03 May 2024, Stefan Ritt, Bug Report, Params not initialized when starting sequencer
Seems to me like the problem happens less frequently, but I still see it (1 out of 5 or so). The fact that /Sequencer/Params/Value is empty tells me that
the GUI
has the problem and not the sequencer side.
06 May 2024, Stefan Ritt, Forum, Midas Sequencer with less than 1 second wait
Indeed there was a sleep(100ms) in the sequencer in each loop. I reduced it now to 10ms. I need at least 10ms since otherwise
the sequencer would run in an infinite loop during the wait and burn 100% CPU. The smallest time slice on Linux to sleep is
10ms, so that's why I set it to that. Give it a try.
06 May 2024, Stefan Ritt, Forum, Midas Sequencer with less than 1 second wait
Actually I realized that a 1ms wait still works, so I reduced it to that.
Stefan |
17 May 2024, Stefan Ritt, Bug Report, midas alarm borked condition evaluation
This is a common problem I also encountered in the past. You get a low-level ODB access error (could also be a read of a non-existing key) and you
have no idea where this comes from. Could be the alarm system, a mhttpd web page, even some user code in a front-end over which the midas library
has no control.
18 May 2024, Stefan Ritt, Bug Report, midas alarm borked condition evaluation
For everybody using EPICS: There is now a new system called MSetPoint (Midas Set Point) to control whole beamlines via EPICS.
It's under midas/msetpoint and the documentation is here:
18 May 2024, Stefan Ritt, Bug Report, midas alarm borked condition evaluation
For everybody using EPICS: There is now a new system called MSetPoint (Midas Set Point) to control whole beamlines via EPICS.
It's under midas/msetpoint and the documentation is here:
18 May 2024, Stefan Ritt, Bug Report, odbedit load into the wrong place
Taht's strange. I always was under the impression that .odb files are loaded relatively to the current location in
the ODB. The behaviour should not be different for different data formats, so I agree to change the .odb loading to
behave like the .xml and .json save/load.
26 Jul 2024, Stefan Ritt, Bug Fix, strlcpy and strlcat added to glibc 2.38
Good catch. I added your code to the current develop branch of MIDAS.
Stefan |
31 Jul 2024, Stefan Ritt, Bug Report, New history plots: Zooming in on logarithmic y axis does not work as expected
I fixed that and committed the change to megon02, just reload your browser. I also set ymin and ymax of the Vacuum plot to meaningful
values (not to zero!).
06 Aug 2024, Stefan Ritt, Forum, mfe.cxx with RO_STOPPED and EQ_POLLED
> I noticed that a check was added to mfe.cxx in 1961af0d6:
> + /* check for consistent common settings */
06 Aug 2024, Stefan Ritt, Suggestion, cmake-installing more files ?
I don't see any bad side effects at the moment, so I accepted the changes and committed them.
Stefan |
07 Aug 2024, Stefan Ritt, Bug Report, File name bug in csv export
Thanks. Fixed. Committed. Pulled on megon02.
Stefan |
07 Aug 2024, Stefan Ritt, Bug Report, File name bug in csv export
Fixed as well. |
08 Aug 2024, Stefan Ritt, Info, mana.cxx
We are considering to remove the analyzer framework mana.cxx from MIDAS. It
currently has some compiler warnings and we wonder if we should fix them which
would take some time or just remove the file. We have now to much more modern
19 Aug 2024, Stefan Ritt, Forum, "Safe" abort of sequencer scripts
This request came more than once in the past. One thing I could implement is a "atexit" function similarly to the C funciton atexit().
Then we would have a function in the script which gets called whenever one does "stop immediately". This function can then restore
23 Aug 2024, Stefan Ritt, Info, mana.cxx
Ok, no relevant complains so far, so I removed mana and rmana from the CMake build
process, but left the file mana.cxx still in the repository for educational
purposes ;-)
26 Aug 2024, Stefan Ritt, Info, Help parsing scdms_v1 data?
The MIDAS event format is described here:
01 Sep 2024, Stefan Ritt, Suggestion, Improve Event Documentation
> Hi,
> I am writing a Rust based midas file reader however it was kind of hard to understand the full midas file
04 Sep 2024, Stefan Ritt, Info, News MSCB++ API
I had two free afternoon and took the opportunity to write a new API for the MSCB
system. I'm not sure if anybody else actually uses MSCB (MIDAS slow control bus),
but anyhow.
05 Sep 2024, Stefan Ritt, Forum, Python frontend rate limitations?
> First the general advice: if you reduce the "period" of your equipment, then your function will get called more frequently.
> You can set it to 0 and we'll call it as often as possible. You can set this in the ODB at "/Equipment/Python Data Simulator/Common/Period"