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  2731   01 Apr 2024 Konstantin OlchanskiInfoxz-utils bomb out, compression benchmarks
you may have heard the news of a major problem with the xz-utils project, authors of the popular "xz" file compression,

the debian bug tracker is interesting reading on this topic, "750 commits or contributions to xz by Jia Tan, who backdoored it",

and apparently there is problems with the deisng of the .xz file format, making it vulnerable to single-bit errors and unreliable checksums,

this moved me to review status of file compression in MIDAS.

MIDAS does not use or recommend xz compression, MIDAS programs to not link to xz and lzma libraries provided by xz-utils.

mlogger has built-in support for:
- gzip-1, enabled by default, as the most safe and bog-standard compression method
- bzip2 and pbzip2, as providing the best compression
- lz4, for high data rate situations where gzip and bzip2 cannot keep up with the data

compression benchmarks on an AMD 7700 CPU (8-core, DDR5 RAM) confirm the usual speed-vs-compression tradeoff:

note: observe how both lz4 and pbzip2 compress time is the time it takes to read the file from ZFS cache, around 6 seconds.
note: decompression stacks up in the same order: lz4, gzip fastest, pbzip2 same speed using 10x CPU, bzip2 10x slower uses 1 CPU.
note: because of the fast decompression speed, gzip remains competitive.

no compression: 6 sec, 270 MiBytes/sec,
lz4, bpzip2:    6 sec, same, (pbzip2 uses 10 CPU vs lz4 uses 1 CPU)
gzip -1:       21 sec,  78 MiBytes/sec
bzip2:         70 sec,  23 MiBytes/sec (same speed as pbzip2, but using 1 CPU instead of 10 CPU)

file sizes:

(vslice) dsdaqdev@dsdaqgw:/zdata/vslice$ ls -lSr test.mid*
-rw-r--r-- 1 dsdaqdev users  483319523 Apr  1 14:06 test.mid.bz2
-rw-r--r-- 1 dsdaqdev users  631575929 Apr  1 14:06 test.mid.gz
-rw-r--r-- 1 dsdaqdev users 1002432717 Apr  1 14:06 test.mid.lz4
-rw-r--r-- 1 dsdaqdev users 1729327169 Apr  1 14:06 test.mid
(vslice) dsdaqdev@dsdaqgw:/zdata/vslice$ 

actual benchmarks:

(vslice) dsdaqdev@dsdaqgw:/zdata/vslice$ /usr/bin/time cat test.mid > /dev/null
0.00user 6.00system 0:06.00elapsed 99%CPU (0avgtext+0avgdata 1408maxresident)k

(vslice) dsdaqdev@dsdaqgw:/zdata/vslice$ /usr/bin/time gzip -1 -k test.mid
14.70user 6.42system 0:21.14elapsed 99%CPU (0avgtext+0avgdata 1664maxresident)k

(vslice) dsdaqdev@dsdaqgw:/zdata/vslice$ /usr/bin/time lz4 -k -f test.mid
2.90user 6.44system 0:09.39elapsed 99%CPU (0avgtext+0avgdata 7680maxresident)k

(vslice) dsdaqdev@dsdaqgw:/zdata/vslice$ /usr/bin/time bzip2 -k -f test.mid
64.76user 8.81system 1:13.59elapsed 99%CPU (0avgtext+0avgdata 8448maxresident)k

(vslice) dsdaqdev@dsdaqgw:/zdata/vslice$ /usr/bin/time pbzip2 -k -f test.mid
86.76user 15.39system 0:09.07elapsed 1125%CPU (0avgtext+0avgdata 114596maxresident)k

decompression benchmarks:

(vslice) dsdaqdev@dsdaqgw:/zdata/vslice$ /usr/bin/time lz4cat  test.mid.lz4 > /dev/null
0.68user 0.23system 0:00.91elapsed 99%CPU (0avgtext+0avgdata 7680maxresident)k

(vslice) dsdaqdev@dsdaqgw:/zdata/vslice$ /usr/bin/time zcat  test.mid.gz > /dev/null
6.61user 0.23system 0:06.85elapsed 99%CPU (0avgtext+0avgdata 1408maxresident)k

(vslice) dsdaqdev@dsdaqgw:/zdata/vslice$ /usr/bin/time bzcat  test.mid.bz2 > /dev/null
27.99user 1.59system 0:29.58elapsed 99%CPU (0avgtext+0avgdata 4656maxresident)k

(vslice) dsdaqdev@dsdaqgw:/zdata/vslice$ /usr/bin/time pbzip2 -dc test.mid.bz2 > /dev/null
37.32user 0.56system 0:02.75elapsed 1377%CPU (0avgtext+0avgdata 157036maxresident)k

  2730   28 Mar 2024 Grzegorz NieradkaBug ReportMidas (manalyzer) + ROOT 6.31/01 - compilation error
I found solution for my trouble. With MIDAS and ROOT everything is OK,
the trobule was with my Ubuntu enviroment.

In this case the trobule was caused by earlier installed anaconda and hardcoded path
to anaconda libs folder in PATH enviroment variable.

In anaconda lib folder I have the and the hardcoded path
to this folder was added during the linking, by ld program, after the standard path location 
of libstdc++.

So the linker tried to link to this version of libstdc++.

When I removed the path for anaconda libs from enviroment and the standard libs location 
is /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ and I have the version
of  stdc++ library everything is compiling and linking smoothly without any errors.

Additionaly, everything works smoothly even with the newest ROOT version 6.30/04 compiled
from source.

Thanks for help.

BTW. I would like to take this opportunity to wish everyone a happy Easter and tasty eggs!

Grzegorz Nieradka
  2729   19 Mar 2024 Konstantin OlchanskiBug ReportMidas (manalyzer) + ROOT 6.31/01 - compilation error
> ok, thank you for your information. I cannot reproduce this problem, I use vanilla Ubuntu 
> LTS 22, ROOT binary kit root_v6.30.02.Linux-ubuntu22.04-x86_64-gcc11.4 from 
> and latest midas from git.
> something is wrong with your ubuntu or with your c++ standard library or with your ROOT.
> a) can you try with root_v6.30.02.Linux-ubuntu22.04-x86_64-gcc11.4 from
> b) for the midas build, please run "make cclean; make cmake -k" and email me (or post 
> here) the complete output.

also, please email me the output of these commands on your machine:

daq00:midas$ ls -l /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libstdc++*
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root      19 May 13  2023 /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ ->
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 2260296 May 13  2023 /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/


daq00:midas$ ldd $ROOTSYS/bin/rootreadspeed (0x00007ffe6c399000) => /daq/cern_root/root_v6.30.02.Linux-ubuntu22.04-x86_64-gcc11.4/lib/ (0x00007f67e53b5000) => /daq/cern_root/root_v6.30.02.Linux-ubuntu22.04-x86_64-gcc11.4/lib/ (0x00007f67e4fb9000) => /daq/cern_root/root_v6.30.02.Linux-ubuntu22.04-x86_64-gcc11.4/lib/ (0x00007f67e4b08000) => /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ (0x00007f67e48bd000) => /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ (0x00007f67e489b000) => /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ (0x00007f67e4672000) => /daq/cern_root/root_v6.30.02.Linux-ubuntu22.04-x86_64-gcc11.4/lib/ (0x00007f67e458b000) => /daq/cern_root/root_v6.30.02.Linux-ubuntu22.04-x86_64-gcc11.4/lib/ (0x00007f67e4533000) => /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ (0x00007f67e444c000)
	/lib64/ (0x00007f67e5599000) => /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ (0x00007f67e43d6000) => /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ (0x00007f67e43b8000) => /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ (0x00007f67e438d000) => /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ (0x00007f67e4378000) => /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ (0x00007f67e4358000) => /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ (0x00007f67e4289000) => /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ (0x00007f67e41e3000) => /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ (0x00007f67e3d9f000)

  2728   19 Mar 2024 Konstantin OlchanskiBug ReportMidas (manalyzer) + ROOT 6.31/01 - compilation error
ok, thank you for your information. I cannot reproduce this problem, I use vanilla Ubuntu 
LTS 22, ROOT binary kit root_v6.30.02.Linux-ubuntu22.04-x86_64-gcc11.4 from 
and latest midas from git.

something is wrong with your ubuntu or with your c++ standard library or with your ROOT.

a) can you try with root_v6.30.02.Linux-ubuntu22.04-x86_64-gcc11.4 from
b) for the midas build, please run "make cclean; make cmake -k" and email me (or post 
here) the complete output.

  2727   19 Mar 2024 Grzegorz NieradkaBug ReportMidas (manalyzer) + ROOT 6.31/01 - compilation error
Dear Konstantin,
Thank you for your interest in my problem.

What I did:
1. I installed the latest ROOT from source according tho the manual,
exactly as in this webpage (
ROOT sems work correctly, .demo from it is works and some example
file too. The manalyzer is not linking with this ROOT version installed from source.

2. I downgraded the ROOT to the lower version (6.30.04):
 git checkout -b v6-30-04 v6-30-04
ROOT seems compiled, installed and run correctly. The manalyzer,
from the MIDAS is not linked.

3. I downoladed the latest version of ROOT:
and I installed it simple by tar: tar -xzvf root_...
  | Welcome to ROOT 6.30/04               |
  | (c) 1995-2024, The ROOT Team; conception: R. Brun, F. Rademakers |
  | Built for linuxx8664gcc on Jan 31 2024, 10:01:37                 |
  | From heads/master@tags/v6-30-04                                  |
  | With c++ (Ubuntu 11.4.0-1ubuntu1~22.04) 11.4.0                   |
  | Try '.help'/'.?', '.demo', '.license', '.credits', '.quit'/'.q'  |
Again the ROOT sems work properly, the .demo from it is working, and example file
are working too. Manalyzer from MIDAS is failed to linking.

4. The midas with the option: cmake -D NO_ROOT=ON ..
is compliling, linking and even working.

5. When I try to build MIDAS with ROOT support threre is error:
[ 33%] Linking CXX executable manalyzer_test.exe
/usr/bin/ld: /home/astrocent/workspace/root/lib/ undefined reference to 

I'm trying to attach files:
cmake-midas-root -> My configuration of compiling MIDAS with ROOT
make-cmake-midas  -> output of my the command make cmake in MIDAS directory
make-cmake-k -> output of my the command make cmake -k in MIDAS directory

And I'm stupid at this moment.
Grzegorz Nieradka
  2726   18 Mar 2024 Konstantin OlchanskiBug ReportMidas (manalyzer) + ROOT 6.31/01 - compilation error
> [ 34%] Linking CXX executable manalyzer_test.exe
> /usr/bin/ld: /home/astrocent/workspace/root/root_install/lib/ undefined 
> reference to 
> `std::condition_variable::wait(std::unique_lock<std::mutex>&)@GLIBCXX_3.4.30'
> collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status

the error is actually in ROOT, libRIO does not find someting in the standard library.

one possible source of trouble is mismatched compilation flags, to debug this, please 
use "make cmake" and email me (or post here) the full output. (standard cmake hides 
all compiler information to make it easier to debug such problems).

since this is a prerelease of ROOT 6.32 (which in turn fixes major breakage on MacOS) 
and you built it from sources, can you confirm for me that it actually works, you can 
run "root -l somefile.root", open the tbrowser, look at some plots? this is to 
eliminate the possibility that your ROOR is miscompiled.

hmm... also please run "make cmake -k", let's see is linking of rmlogger also fails.

  2725   18 Mar 2024 Grzegorz NieradkaBug ReportMidas (manalyzer) + ROOT 6.31/01 - compilation error
I tried to update MIDAS installation on Ubuntu 22.04.1 to the latest commit at 
the bitbucket.

I have update the ROOT from source the latest version ROOT 6.31/01.

During the MIDAS compilation I have error:

/usr/bin/ld: *some_path_to_ROOT*/ undefined reference to 

The longer version of this error is below.

Has anybody knows some simple solution of this error?

Thanks, GN

Consolidate compiler generated dependencies of target manalyzer_main
[ 32%] Building CXX object 
[ 33%] Linking CXX static library libmanalyzer_main.a
[ 33%] Built target manalyzer_main
Consolidate compiler generated dependencies of target manalyzer_test.exe
[ 33%] Building CXX object 
[ 34%] Linking CXX executable manalyzer_test.exe
/usr/bin/ld: /home/astrocent/workspace/root/root_install/lib/ undefined 
reference to 
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
make[2]: *** [manalyzer/CMakeFiles/manalyzer_test.exe.dir/build.make:124: 
manalyzer/manalyzer_test.exe] Error 1
make[1]: *** [CMakeFiles/Makefile2:780: 
manalyzer/CMakeFiles/manalyzer_test.exe.dir/all] Error 2
  2724   11 Mar 2024 Konstantin OlchanskiBug ReportAutostart program
> It seems that if a frontend is started automatically by using Program->Auto start then the status page does not show it as started. This is since the FE name has a number after the name. If I stop and start manually then the status page shows the correct state of the FE. Am I doing something wrong or is this a bug somewhere?

Zaher, please read

  2723   10 Mar 2024 Zaher SalmanBug ReportAutostart program
Hello everyone,

It seems that if a frontend is started automatically by using Program->Auto start then the status page does not show it as started. This is since the FE name has a number after the name. If I stop and start manually then the status page shows the correct state of the FE. Am I doing something wrong or is this a bug somewhere?

  2722   08 Mar 2024 Konstantin OlchanskiInfoMIDAS frontend for WIENER L.V. P.S. and VME crates
Our MIDAS frontend for WIENER power supplies is now available as a standalone git repository.

This frontend use the snmpwalk and snmpset programs to talk to the power supply.

Also included is a simple custom web page to display power supply status and to turn things on and off.

This frontend was originally written for the T2K/ND280 experiment in Japan.

In addition to controlling Wiener low voltage power supplies, it was also used to control the ISEG MPOD high 
voltage power supplies.

In Japan, ISEG MPOD was (still is) connected to the MicroMegas TPC and is operated in a special "spark counting" 
mode. This spark counting code is still present in this MIDAS frontend and can be restored with a small amount of 

  2721   27 Feb 2024 Pavel MuratForumdisplaying integers in hex format ?
Hi Stefan (and Ben),

thanks for reacting so promptly - your commits on Bitbucket fixed the problem.

For those of us who knows little about how the web browsers work: 

- picking up the fix required flushing the cache of the MIDAS client web browser - apparently the web browser 
  I'm using - Firefox 115.6 - cached the old version of midas.js but wouldn't report it cached and wouldn't load 
  the updated file on its own.

-- thanks again, regards, Pasha
  2720   27 Feb 2024 Stefan RittForumdisplaying integers in hex format ?
Thanks for reporting that bug. I fixed it and committed the change to the develop branch.

  2719   27 Feb 2024 Pavel MuratForumdisplaying integers in hex format ?
Dear MIDAS Experts,

I'm having an odd problem when trying to display an integer stored in ODB on a custom 
web page:  the hex specifier, "%x", displays integers as if it were "%d" .

- attachment 1 shows the layout and the contents of the ODB sub-tree in question
- attachment 2 shows the web page as it is displayed
- attachment 3 shows the snippet of html/js producing the web page

I bet I'm missing smth trivial - an advice is greatly appreciated! 

Also, is there an equivalent of a "0x%04x" specifier to have the output formatted 
into a fixed length string ?  

-- thanks, regards, Pasha  
  2718   26 Feb 2024 Maia Henriksson-WardForummserver ERR message saying data area 100% full, though it is free
> Hi,
> I have just installed Midas and set-up the ODB for a SuperCDMS test-facility (on
> a SL6.7 machine). All works fine except that I receive the following error message:
> [mserver,ERROR] [odb.c:944:db_validate_db,ERROR] Warning: database data area is
> 100% full
> Which is puzzling for the following reason:
> -> I have created the ODB with: odbedit -s 4194304
> -> Checking the size of the .ODB.SHM it says: 4.2M
> -> When I save the ODB as .xml and check the file's size it says: 1.1M
> -> When I start odbedit and check the memory usage issuing 'mem', it says: 
> ...
> Free Key area: 1982136 bytes out of 2097152 bytes
> ...
> Free Data area: 2020072 bytes out of 2097152 bytes
> Free: 1982136 (94.5%) keylist, 2020072 (96.3%) data
> So it seems like nearly all memory is still free. As a test I created more
> instances of one of our front-ends and checked 'mem' again. As expected the free
> memory was decreasing. I did this ten times in fact, reaching
> ...
> Free Key area: 1440976 bytes out of 2097152 bytes
> ...
> Free Data area: 1861264 bytes out of 2097152 bytes
> Free: 1440976 (68.7%) keylist, 1861264 (88.8%) data
> So I could use another >20% of the database data area, which is according to the
> error message 100% (resp. >95%) full. Am I misunderstanding the error message?
> I'd appreciate any comments or ideas on that subject!
> Thanks, Belina

This is an old post, but I encountered the same error message recently and was looking for a 
solution here. Here's how I solved it, for anyone else who finds this: 
The size of .ODB.SHM was bigger than the maximum ODB size (4.2M > 4194304 in Belina's case). For us, 
the very large odb size was in error and I suspect it happened because we forgot to shut down midas 
cleanly before shutting the computer down. Using odbedit to load a previously saved copy of the ODB 
did not help me to get .ODB.SHM back to a normal size. Following the instructions on the wiki for 
recovery from a corrupted odb,, (odbinit with --cleanup option) should 
work, but didn't for me. Unfortunately I didn't save the output to figure out why. My solution was to manually delete/move/hide 
the .ODB.SHM file, and an equally large file called .ODB.SHM.1701109528, then run odbedit again and reload that same saved copy of my ODB. 
Manually changing files used by mserver is risky - for anyone who has the same problem, I suggest trying odbinit --cleanup -s 
<yoursize> first.
  2717   19 Feb 2024 Pavel MuratForumnumber of entries in a given ODB subdirectory ?
> > Hmm... is there any use case where you want to know the number of directory entries, but you will not iterate 
> > over them later?
> I agree. 

here comes the use case: 

I have a slow control frontend which monitors several DAQ components - software processes. 
The components are listed in the system configuration stored in ODB, a subkey per component.

Each component has its own driver, so the length of the driver list, defined by the number of components, 
needs to be determined at run time.

I calculate the number of components by iterating over the list of component subkeys in the system configuration, 
allocate space for the driver list, and store the pointer to the driver list in the equipment record.

The approach works, but it does require pre-calculating the number of subkeys of a given key.

-- regards, Pasha
  2716   18 Feb 2024 Frederik WautersForumdump history FILE files
> $ cat mhf_1697445335_20231016_run_transitions.dat
> event name: [Run transitions], time [1697445335]
> tag: tag: /DWORD 1 4 /timestamp
> tag: tag: UINT32 1 4 State
> tag: tag: UINT32 1 4 Run number
> record size: 12, data offset: 1024
> ...
> data is in fixed-length record format. from the file header, you read "record size" is 12 and data starts at offset 1024.
> the 12 bytes of the data record are described by the tags:
> 4 bytes of timestamp (DWORD, unix time)
> 4 bytes of State (UINT32)
> 4 bytes of "Run number" (UINT32)
> endianess is "local endian", which means "little endian" as we have no big-endian hardware anymore to test endian conversions.
> file format is designed for reading using read() or mmap().
> and you are right mhdump, does not work on these files, I guess I can write another utility that does what I just described and spews the numbers to stdout.
> K.O.

Thanks for the answer. As this FILE system is advertised as the new default (eog:2617), this format does merit some more WIKI info.
  2715   15 Feb 2024 Stefan RittForumnumber of entries in a given ODB subdirectory ?
> Hmm... is there any use case where you want to know the number of directory entries, but you will not iterate 
> over them later?

I agree. 

One more way to iterate over subkeys by name is by using the new odbxx API:

   midas::odb tree("/Test/Settings");
   for (midas::odb& key : tree)
      std::cout << key.get_name() << std::endl;

  2714   15 Feb 2024 Konstantin OlchanskiForumnumber of entries in a given ODB subdirectory ?
> > You are right, num_values is always 1 for TID_KEYS. The number of subkeys is stored in 
> >   ((KEYLIST *) ((char *)pheader + pkey->data))->num_keys
> > Maybe we should add a function to return this. But so far db_enum_key() was enough.

Hmm... is there any use case where you want to know the number of directory entries, but you will not iterate 
over them later?

  2713   15 Feb 2024 Konstantin OlchanskiForumnumber of entries in a given ODB subdirectory ?
> > > For ODB keys of type TID_KEY, the value num_values IS the number of subkeys. 
> > 
> > this logic makes sense, however it doesn't seem to be consistent with the printout of the test example
> > at the end of . The printout reports 
> > 
> > key.num_values = 1, but the actual number of subkeys = 6, and all subkeys being of TID_KEY type
> > 
> > I'm certain that the ODB subtree in question was not accessed concurrently during the test.
> You are right, num_values is always 1 for TID_KEYS. The number of subkeys is stored in 
>   ((KEYLIST *) ((char *)pheader + pkey->data))->num_keys
> Maybe we should add a function to return this. But so far db_enum_key() was enough.
> Stefan

I would rather add a function that atomically returns an std::vector<KEY>. number of entries
is vector size, entry names are in If you need to do something with an entry,
like iterate a subdirectory, you have to go by name (not by HNDLE), and if somebody deleted
it, you get an error "entry deleted, tough!", (HNDLE becomes invalid without any error message about it, 
subsequent db_get_data() likely returns gibberish, subsequent db_set_data() likely corrupts ODB).

  2712   14 Feb 2024 Konstantin OlchanskiInfobitbucket permissions
I pushed some buttons in bitbucket user groups and permissions to make it happy 
wrt recent changes.

The intended configuration is this:

- two user groups: admins and developers
- admins has full control over the workspace, project and repositories ("Admin" 
- developers have push permission for all repositories (not the "create 
repository" permission, this is limited to admins) ("Write" permission).
- there seems to be a quirk, admins also need to be in the developers group or 
some things do not work (like "run pipeline", which set me off into doing all 
- admins "Admin" permission is set at the "workspace" level and is inherited 
down to project and repository level.
- developers "Write" permission is set at the "project" level and is inherited 
down to repository level.
- individual repositories in the "MIDAS" project also seem to have explicit 
(non-inhertited) permissions, I think this is redundant and I will probably 
remove them at some point (not today).

ELOG V3.1.4-2e1708b5