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New entries since:Wed Dec 31 16:00:00 1969
ID Datedown Author Topic Subject
  1716   29 Sep 2019 Konstantin OlchanskiForumMIDAS interface for WAGASCI online monitor
> online monitor would show (almost in real-time) the 
> gain, the dark noise, and the pedestal for all the channels, the 2D tracks 
> inside the detectors for each spill and so on.

Hmm... I now realize that the midas distribution does not include an example web page that 
integrates all these elements into one easy to understand html file.

I think an example page that would answer your questions and the questions from the other 
thread about starting/stopping runs, should include following elements:

- the general midas web page framework (the midas left-hand side menu, the top side 
status display, Stefan's new odb tags)
- buttons to start and stop runs (javascript code to call the run transition RPCs)
- embedded images for history display (old style gif and new style canvas)
- embedded images for ROOT histograms (via the ROOT http server and jsroot)
- code to live-update all these elements independantly from each other (to allow history 
plots and ROOT histograms to update at different frequencies).

As for the web page code for showing a mini-event-display, I think we do not know yet how 
to do - the event data lives inside the analyzer as C++ data structures, so somehow it 
needs to be encoded as json (this code is missing - but one can use the ROOT C++ to json 
encoder/streamer), needs to be transported to the web browser (we know how to do this) 
and at the end, plotting the json data on a canvas is the easy part.

I know some experiments have done all of this, and I think we should have such a pipeline 
available as part of the ROOTANA package. Maybe some day...

  1715   29 Sep 2019 Konstantin OlchanskiSuggestionrecover daq and hardware safety.
> The issue occurs when e.g. one channel can not be turned on and ramp for some temp/specific 
> reason, and someone else is working on the daq and reloads the odb for e.g. 1h ago.  

So you want to ensure that some HV channels are turned off and stay turned off. Yes?

Most effective solution will depend on the consequences of unwanted turning-on of your channels:

- if hardware is destroyed if turned on - I think you should have a hardware lock-out. (unplug the HV cable)
- if hardware malfunctions and will degrade if left turned on for long time (i.e. a hot phototube or sparking wire chamber) - your data 
monitoring software should detect the anomaly (it will show up as a hot channel, dead channel, etc) and the people running the 
experiment will realize the mistake and turn the channel back off. also hardware monitoring (HV currents, etc) should detect this, with 
same effect.
- if collected data becomes useless (the turned-off channel make big noise in all other channels), then same thing, your data 
monitoring should catch it.

The next consideration is what are you protecting against:

a) one person flags channel defective, turns it off, next person knows nothing, turns it back on - you need to work on documentation, 
shift hand-off and other human-level procedures
b) people running experiment load random odb files - same thing, from human-level procedures and documentation it should be made 
clear which odb files are correct and which should not be used
c) software malfunction (not human person) causes data change in odb causes turned-off channel to turn back on
d) hardware malfunction causes turned-off channel to turn back on (HV power supply hardware or firmware malfunctions and decides 
that all channels should be turned on at maximum high voltage)

In the experiments I am most familiar with, problem (b) is avoided by never loading/reloading odb files directly, most/all interaction
with the experiment is done through web pages, and these web pages are carefully coded to be safe against most user mistakes.

Cases (a), (b) and (c) you can protect against by changing the frontend code to refuse to turn on some channels:

int set_hv(int channel, int voltage) {
   if (channel == 35) return COMMAND_REFUSED;
   write_to_hardware(channel, voltage);

But in reality this solution only creates problem (e):

e) people running the experiment start random versions of the frontend program, make random changes to the frontend source code, 
multiple people working on the frontend have their own personal versions/copies of the source code, etc.

This is the worst-case scenario, meaning the experiment lost control of software configuration, and even basic software version 
control tools (like svn or git) are not being used. If your experiment gets that chaotic, all protections are likely to be ineffective - 
documentation will not work (people will ignore post-it notes "do not turn on!"), hardware protections will not work (unplugged cable 
labeled "do not plug in!" will be plugged back in and powered), etc. good luck, then.

  1714   29 Sep 2019 Thomas LindnerForumMIDAS interface for WAGASCI online monitor
Hi Pintaudi Giorgio,

I think that the ROOT THttpServer is an option. The ROOT tools are not perfect, but it is relatively easy to embed plots in custom MIDAS pages. I have a description of one way of doing this here:

  1713   28 Sep 2019 Pintaudi GiorgioForumMIDAS interface for WAGASCI online monitor
This question is rather complex so please forgive me if I leave out some

I am currently developing an online monitor to check the data quality for the
WAGASCI experiment. The online monitor would show (almost in real-time) the
gain, the dark noise, and the pedestal for all the channels, the 2D tracks
inside the detectors for each spill and so on. This is possible because we can
continuously calibrate the WAGASCI electronics even during a Physics run.

Anyway, as I said during the MIDAS workshop, right now, we do not use MIDAS as a
frontend DAQ to readout the Physics data from the electronics (we use Pyrame and
the BabyMIND DAQ for that). One day, we might have Pyrame and the BabyMIND DAQ
send the Physics data to MIDAS in the form of MIDAS events ... but we are still
far from it (mainly because of lack of man-power on the BabyMIND side). I do not
think we will ever achieve this goal in the lifetime of the experiment because
the BabyMIND people do not see any added value in using MIDAS as a DAQ. But this
is another issue so I am going to drop this argument for now.

The fact is that I have written and tested all the code to continuously read the
WAGASCI electronics in real-time. I now would like to display some histograms and
figures in a MIDAS custom page that would automatically refresh/update. I have
not written the visualization part yet, because I would like to hear your
feedback first.

So my questions are. Suppose you have some ROOT histograms updating in real
time, what is the best way to show them in a MIDAS custom page? Is the ROOT
HttpServer an option here? If not ROOT, is there a better way to display
histograms in a web page?

I could have avoided the long introduction and just asked the questions but I
wanted to give you a little background.

This is a cartoonist impression of what I would like to achieve.

Thank you
  1712   28 Sep 2019 Frederik WautersSuggestionrecover daq and hardware safety.
Dear Konstantin,

So let me retract the term "safety issue" then, it was more a request/question for this type of 
info between the fe and the odb.

We have most of what you mention:
* The HV hardware has current limits
* The Hardware has fixed ramping limits.

same for the software. 

The issue occurs when e.g. one channel can not be turned on and ramp for some temp/specific 
reason, and someone else is working on the daq and reloads the odb for e.g. 1h ago.  

> > We have encountered a safety issue with our HPGe HV and it's midas frontend.
> At TRIUMF and other labs the words "safety issue" have very specific meaning and
> we tend to follow this guidance: MIDAS is not certified for and is not intended for use with 
> safety critical applications as defined here:
> > A safety-critical system ... malfunction may result in ... following outcomes:
> > death or serious injury to people
> > loss or severe damage to equipment/property
> > environmental harm
> If this is your case, you should use properly certified software *and hardware*. Safety 
> officers at most institutions require certified hardware interlocks and other protections to 
> prevent such undesirable outcomes. Use of certified PLCs is sometimes permitted.
> But I suspect in your case, there is no "safety issue", you only want to protect some 
> valuable but not critical equipment against accidental damage.
> In this case, you can probably use midas, but if midas malfunction may result in destroying 
> your experiment (i.e. accidentally set wrong voltage on 3000 phototubes), you should also 
> have hardware based protections (hardware limits on max/min high voltage). Most HV 
> power supplies implement such protections (screw-driver actuated max voltage limits).
> If there is danger of destroying your experiment you should also have an independent 
> review of your control system to avoid avoidable mistakes and obvious problems.
> > Turning off or changing HV unknowingly has to be avoided at all costs
> The function of changing high-voltage is implemented in your frontend program. Right in 
> the place in this program where you transmit the voltage setting from ODB to the hardware 
> is where you implement your protections (validate the voltage range, check that changing 
> the voltage is permitted, etc). This protects you against unexpected/incorrect/erroneous
> changes in ODB (wrong ODB is loaded, wrong values in ODB, ODB is corrupted, etc).
> In addition, it is wise to set software based limits in the HV power supply (software 
> controlled max high voltage, software controlled max current, etc). Most HV power supplies 
> implement such functions.
> To ensure high voltage cannot be changed at the wrong times, you can also implement 
> procedural and hardware protections, such as unplug the power supply control connection 
> (usually ethernet or serial or usb cable). This will prevent you from monitoring the high 
> voltage currents and the only solution is to use a  power supply with a hardware "write 
> protect" function (a key needs to be inserted and turned to allow changing anything).
> All of this is generic and applies to any controls software, not just MIDAS.
> Without at least some of these protections (especially protections in your frontend 
> program), the questions you asked about loading ODB are insufficient.
> K.O.
  1711   27 Sep 2019 Konstantin OlchanskiForummhttpd start and stop redirect to Transition page
> I recently upgraded to MIDAS version midas-2019-06-b. I had to make a few changes 
> to get our custom page running again, but am a little confused on starting and 
> stopping runs.

So far so good.

> When I click on my "Start" button, it now redirects to a 
> Transition page rather than reloading the status page.

Are you sure? The "start" button redirects to the "start" page (start.html) which redirects
to the "transition" page (transition.html), which does not redirect anywhere so you can see
the result of the transition.

> Could someone explain the reasoning for the current behavior?

It's been like this for years now. Stefan suggest that we implement the "start" page
and the "transition" page as overlays on top of the status page, but it did not happen yet.

> Furthermore my "Stop" button is now broken with the following error:
> Error: Invalid URL "CS/EngeRun&" or query "cmd=Stop&redir=EngeRun%26" or command  "Stop"

I grep for "EngeRun" and I do not see it anywhere in the midas sources. Can you grep for it
to see if it is coming from one of your pages?

If you want to start/stop runs from your custom page, look at start.html and transition.html - you will
need to make the run transition RPC calls (cut-and-paste the code to your page) and (obviously)
you will not have any redirects to some strange pages.

> For example, start calls:
> = "cmd=Transition";
> whereas stop does:
> mhttpd_goto_page("Transition"); // DOES NOT RETURN

It's the same thing, look at mhttpd_goto_page().

> Can anyone offer any insights or advice? I can change the former to "cmd=Status", but 
> the latter doesn't allow it.

I am not sure what you are trying to do. If you need the "start" button on the status page
to do something different from what it does now, just hack status.html until it does so.
If you need some specific help with that, I am happy to help. I think I answered all questions
you asked so far.

  1710   27 Sep 2019 Konstantin OlchanskiForumHistory plot problems for frontend with multiple indicies
We should fix this for midas-2019-10.


> Hi Konstantin,
> > > [local:e666:S]History>ls -l /History/Events
> > > Key name                        Type    #Val  Size  Last Opn Mode Value
> > > ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
> > > 1                               STRING  1     10    2m   0   RWD  FeDummy02
> > > 0                               STRING  1     16    2m   0   RWD  Run transitions
> > 
> > Something is very broken. There should be more entries here, at least
> > there should be entries for "FeDummy01" and usually there is also an entry
> > for "FeDummy" because one invariably runs fedummy without "-i" at least once.
> This is a fresh experiment that I started just to test this this issue, that is why there are not many 
> entries in /History/Events. I agree though that we should expect to see a FeDummy01 entry.
> > The fact that changing from "midas" storage to "file" storage makes no difference
> > also indicates that something is very broken.
> > 
> > I want to debug this.
> > 
> > Since you tried the "file" storage, can you send me the output of "ls -l mhf*.dat" in the directory
> > with the history files? (it should have the "*.hst" files from the "midas" storage and "mhf*.dat" 
> files
> > from the "file" storage.
> When I started this experiment yesterday(?) I disabled the Midas history when I enbled the file 
> history. Jsut now I reenabled the Midas history, so they are currently both active.
> % ls -l work/online/{*.hst,mhf*.dat}
> -rw-r--r-- 1 hastings hastings  14996 Sep 17 10:21 work/online/190917.hst
> -rw-r--r-- 1 hastings hastings   3292 Sep 18 16:29 work/online/190918.hst
> -rw-r--r-- 1 hastings hastings 867288 Sep 18 16:29 work/online/mhf_1568683062_20190917_fedummy01.dat
> -rw-r--r-- 1 hastings hastings 867288 Sep 18 16:29 work/online/mhf_1568683062_20190917_fedummy02.dat
> -rw-r--r-- 1 hastings hastings    166 Sep 17 10:17 
> work/online/mhf_1568683062_20190917_run_transitions.dat
> And again, just as a sanity check:
> % odbedit -c 'ls -l /History/Events'
> Key name                        Type    #Val  Size  Last Opn Mode Value
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
> 1                               STRING  1     10    1m   0   RWD  FeDummy02
> 0                               STRING  1     16    1m   0   RWD  Run transitions
> Regards,
> Nick.
  1709   27 Sep 2019 Konstantin OlchanskiBug Reportlazylogger in cmake & max_event_size
> The compile option -DHAVE_FTPLIB checked in mdsupport.cxx disappeared if you 
> compile with cmake.

Hi, Stefan - do we still need to support FTP in the logger? In the lazylogger, special support for 
FTP is not needed, they can you the "script" method and do FTP without our help.

I move to remove FTP support from MIDAS. (second? other opinions?)

> Our MAX_EVENT_SIZE is set in the odb to 805306368. This number is also used in 
> this is to big when copying with ftp, causing a crash. Reducing it here with a 
> factor 10 solves our problems.

I am surprised that changing MAX_EVENT_SIZE (to a "too big" value) causes lazylogger to 
crash. More usually MAX_EVENT_SIZE has no effect until you try to write an event that is 
somehow "too big", then there is a crash. Perhaps there is a bug specifically in the FTP code.

Anyhow, I recommend the solution of using the "script" method. We have example lazylogger 
scripts in midas/progs/lazy*.perl (the scripts do not have to be in perl, python is ok). We do
not have any example that uses FTP because we do not use FTP for data storage. But you can
easily adapt lazy_test.perl and lazy_copy.perl to use scp and sftp, the secure versions of FTP.

  1708   27 Sep 2019 Konstantin OlchanskiSuggestionrecover daq and hardware safety.
> We have encountered a safety issue with our HPGe HV and it's midas frontend.

At TRIUMF and other labs the words "safety issue" have very specific meaning and
we tend to follow this guidance: MIDAS is not certified for and is not intended for use with 
safety critical applications as defined here:

> A safety-critical system ... malfunction may result in ... following outcomes:
> death or serious injury to people
> loss or severe damage to equipment/property
> environmental harm

If this is your case, you should use properly certified software *and hardware*. Safety 
officers at most institutions require certified hardware interlocks and other protections to 
prevent such undesirable outcomes. Use of certified PLCs is sometimes permitted.

But I suspect in your case, there is no "safety issue", you only want to protect some 
valuable but not critical equipment against accidental damage.

In this case, you can probably use midas, but if midas malfunction may result in destroying 
your experiment (i.e. accidentally set wrong voltage on 3000 phototubes), you should also 
have hardware based protections (hardware limits on max/min high voltage). Most HV 
power supplies implement such protections (screw-driver actuated max voltage limits).

If there is danger of destroying your experiment you should also have an independent 
review of your control system to avoid avoidable mistakes and obvious problems.

> Turning off or changing HV unknowingly has to be avoided at all costs

The function of changing high-voltage is implemented in your frontend program. Right in 
the place in this program where you transmit the voltage setting from ODB to the hardware 
is where you implement your protections (validate the voltage range, check that changing 
the voltage is permitted, etc). This protects you against unexpected/incorrect/erroneous
changes in ODB (wrong ODB is loaded, wrong values in ODB, ODB is corrupted, etc).

In addition, it is wise to set software based limits in the HV power supply (software 
controlled max high voltage, software controlled max current, etc). Most HV power supplies 
implement such functions.

To ensure high voltage cannot be changed at the wrong times, you can also implement 
procedural and hardware protections, such as unplug the power supply control connection 
(usually ethernet or serial or usb cable). This will prevent you from monitoring the high 
voltage currents and the only solution is to use a  power supply with a hardware "write 
protect" function (a key needs to be inserted and turned to allow changing anything).

All of this is generic and applies to any controls software, not just MIDAS.

Without at least some of these protections (especially protections in your frontend 
program), the questions you asked about loading ODB are insufficient.

  1707   27 Sep 2019 Konstantin OlchanskiForumOpen a hotlink to a single element in an ODB array
> I will try to use the db_watch function in the future.

Note that db_watch() and db_open_record() work exactly the same way, both only allow 
watching "whole" odb entries, you cannot watch individual array elements.

The db_watch() callback function gives you the array index of the array element that was 
changed and that fired the notification. 


If you change many array elements quickly you will not necessary receive notifications for 
all and each of of them (underlying transport is UDP allows notification packet loss).

If you are watching 1 array element change at a slow rate (1/sec), db_watch() will work well.

Otherwise, you can watch the whole array, in the db_watch() callback, read the new array 
contents, compare it with your saved copy of pervious array contents, identify which array 
elements have changed and dance from here. (this method does not work if you do not 
actually change the array element values: change from "1" to "1", this is an old weakness in 
the midas hot link mechanism).

If you are not sure how to use db_watch(), look inside midas/progs/odbedit.cxx search for 
db_watch() and search for the db_watch() callback function.

  1706   27 Sep 2019 Konstantin OlchanskiReleasemidas-2019-09
I created the release branch for midas-2019-09 and tag midas-2019-09-a.

Since the previous release midas-2019-06, some news:

- new history graphics (Stefan)
- c++ frontend framework mvodb.h and tmfe.h merged from ALPHA-g (K.O.)
- we think we have all the fallout from switching to cmake and to c++11 sorted out

There is a number of known problems with the current code, see the bitbucket bug tracker:

Hopefully we can use this release as a baseline for more testing and with luck we will
fix all the pending bugs and add all the pending missing code (the new sequencer web pages,
the "m" analyzer, etc) quickly and our next release midas-2019-10 will be the best midas ever.

To obtain this release, either checkout the top of branch feature/midas-2019-09 (recommended)
or checkout the tag midas-2019-09-a.

If you are using the last pre-cmake/c++ release midas-2019-03, I recommend that you stay with it
until our next release midas-2019-10.

  1705   27 Sep 2019 Konstantin OlchanskiBug Fiximprovement for midas web page resource use (alarm sound)
> I noticed that midas web pages consume unexpectedly large amount of resources, as observed by the chrome browser 
> "task manager" and by other tools.
> For example, size of the "status" page was observe to reach 200, 600 and even 900 Mbytes.
> [this was fixed by using set_if_changed(e, v);
> Also I observed the midas web pages consume an unusual amount of CPU - 5-10-15% - all in inactive tabs in minimized 
> windows.

The case of high CPU use turned out to be quite nasty.

The symptoms:
- the "programs" page in an inactive tab in a minimized window sits "doing nothing" for a day or two.
- uses about 0 to 0.1 to 1% CPU and 40-50-60 Mbytes of RAM (after the previous improvements)
- suddenly I see it use 10-15-20% CPU, continuously, non stop
- I open this tab
- suddenly, CPU use goes to 100%, memory use quickly grows from 40-50-60 Mbytes to 100-200 Mbytes.
- after a few seconds everything settles down, CPU use is back to 0-0.1-1%, but memory use does not go down.
- WTH?!?

The culprit turned out to be the playing of the alarm sound. (I have all tabs "muted" by default, also speakers usually powered down).

If I comment-out the playing of the alarm sound, this problem goes away completely. Pretty conclusive, I think.

After adding lots of debug console.log() calls, I think I identified the problem: audio objects were being created,
but they were not starting to play their sound files. When I opened the tab, all of them (about 400) at the same time
loaded the mp3 file (resulting in memory use going from 50 Mbytes to 190 Mbytes, typical) and started playing
(as seen on the audio event activity in the cpu profile traces from the google-chrome "performance" tool).

I think I am looking at an unexpected interaction between audio objects and google-chrome throttling of inactive tabs.

To muddy the waters some more, google-chrome periodically fails with an exception to the effect of
"we will not play audio because user is not interacting with this page enough". See

Now I think I have this sort of fixed. I have to handle the failure (which is not a normal exception,
but a rejected promise, the handler is quite different), and I do not allow creating new audio objects if previous
audio object did not finish playing.

(note the "normal" timing: periodic update every 1 sec, playing of alarm sound event 60 seconds, length of alarm sound file is 3 sec,
two sound files should never overlap. now a console.log message is printed if overlap is detected)

This leaves us with the problem of alarm sound not playing "because the user didn't interact with the document first",
and I think there is nothing I can do about that.


P.S. Another quirk is I discovered: go to the "config" page and press the new buttons "play test sound" and "speak test message". In muted
tabs, the test sound will not sound, but the test message will be shouted out loudly. This seems inconsistent to me. Unwanted audio/video ads
are blocked but loud shouting of "shave with burma-shave" is permitted. I also wonder if speaking is subject to this
"user did not interact" business. If not, we could replace the playing of our relaxing alarm beep with the yelling of "alarm! alarm! alarm!".

  1704   27 Sep 2019 Konstantin OlchanskiBug Fiximprovement for midas web page resource use
I noticed that midas web pages consume unexpectedly large amount of resources, as observed by the chrome browser 
"task manager" and by other tools.

For example, size of the "status" page was observe to reach 200, 600 and even 900 Mbytes. The "programs" page (which 
does not have nearly as much stuff as the status page), was observed to reach 200-600 Mbytes. This is comparable to the 
New York Times front page, which has much more stuff, but usually runs at about 200 Mbytes. (they do force a periodic full 
page reload, to deal with exactly this same type of trouble, I suspect).

Also I observed the midas web pages consume an unusual amount of CPU - 5-10-15% - all in inactive tabs in minimized 

All this was quite noticeable in my oldish mac laptop with only 8 GBytes of RAM.

Using the google-chrome performance analyzer I was able to identify the reason of high memory use - our 1/sec periodic 
updates leak "too many" DOM "nodes" and I suspect that due to throttling of inactive tabs, the garbage collector simply 
does not keep up with us.

(Note that javascript features automatic memory management with garbage collection. In practice in means that where in 
C/C++ we have malloc() and free(), in javascript we only have malloc() and no free(), and cannot explicitly release memory 
we know we no longer need. In the C/C++ sense, all memory allocations are leaked, and one relies on a janitor to "clean it all 
up" eventually, later).

The source of node leakage was unexpected (unexpected to me). It turns out that each assignment to e.innerHTML creates 
a new node, even if the new contents is the same as the old contents. (also the html parser has to run, consuming extra cpu 

Obvious solution is to write code like this:
if (v !== e.innerHTML) { e.innerHTML = v };

This helped quite a bit on the "programs" page, but not as much as expected, and hardly at all on the "status" page.

It turns out, that read of innerHTML does not necessarily return the same string as it was written into it.
For example, if "v" is "a&b", e.innerHTML will return "a&b" and the comparison will misfire.
There is more cases like this, see the section "Test set and get e.innerHTML" on the "example" midas page.

To help dealing with this, I suggest that instead of "inline" comparison (as above), one writes this:
mhttpd_set_if_changed(e, v);

Then to check that the comparison is effective, go to mhttpd.js and uncomment the console.log() call in 
mhttpd_set_if_changed(), reload the page and look at the javascript console to see all calls that result
in assignment of innerHTML (and leakage of DOM nodes).

This done, after replacing many "&" with "&" and many "\'" with "\"", node leakage on the "programs" page was reduced 
to 1 node per 1/sec update: the unavoidable change to the timestamp on the top-right of the page.

Luckily, Stefan pointed me to the solution for this: use of instead of e.innerHTML. The only quirk is that the 
node should not be empty, which was easy to arrange by setting the initial value of the timestamp to a dummy value.

With these changes, the "programs" page (and most other pages) now leak 0 nodes (from the 1/sec periodic updates). 

There is still some small memory leakage from making the RPC requests and from receiving the RPC replies, but the 
garbage collector seems to have no trouble with them.

Typical memory use for all midas pages is now 50-60 Mbytes (down from 100-200 Mbytes).

The "status" page took a bit more work to fix due to it's curious coding, but it, too now uses 50-60 Mbytes as well. It still 
leaks quite a few nodes (to be fixed!), but the garbage collector seems to keep up with the allocations.

  1703   27 Sep 2019 Pintaudi GiorgioForumOpen a hotlink to a single element in an ODB array
Thank you for the feedback.
I will try to use the db_watch function in the future.
I tried to look for more info about the db_watch function in the Wiki but I could not find much.
The Doxygen documentation website ( seems to be down: no html folder.

Stefan Ritt wrote:

Pintaudi Giorgio wrote:
Just a little question about the ODB hotlinks. Is it possible to open a hotlink
to a single element in and ODB array?

Yes it is with the now preferred function db_watch(). Following program will open a hot link to the /Experiment/Run number:

#include <stdio.h>
#include "midas.h"

int run_number;

void run_number_changed(HNDLE hDB, HNDLE hKey, int i, void *info)
int run_number, size;

/* get run number */
size = sizeof(run_number);
db_get_data(hDB, hKey, &run_number, &size, TID_INT);
printf("Run number is %d\n", run_number);


/* connect to experiment */
cm_connect_experiment("", "", "ODB Test", NULL);

/* open hot link to run number */
db_find_key(1, 0, "/runinfo/run number", &hKey);
db_watch(1, hKey, run_number_changed, NULL);

/* enter idle loop */
while (cm_yield(1000); != RPC_SHUTDOWN);

return 1;
  1702   26 Sep 2019 Stefan RittForumOpen a hotlink to a single element in an ODB array

Pintaudi Giorgio wrote:
Just a little question about the ODB hotlinks. Is it possible to open a hotlink
to a single element in and ODB array?

Yes it is with the now preferred function db_watch(). Following program will open a hot link to the /Experiment/Run number:

#include <stdio.h>
#include "midas.h"

int run_number;

void run_number_changed(HNDLE hDB, HNDLE hKey, int i, void *info)
int run_number, size;

/* get run number */
size = sizeof(run_number);
db_get_data(hDB, hKey, &run_number, &size, TID_INT);
printf("Run number is %d\n", run_number);


/* connect to experiment */
cm_connect_experiment("", "", "ODB Test", NULL);

/* open hot link to run number */
db_find_key(1, 0, "/runinfo/run number", &hKey);
db_watch(1, hKey, run_number_changed, NULL);

/* enter idle loop */
while (cm_yield(1000); != RPC_SHUTDOWN);

return 1;
  1701   23 Sep 2019 Frederik WautersSuggestionrecover daq and hardware safety.

We have encountered a safety issue with our HPGe HV and it's midas frontend. Turning off or changing HV unknowingly has to be avoided at all costs.


Current safety protection

We use the DF_REPORT_STATUS flag to give the hardware settings precedence over odb settings. This all takes place in the init.


DAQ recovery Issue?

In the setup / development state, we sometimes have to remove the SHM files and reload an odb dump to recover the DAQ. When the FE is running, this can modify hardware settings. E.g. change a voltage



Is there a way one can let the frontend know the "load"  function is called in odbedit? Or other suggestions to build in this safety.


  1700   20 Sep 2019 Frederik WautersBug Reportlazylogger in cmake & max_event_size

The compile option -DHAVE_FTPLIB checked in mdsupport.cxx disappeared if you 
compile with cmake.

I added:


to CMakeLists.txt to fix this. Can probably be done in a more elegant way 
(checking if the right libraries exist?).


Our MAX_EVENT_SIZE is set in the odb to 805306368. This number is also used in 

  INT lazy_copy(char *outfile, char *infile, int max_event_size)

this is to big when copying with ftp, causing a crash. Reducing it here with a 
factor 10 solves our problems.
  1699   18 Sep 2019 Nick HastingsForumHistory plot problems for frontend with multiple indicies
Hi Konstantin,

> > [local:e666:S]History>ls -l /History/Events
> > Key name                        Type    #Val  Size  Last Opn Mode Value
> > ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
> > 1                               STRING  1     10    2m   0   RWD  FeDummy02
> > 0                               STRING  1     16    2m   0   RWD  Run transitions
> Something is very broken. There should be more entries here, at least
> there should be entries for "FeDummy01" and usually there is also an entry
> for "FeDummy" because one invariably runs fedummy without "-i" at least once.

This is a fresh experiment that I started just to test this this issue, that is why there are not many 
entries in /History/Events. I agree though that we should expect to see a FeDummy01 entry.
> The fact that changing from "midas" storage to "file" storage makes no difference
> also indicates that something is very broken.
> I want to debug this.
> Since you tried the "file" storage, can you send me the output of "ls -l mhf*.dat" in the directory
> with the history files? (it should have the "*.hst" files from the "midas" storage and "mhf*.dat" 
> from the "file" storage.

When I started this experiment yesterday(?) I disabled the Midas history when I enbled the file 
history. Jsut now I reenabled the Midas history, so they are currently both active.

% ls -l work/online/{*.hst,mhf*.dat}
-rw-r--r-- 1 hastings hastings  14996 Sep 17 10:21 work/online/190917.hst
-rw-r--r-- 1 hastings hastings   3292 Sep 18 16:29 work/online/190918.hst
-rw-r--r-- 1 hastings hastings 867288 Sep 18 16:29 work/online/mhf_1568683062_20190917_fedummy01.dat
-rw-r--r-- 1 hastings hastings 867288 Sep 18 16:29 work/online/mhf_1568683062_20190917_fedummy02.dat
-rw-r--r-- 1 hastings hastings    166 Sep 17 10:17 

And again, just as a sanity check:

% odbedit -c 'ls -l /History/Events'
Key name                        Type    #Val  Size  Last Opn Mode Value
1                               STRING  1     10    1m   0   RWD  FeDummy02
0                               STRING  1     16    1m   0   RWD  Run transitions


  Draft   18 Sep 2019 Nick HastingsForumHistory plot problems for frontend with multiple indicies
> > [local:e666:S]History>ls -l /History/Events
> > Key name                        Type    #Val  Size  Last Opn Mode Value
> > ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
> > 1                               STRING  1     10    2m   0   RWD  FeDummy02
> > 0                               STRING  1     16    2m   0   RWD  Run transitions
> Something is very broken. There should be more entries here, at least
> there should be entries for "FeDummy01" and usually there is also an entry
> for "FeDummy" because one invariably runs fedummy without "-i" at least once.
> The fact that changing from "midas" storage to "file" storage makes no difference
> also indicates that something is very broken.
> I want to debug this.
> Since you tried the "file" storage, can you send me the output of "ls -l mhf*.dat" in the directory
> with the history files? (it should have the "*.hst" files from the "midas" storage and "mhf*.dat" files
> from the "file" storage.

> K.O.
  1697   17 Sep 2019 Richard LonglandForummhttpd start and stop redirect to Transition page
I recently upgraded to MIDAS version midas-2019-06-b. I had to make a few changes 
to get our custom page running again, but am a little confused on starting and 
stopping runs. When I click on my "Start" button, it now redirects to a 
Transition page rather than reloading the status page. The standard MIDAS status 
page does the same. Could someone explain the reasoning for the current behavior?

Furthermore my "Stop" button is now broken with the following error:
Error: Invalid URL "CS/EngeRun&" or query "cmd=Stop&redir=EngeRun%26" or command 

I looked through the mhttpd.js code and managed to get the start button to load 
the status page, at least, but the stop button seems to be written differently. 
For example, start calls: = "cmd=Transition";
whereas stop does:
mhttpd_goto_page("Transition"); // DOES NOT RETURN

Can anyone offer any insights or advice? I can change the former to "cmd=Status", but 
the latter doesn't allow it.
ELOG V3.1.4-2e1708b5