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New entries since:Wed Dec 31 16:00:00 1969
ID Date Author Topic Subject
  1919   22 May 2020 Konstantin OlchanskiBug ReportMore trouble with openssl on macos
> For the record, here's my report of difficulties getting mongoose to compile with macos. 
> -- MIDAS: Found OpenSSL version 1.0.2s
> -- MIDAS: Found OpenSSL version 1.1.1g
> ... [ all of them did not work ]

For the record, I get this on mac os 10.15.4 and it works.
-- MIDAS: Found OpenSSL version 1.1.1g

I think I am quite fed up with this openssl business, too.

What I will do in MIDAS is fix the mbedtls detection, add mbedtls instructions
in the documentation and remove openssl from mhttpd build.

Result will be:
- default build will have mhttpd without https support, and this works in 100% of our use cases at TRIUMF.
- if user do not want to use apache https proxy, they have to "git clone" mbedtls, build it, rebuild mhttpd, then
they get https support, but for https certificate management - getting them, renewing them, etc, they are
on their own.

Since mhttpd has no integration with certbot, automatic management of https certificates does not work,
so good luck again.

In theory, I can try to add certbot integration, but even the most basic tools are missing, for example, openssl
does not report certificate expiration dates (I guess I must write my own code to examine the certificate
and hope my idea of expiration matches their idea). Since I do not see certificate expiration dates, every day I could
blindly run "certbot renew" and restart openssl with the updated certificate (but I think openssl does
not have a "restart" function, so again, forget about it). Adding insult to injury, by default, certbot stores certificates
in a secret location in /etc where mhttpd cannot access them.

Bottom line is that powers-that-be messed up https certificate management and until that is sorted out and is easy
to integrate with custom web servers, I can only recommend that mhttpd must run behind the "OS support https proxy".

  1918   22 May 2020 Thomas LindnerBug ReportMore trouble with openssl on macos
For the record, here's my report of difficulties getting mongoose to compile with macos.  This is a similar 
problem reported before, but with slightly different error messages.  So I put them here for posterity.

- macos: 10.13.6
- xcode: 9.2
- gcc: Thomass-MacBook-Pro-3:build lindner$ gcc --version
Configured with: --prefix=/Applications/ --with-gxx-include-
Apple LLVM version 9.0.0 (clang-900.0.39.2)
Target: x86_64-apple-darwin17.7.0
- midas: today's version

Start with the openssl version I had already installed.  cmake says 

-- Found OpenSSL: /usr/lib/libcrypto.dylib (found version "1.0.2s") 
-- MIDAS: Found OpenSSL version 1.0.2s

make install fails with this error:

[ 35%] Linking CXX executable mhttpd
cd /Users/lindner/packages/midas/build/progs && /usr/local/Cellar/cmake/3.15.0/bin/cmake -E 
cmake_link_script CMakeFiles/mhttpd.dir/link.txt --verbose=1
/Applications/  -O2 -g -
DNDEBUG -Wl,-search_paths_first -Wl,-headerpad_max_install_names  CMakeFiles/mhttpd.dir/mhttpd.cxx.o 
CMakeFiles/mhttpd.dir/mongoose616.cxx.o CMakeFiles/mhttpd.dir/mgd.cxx.o 
CMakeFiles/mhttpd.dir/__/mscb/src/mscb.cxx.o  -o mhttpd ../libmidas.a /usr/lib/libssl.dylib 
/usr/lib/libcrypto.dylib -lz -lcurl -lsqlite3
Undefined symbols for architecture x86_64:
  "_SSL_CTX_set_psk_client_callback", referenced from:
      _mg_ssl_if_conn_init in mongoose616.cxx.o
ld: symbol(s) not found for architecture x86_64
clang: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)

Use macports to upgrade to newer openssl

sudo port selfupdate
sudo port upgrade outdated

Now cmake says

-- Found OpenSSL: /usr/lib/libcrypto.dylib (found version "1.1.1g") 
-- MIDAS: Found OpenSSL version 1.1.1g

Error message is different now:

cd /Users/lindner/packages/midas/build/progs && /usr/local/Cellar/cmake/3.15.0/bin/cmake -E 
cmake_link_script CMakeFiles/mhttpd.dir/link.txt --verbose=1
/Applications/  -O2 -g -
DNDEBUG -Wl,-search_paths_first -Wl,-headerpad_max_install_names  CMakeFiles/mhttpd.dir/mhttpd.cxx.o 
CMakeFiles/mhttpd.dir/mongoose616.cxx.o CMakeFiles/mhttpd.dir/mgd.cxx.o 
CMakeFiles/mhttpd.dir/__/mscb/src/mscb.cxx.o  -o mhttpd ../libmidas.a /usr/lib/libssl.dylib 
/usr/lib/libcrypto.dylib -lz -lcurl -lsqlite3
Undefined symbols for architecture x86_64:
  "_OPENSSL_init_ssl", referenced from:
      _mg_mgr_init_opt in mongoose616.cxx.o
      _mg_ssl_if_init in mongoose616.cxx.o
  "_SSL_CTX_set_options", referenced from:
      _mg_ssl_if_conn_init in mongoose616.cxx.o
  "_SSL_CTX_set_psk_client_callback", referenced from:
      _mg_ssl_if_conn_init in mongoose616.cxx.o
ld: symbol(s) not found for architecture x86_64

Fine.  Doing 'cmake -D NO_SSL=1 ..' to build still works fine; I will stick with that since I don't need SSL on my 

Perhaps we should disable SSL by default on Macos?  People may only have ~50% chance of getting it to 
  1917   22 May 2020 Konstantin OlchanskiReleasemidas-2020-03-a
> midas-2020-03-a is here.
> checkout the top of branch release/midas-2020-03 (recommended) or
> checkout the tag midas-2020-03-a.

Since the release of midas-2020-03, we are in a cycle of rapid development of midas,
with many changes made daily.

For production use, unless you rely on latest changes and/or bug fixes, please use the midas-2020-03 release branch.

Some of the recent changes broke compatibility with ROOTANA.

The current ROOTANA release 2020-03 is meant to work with and is compatible with midas-2020-03. Going forward
we will try to keep releases of midas and rootana in "lock step".

  1916   20 May 2020 Konstantin OlchanskiInfoNew ODB++ API
> All this is very good news. I really wish this were available some months ago: it would have helped me immensely. The old C API was clunky at best.
> I really like the idea and looking forward to using it (even if at the moment I do not have the need to) ...

Yes, I have designed new C-style MIDAS ODB APIs twice now (VirtualOdb in ROOTANA and MVOdb in ROOTANA and MIDAS),
and I was never happy with the results. There is too many corner cases and odd behaviour. Let's see how
this C++ interface shakes out.

For use in analyzers, Stefan's C++ interface still need to be virtualized - right now it has only one implementation
with the MIDAS ODB backend. In analyzers, we need XML, JSON (and a NULL ODB) backends. The API looks
to be clean enough to add this, but I have not looked at the implementation yet. So "watch this space" as they say.

  1915   20 May 2020 Pintaudi GiorgioInfoNew ODB++ API
All this is very good news. I really wish this were available some months ago: it would have helped me immensely. The old C API was clunky at best.
I really like the idea and looking forward to using it (even if at the moment I do not have the need to) ...
  1914   20 May 2020 Stefan RittInfoNew ODB++ API
In meanwhile, there have been minor changes and improvements to the API:

Previously, we had:

>    midas::odb o;
>    o.connect("/Test/Settings", true);   // this creates /Test/Settings
>    o.set_auto_create(true);            // this turns on auto-creation
>    o["Int32 Key"] = 1;                 // create all these keys with different types
>    o["Double Key"] = 1.23;
>    o["String Key"] = "Hello";

Now, we only need:

      o["Int32 Key"] = 1;                 // create all these keys with different types

no "true" needed any more. If the ODB tree does not exist, it gets created. Similarly, set_auto_create() can be dropped, it's on by default (thought this makes more sense). Also the iteration over subkeys has 
been changed slightly.

The full example attached has been updated accordingly. 

Attachment 1: odbxx_test.cxx

  Name:         odbxx_test.cxx
  Created by:   Stefan Ritt

  Contents:     Test and Demo of Object oriented interface to ODB


#include <string>
#include <iostream>
#include <array>
#include <functional>

#include "midas.h"
#include "odbxx.hxx"


int main() {

   cm_connect_experiment(NULL, NULL, "test", NULL);

   // create ODB structure...
   midas::odb o = {
      {"Int32 Key", 42},
      {"Bool Key", true},
      {"Subdir", {
         {"Int32 key", 123 },
         {"Double Key", 1.2},
         {"Subsub", {
            {"Float key", 1.2f},     // floats must be explicitly specified
            {"String Key", "Hello"},
      {"Int Array", {1, 2, 3}},
      {"Double Array", {1.2, 2.3, 3.4}},
      {"String Array", {"Hello1", "Hello2", "Hello3"}},
      {"Large Array", std::array<int, 10>{} },   // array with explicit size
      {"Large String", std::string(63, '\0') },  // string with explicit size

   // ...and push it to ODB. If keys are present in the
   // ODB, their value is kept. If not, the default values
   // from above are copied to the ODB

   // alternatively, a structure can be created from an existing ODB subtree
   midas::odb o2("/Test/Settings/Subdir");
   std::cout << o2 << std::endl;

   // set, retrieve, and change ODB value
   o["Int32 Key"] = 42;
   int i = o["Int32 Key"];
   o["Int32 Key"] = i+1;
   o["Int32 Key"]++;
   o["Int32 Key"] *= 1.3;
   std::cout << "Should be 57: " << o["Int32 Key"] << std::endl;

   // test with bool
   o["Bool Key"] = false;
   o["Bool Key"] = !o["Bool Key"];

   // test with std::string
   o["Subdir"]["Subsub"]["String Key"] = "Hello";
   std::string s = o["Subdir"]["Subsub"]["String Key"];
   s += " world!";
   o["Subdir"]["Subsub"]["String Key"] = s;

   // test with a vector
   std::vector<int> v = o["Int Array"]; // read vector
   std::fill(v.begin(), v.end(), 10);
   o["Int Array"] = v;        // assign vector to ODB array
   o["Int Array"][1] = 2;     // modify array element
   i = o["Int Array"][1];     // read from array element
   o["Int Array"].resize(5);  // resize array
   o["Int Array"]++;          // increment all values of array

   // test with a string vector
   std::vector<std::string> sv;
   sv = o["String Array"];
   sv[1] = "New String";
   o["String Array"] = sv;
   o["String Array"][2] = "Another String";

   // iterate over array
   int sum = 0;
   for (int e : o["Int Array"])
      sum += e;
   std::cout << "Sum should be 47: " << sum << std::endl;

   // creat key from other key
   midas::odb oi(o["Int32 Key"]);
   oi = 123;

   // test auto refresh
   std::cout << oi << std::endl;    // each read access reads value from ODB
   oi.set_auto_refresh_read(false); // turn off auto refresh
   std::cout << oi << std::endl;    // this does not read value from ODB;                       // this forces a manual read
   std::cout << oi << std::endl;

   // create ODB entries on-the-fly
   midas::odb ot;
   ot.connect("/Test/Settings/OTF");// this forces /Test/OTF to be created if not already there
   ot["Int32 Key"] = 1;             // create all these keys with different types
   ot["Double Key"] = 1.23;
   ot["String Key"] = "Hello";
   ot["Int Array"] = std::array<int, 10>{};
   ot["Subdir"]["Int32 Key"] = 42;
   ot["String Array"] = std::vector<std::string>{"S1", "S2", "S3"};
   std::cout << ot << std::endl;;                        // re-read the underlying ODB tree which got changed by above OTF code
   std::cout << o.print() << std::endl;

   // iterate over sub-keys
   for (midas::odb& oit : o)
      std::cout << oit.get_name() << std::endl;

   // print whole sub-tree
   std::cout << o.print() << std::endl;

   // dump whole subtree
   std::cout << o.dump() << std::endl;

   // delete test key from ODB

   // watch ODB key for any change with lambda function
   midas::odb ow("/Experiment");[](midas::odb &o) {
      std::cout << "Value of key \"" + o.get_full_path() + "\" changed to " << o << std::endl;

   do {
      int status = cm_yield(100);
      if (status == SS_ABORT || status == RPC_SHUTDOWN)
   } while (!ss_kbhit());

   return 1;
  1913   20 May 2020 Konstantin OlchanskiInfoNew ODB++ API
>    midas::odb o;
>    o["foo"] = 1;

This is an excellent development.

ODB is a tree-structured database, JSON is a tree-structured data format,
and they seem to fit together like hand and glove. For programming
web pages, Javascript and JSON-style access to ODB seems to work really well.

And now with modern C++ we can have a similar API for working with ODB tree data,
as if it were Javascript JSON tree data.

Let's see how well it works in practice!

  1912   20 May 2020 Konstantin OlchanskiForumList of sequencer files
> We have a custom webpage and trying to get list of files from the custom webpage and need jrpc command to show it 
> in custom page. Is there a jrpc command to get this file list?

The rpc method used by sequencer web pages is "seq_list_files". How to use it, see resources/load_script.html.

To see list of all rpc methods implemented by your mhttpd, see "help"->"json-rpc schema, text format".

As general explanation, so far we have successfully resisted the desire to turn mhttpd into a generic NFS file
server - if we automatically give all web pages access to all files accessible to the midas user account, it is easy
to lose control of system security (i.e. bad things will happen if web pages can read the ssh private keys ~/.ssh/id_rsa and
modify ~/.ssh/authorized_keys). Generally it is impossible to come up with a whitelist or blacklist of "secrets" that
need to be "hidden" from web pages. But we did implement methods to access files from specific subdirectory trees
defined in ODB which hopefully do not contain any "secrets".

  1911   20 May 2020 Konstantin OlchanskiBug ReportConflic between Rootana and midas about the redefinition of TID_xxx data types
> Dear Midas and Rootana people,
> We have tried to update our midas DAQ with the new TID definitions describe in 
> And we have noticed an incompatibility of this new definitions with Rootana when reading an XmlOdb in our offline analyzer. 
> The problem comes from  the function FindArrayPath in XmlOdb.cxx and the comparison of bank type as strings.
> Ex: comparing the strings "DWORD" and "UNINT32"
> An naive solution would be to print the number associated to the type (ex: '6' for DWORD/UNINT32), but that would mean changing Rootana and Midas source code. Moreover, it does decrease the readability of the XmlOdb file. 

Hi, it is unfortunate that a change was made in MIDAS that is incompatible with existing analysis software. I shall update the ROOTANA package to deal with this ASAP.

  1910   19 May 2020 Ruslan PodviianiukForumList of sequencer files
> If you load a file into the sequencer from the web interface, you get a list of all files in that directory. 
> This basically gives you a list of possible sequencer files. It's even more powerful, since you can 
> create subdirectories and thus group the sequencer files. Attached an example from our 
> experiment.
> Stefan

Dear Stefan,

Could you please answer one more question:

We have a custom webpage and trying to get list of files from the custom webpage and need jrpc command to show it 
in custom page. Is there a jrpc command to get this file list?

  1909   18 May 2020 Ruslan PodviianiukForumList of sequencer files
> If you load a file into the sequencer from the web interface, you get a list of all files in that directory. 
> This basically gives you a list of possible sequencer files. It's even more powerful, since you can 
> create subdirectories and thus group the sequencer files. Attached an example from our 
> experiment.
> Stefan

Dear Stefan,

Thank you for the explanation.

  1908   13 May 2020 Stefan RittForumList of sequencer files
If you load a file into the sequencer from the web interface, you get a list of all files in that directory. 
This basically gives you a list of possible sequencer files. It's even more powerful, since you can 
create subdirectories and thus group the sequencer files. Attached an example from our 

Attachment 1: Screenshot_2020-05-13_at_9.11.55_.png
  1907   12 May 2020 Ruslan PodviianiukForumList of sequencer files

We are going to implement a list of sequencer files to allow users to select one 
of them. The name of this file will be transferred to 
/ODB/Sequencer/State/Filename field of ODB. 

Is it possible to get a list of Sequencer files from MIDAS? Is there a jrpc 
command for this?


  1906   12 May 2020 Stefan RittInfoNew ODB++ API
Since the beginning of the lockdown I have been working hard on a new object-oriented interface to the online database ODB. I have the code now in an initial state where it is ready for 
testing and commenting. The basic idea is that there is an object midas::odb, which represents a value or a sub-tree in the ODB. Reading, writing and watching is done through this 
object. To get started, the new API has to be included with

   #include <odbxx.hxx>

To create ODB values under a certain sub-directory, you can either create one key at a time like:

   midas::odb o;
   o.connect("/Test/Settings", true);   // this creates /Test/Settings
   o.set_auto_create(true);            // this turns on auto-creation
   o["Int32 Key"] = 1;                 // create all these keys with different types
   o["Double Key"] = 1.23;
   o["String Key"] = "Hello";

or you can create a whole sub-tree at once like:

  midas::odb o = {
    {"Int32 Key", 1},
    {"Double Key", 1.23},
    {"String Key", "Hello"},
    {"Subdir", {
      {"Another value", 1.2f}

To read and write to the ODB, just read and write to the odb object

   int i = o["Int32 Key];
   o["Int32 Key"] = 42;
   std::cout << o << std::endl;

This works with basic types, strings, std::array and std::vector. Each read access to this object triggers an underlying read from the ODB, and each write access triggers a write to the 
ODB. To watch a value for change in the odb (the old db_watch() function), you can use now c++ lambdas like:[](midas::odb &o) {
      std::cout << "Value of key \"" + o.get_full_path() + "\" changed to " << o << std::endl;

Attached is a full running example, which is now also part of the midas repository. I have tested most things, but would not yet use it in a production environment. Not 100% sure if there 
are any memory leaks. If someone could valgrind the test program, I would appreciate (currently does not work on my Mac).

Have fun!


Attachment 1: odbxx_test.cxx

  Name:         odbxx_test.cxx
  Created by:   Stefan Ritt

  Contents:     Test and Demo of Object oriented interface to ODB


#include <string>
#include <iostream>
#include <array>
#include <functional>

#include "odbxx.hxx"
#include "midas.h"


int main() {

   cm_connect_experiment(NULL, NULL, "test", NULL);

   // create ODB structure...
   midas::odb o = {
           {"Int32 Key", 42},
           {"Bool Key", true},
           {"Subdir", {
              {"Int32 key", 123 },
              {"Double Key", 1.2},
              {"Subsub", {
                 {"Float key", 1.2f},     // floats must be explicitly specified
                 {"String Key", "Hello"},
           {"Int Array", {1, 2, 3}},
           {"Double Array", {1.2, 2.3, 3.4}},
           {"String Array", {"Hello1", "Hello2", "Hello3"}},
           {"Large Array", std::array<int, 10>{} },   // array with explicit size
           {"Large String", std::string(63, '\0') },  // string with explicit size

   // ...and push it to ODB. If keys are present in the
   // ODB, their value is kept. If not, the default values
   // from above are copied to the ODB
   o.connect("/Test/Settings", true);

   // alternatively, a structure can be created from an existing ODB subtree
   midas::odb o2("/Test/Settings/Subdir");
   std::cout << o2 << std::endl;

   // retrieve, set, and change ODB value
   int i = o["Int32 Key"];
   o["Int32 Key"] = i+1;
   o["Int32 Key"]++;
   o["Int32 Key"] *= 1.3;
   std::cout << "Should be 57: " << o["Int32 Key"] << std::endl;

   // test with bool
   o["Bool Key"] = !o["Bool Key"];

   // test with std::string
   std::string s = o["Subdir"]["Subsub"]["String Key"];
   s += " world!";
   o["Subdir"]["Subsub"]["String Key"] = s;

   // test with a vector
   std::vector<int> v = o["Int Array"];
   v[1] = 10;
   o["Int Array"] = v;        // assign vector to ODB object
   o["Int Array"][1] = 2;     // modify ODB object directly
   i = o["Int Array"][1];     // read from ODB object
   o["Int Array"].resize(5);  // resize array
   o["Int Array"]++;          // increment all values of array

   // test with a string vector
   std::vector<std::string> sv;
   sv = o["String Array"];
   sv[1] = "New String";
   o["String Array"] = sv;
   o["String Array"][2] = "Another String";

   // iterate over array
   int sum = 0;
   for (int e : o["Int Array"])
      sum += e;
   std::cout << "Sum should be 11: " << sum << std::endl;

   // creat key from other key
   midas::odb oi(o["Int32 Key"]);
   oi = 123;

   // test auto refresh
   std::cout << oi << std::endl;    // each read access reads value from ODB
   oi.set_auto_refresh_read(false); // turn off auto refresh
   std::cout << oi << std::endl;    // this does not read value from ODB;                       // this does manual read
   std::cout << oi << std::endl;

   midas::odb ox("/Test/Settings/OTF");

   // create ODB entries on-the-fly
   midas::odb ot;
   ot.connect("/Test/Settings/OTF", true);   // this forces /Test/OTF to be created if not already there
   ot.set_auto_create(true);        // this turns on auto-creation
   ot["Int32 Key"] = 1;             // create all these keys with different types
   ot["Double Key"] = 1.23;
   ot["String Key"] = "Hello";
   ot["Int Array"] = std::array<int, 10>{};
   ot["Subdir"]["Int32 Key"] = 42;
   ot["String Array"] = std::vector<std::string>{"S1", "S2", "S3"};
   std::cout << ot << std::endl;;                        // re-read the underlying ODB tree which got changed by above OTF code
   std::cout << o.print() << std::endl;

   // iterate over sub-keys
   for (auto& oit : o)
      std::cout << oit.get_odb()->get_name() << std::endl;

   // print whole sub-tree
   std::cout << o.print() << std::endl;

   // dump whole subtree
   std::cout << o.dump() << std::endl;

   // delete test key from ODB

   // watch ODB key for any change with lambda function
   midas::odb ow("/Experiment");[](midas::odb &o) {
      std::cout << "Value of key \"" + o.get_full_path() + "\" changed to " << o << std::endl;

   do {
      int status = cm_yield(100);
      if (status == SS_ABORT || status == RPC_SHUTDOWN)
   } while (!ss_kbhit());

   return 1;
  1905   07 May 2020 EstelleBug ReportConflic between Rootana and midas about the redefinition of TID_xxx data types
Dear Midas and Rootana people,

We have tried to update our midas DAQ with the new TID definitions describe in 

And we have noticed an incompatibility of this new definitions with Rootana when reading an XmlOdb in our offline analyzer. 

The problem comes from  the function FindArrayPath in XmlOdb.cxx and the comparison of bank type as strings.
Ex: comparing the strings "DWORD" and "UNINT32"

An naive solution would be to print the number associated to the type (ex: '6' for DWORD/UNINT32), but that would mean changing Rootana and Midas source code. Moreover, it does decrease the readability of the XmlOdb file. 

Thanks for your time.
  1904   04 May 2020 Pintaudi GiorgioForumAPI to read MIDAS format file
> (But note that back when I implemented the SQLITE history writer, sqlite database corruption
> recovery instructions were "delete the file, restore from backup". And indeed in every test
> experiment I tried, the sqlite history databases eventually corrupted themselves. You see
> same thing with google-chrome, lots of sqlite errors (bad locking, corrupted table, etc)
> in it's terminal output).

Thank you for the info. But I do not quite understand the comment above.
Do you mean that there is something wrong with the SQLite library itself or with the way that MIDAS creates the SQLite 
  1903   03 May 2020 Stefan RittForumAPI to read MIDAS format file
> PS some time ago, I don't remember if you or Stefan, recommended CLion as C++ IDE. I have tried it 
> (together with PyCharm) and I must admit that it is really good. It took me years to configure Emacs 
> as a IDE, while it took me minutes to have much better results in CLion. Thank you very much for 
> your recommendation.

Was probably me. I use it as my standard IDE and am quite happy with it. All the things KO likes with emacs, plus much 
more. Especially the CMake integration is nice, since you don't have to leave the IDE for editing, compiling and debugging. 
The tooltips the IDE gave me in the past months made me write code much better. So quite an opposite opinion compared 
with KO, but luckily this planet has space for all kinds of opinions. I made myself the cheat sheet attached, which lets me 
do things much faster. Maybe you can use it.

Attachment 1: ReferenceCardForMac.pdf
  1902   03 May 2020 Konstantin OlchanskiForumAPI to read MIDAS format file
> - One is to convert to SQL format and then use a SQLite library to import the data in my 
> application.

You can also configure midas to write history directly to an SQLITE database. I have not used
it recently, but it should still work. In terms of efficiency, sqlite file size is about the same
as .hst files. sqlite file and table naming is similar to the SQL and FILE implementation.

(But note that back when I implemented the SQLITE history writer, sqlite database corruption
recovery instructions were "delete the file, restore from backup". And indeed in every test
experiment I tried, the sqlite history databases eventually corrupted themselves. You see
same thing with google-chrome, lots of sqlite errors (bad locking, corrupted table, etc)
in it's terminal output).

> - The other is to encapsulate the mhdump.cxx code into a C++ class, as you say.

If I were to write this today, there would be a c++ class that takes a history file,
iterates over all records and calls "callback" classlets. You can see this in the history.h
(HistoryBufferInterface) and in the tmfe.h (RpcHandlerInterface, etc).

I think this style of OO programming originally comes from java. If you so desire,
an "mhdump" class could be a nice way to learn it.

> PS some time ago, I don't remember if you or Stefan, recommended CLion as C++ IDE. I have tried it 
> (together with PyCharm) and I must admit that it is really good. It took me years to configure Emacs 
> as a IDE, while it took me minutes to have much better results in CLion. Thank you very much for 
> your recommendation.

I remember, years ago, the Borland TurboC IDE was like a gift from Gods. But today, I think IDEs have
declined in quality and usefulness. They clog the screen with too much eye candy and fluff, use hard
to read fonts and silly colours, insist on using tabs where I want spaces, reformat the text even as I type it,
and detract from productive work with distracting popups ("try this new function!", "let's upgrade now!").

For serious programming, I use emacs with minimal decorations. I can easily open 3 or 4 windows at the same
time and still have enough screen space left for a terminal to run "make". And it is the only editor that can
edit the same file in two or more windows at the same time. You do not know you need this until
you work on odb.cxx.

  1901   03 May 2020 Pintaudi GiorgioForumAPI to read MIDAS format file
> The format of .hst midas history files is pretty simple and mhdump.cxx is an easy to read 
> illustration on how to read it from basic principles (without going through the midas library, 
> which can be somewhat complicated). The newer "FILE" format for history is even simpler 
> to read because it is just fixed-record-size binary data prepended by a text header.
> You can also use the mh2sql program to import history data into an sql database (mysql 
> and sqlite should work) or to convert .hst files to "FILE" format files. This works well
> for "archiving" history data, because the "FILE" format works better for looking at old data,
> and for looking at data in "months" or "years" timescale.
> Back to your question, you can certainly use "mhdump" as is, using a pipe (popen()), or 
> you can package mhdump.cxx as a c++ class and use it in your application. If you go this 
> route, your contribution of such a c++ class back to midas would be very welcome.
> You can also use mhist, but the mhist code cannot be trivially packaged as a c++ class
> to use in your application.
> You can also suggest that we write an easier to use history utility, we are always open to 
> suggested improvements.
> Let us know how it works out for you. Good luck!
> K.O.

Dear Konstantin,
thank you very much for the wealth of information you provided.
I have thought about it and I see two options:

- One is to convert to SQL format and then use a SQLite library to import the data in my 

- The other is to encapsulate the mhdump.cxx code into a C++ class, as you say.

I am leaning towards the first option for three reasons.
1. I have never used a SQLite database so it is a good learning opportunity for me.
2, The SQLite database format is very well known and widespread, so there are tons of tools to 
handle it
3. I have taken a look at the mhdump.cxx source code and I think it is a beautiful piece of code, 
but has a very "functional" taste with little encapsulation. Basically, all the fun is happening 
inside the readHstFile function and there is no trivial way to get the data out of it. I don't mean 
that it would be difficult to wrap it around a C++ class, but I feel that I can learn more by going 
the SQL way.

PS some time ago, I don't remember if you or Stefan, recommended CLion as C++ IDE. I have tried it 
(together with PyCharm) and I must admit that it is really good. It took me years to configure Emacs 
as a IDE, while it took me minutes to have much better results in CLion. Thank you very much for 
your recommendation.
  Draft   02 May 2020 Konstantin OlchanskiForumTaking MIDAS beyond 64 clients
> > > 
> > > Does the community here have strong opinions about increasing the 
> > > Am I looking at this problem in a naive way?
> > > 

The issue is
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