 
interface 192.168.x.x. This way the open port would be invisible from the outside, but from 
your local network everybody can connect easily without the need of a white list.

  2741   29 Apr 2024 Stefan RittForumMidas Sequencer with less than 1 second wait
I guess the simplest way to do that without breaking with existing code is to change the 
second number to a float. So a


will still work, and you can then write


to get a 10 ms wait. Would that work for you?

  2744   30 Apr 2024 Stefan RittForumMidas Sequencer with less than 1 second wait
> This would work fine in principle, but isn't implemented in the current MIDAS sequencer as we understand it.  (We tried!) Is your proposal to rewrite the sequencer 
> to allow fractional waits?  Right now the code seems to store the start_time as a DWORD and uses atoi to parse the wait time, and uses ss_time (which seems only get
> the time to the nearest second) to fetch the time.

No it's not implemented, was just my idea. If it would work for you, I can implement it in the next couple of days.

  2746   30 Apr 2024 Stefan RittForumMidas Sequencer with less than 1 second wait
While I will do it, i'm not sure if this is what you want. If I understand correctly, some process gets triggered and then writes some values to the ODB, then the sequencer 
should continue. Putting a wait there is dangerous. Maybe your process always takes like 10-20 ms, so you put a wait of let's say 100ms, and things are fine with you. Your 
script runs many days, but then once in a while your machine is on heavy load because someone starts a web browser, and your process takes 110ms, and you script crashes.

I would rather go following path: put a "done" flag in the ODB, which is the last one which gets set by your process. Then the sequencer does a 

WAIT ODBvalue, /path/value, =, 1

which will work always, independend of the delay of your process.

  2748   02 May 2024 Stefan RittForumMidas Sequencer with less than 1 second wait
Ok, I implemented the float second wait function. Internally it works in ms, so the maximum resolution is 0.001 s.

  2751   03 May 2024 Stefan RittBug ReportParams not initialized when starting sequencer
Ok, here is the complete code to reproduce the problem. Load parameter_test.msl which includes functions.msl. From the screenshot you see the variables containing 
garbage, and you also see that from the ODB screenshot. For completeness, I added Sequencer.json which contains the whole sequencer tree.

The interesting thing is that this works sometimes, and sometimes not. I'm not sure if this in the GUI or in the sequencer program, so we have to sort out who can 
fix it ;-)

  2754   03 May 2024 Stefan RittSuggestionPossible addition to IF Statements
The tinyexpr library I use to evaluate expressions does not support boolean operations. I would have to switch to the newer 
tineyexpr-plusplus version, which also has much richer functionality:

Unfortunately it requires C++17, and at the moment we limit MIDAS to C++11, meaning we would break this requirement. I 
believe at the moment there are still some experiments (mainly at TRIUMF) which are stuck to older OS and therefore cannot 
switch to C++17, but hopefully this will change over time.

  2756   03 May 2024 Stefan RittBug ReportParams not initialized when starting sequencer
Ahh, that rings a bell:

1) JS opens start dialog box
2) User enters parameters and presses start
3) JS writes parameters
4) JS starts sequencer
5) Sequencer copies parameters to variables

Now how do you handle 3) and 4). Just issue two mjsonrpc commands together? What then could happen is that 4) is executed before 3) and we get the garbage.
You have to do 3) and WAIT for the return ("then" in the JS promise), and only then issue 4) from there.

  2758   03 May 2024 Stefan RittBug ReportParams not initialized when starting sequencer
Seems to me like the problem happens less frequently, but I still see it (1 out of 5 or so). The fact that /Sequencer/Params/Value is empty tells me that the GUI 
has the problem and not the sequencer side.

  2760   06 May 2024 Stefan RittForumMidas Sequencer with less than 1 second wait
Indeed there was a sleep(100ms) in the sequencer in each loop. I reduced it now to 10ms. I need at least 10ms since otherwise 
the sequencer would run in an infinite loop during the wait and burn 100% CPU. The smallest time slice on Linux to sleep is 
10ms, so that's why I set it to that. Give it a try.

  2761   06 May 2024 Stefan RittForumMidas Sequencer with less than 1 second wait
Actually I realized that a 1ms wait still works, so I reduced it to that.

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