ID |
Date |
Author |
Topic |
Subject |
17 Sep 2019 |
Konstantin Olchanski | Info | New history plot facility | > > On the mhttpd side, please capture the stack trace from the crash
> here comes the stack trace (only happens when using safari 12.1.2 macOS 10.14.6):
> #10 0x000000000041ce0f in check_digest_auth ...
The crash is in check_digest_auth() which checks the mongoose web server password (if not using
password protection from the https proxy i.e. apache httpd).
If so you should see this crash on all pages, not just when you access history pages, yes?
Ok, I just checked, my safari is "Version 12.1.2 (13607.3.10)" and I see no immediate crash, even on
history pages.
But I am macos 10.13.6, maybe that makes a difference.
If you see the safari crash on all pages, then it is not history-specific.
In this case, I would like you to file a bug report on bitbucket "mhttpd crash with safari" and we follow up
on it there.
K.O. |
17 Sep 2008 |
Stefan Ritt | Info | New flag for auto restart | A new ODB flag has been introduced. When the logger is configured for automatic
stop and restart (/Logger/Auto restart = y), the restart delay was hard-wired
to 20 sec., which might be too long or short for some experiments. Therefore a
new parameter "/Logger/Auto restart delay" has been introduced which can be
used to accommodate different delays. A non-zero delay is necessary for
experiments where some lengthy activities occur during the stop of a run, like
an analyzer writing many histograms to disk. |
21 Sep 2009 |
Stefan Ritt | Info | New feature: Stop run after a certain time | A new feature has been implemented in revision 4561 which allows runs with a
certain duration. To use this, one has to set the variaable
/Logger/Run Duration
to a non-zero value in seconds. After a run lasted for this duration, it gets
stopped automatically by the logger. If the auto-restart flag is on, this allows
sequences of automatically started and stopped runs with all then have the same
duration. |
22 Sep 2009 |
Stefan Ritt | Info | New feature: Stop run after a certain time | > A new feature has been implemented in revision 4561 which allows runs with a
> certain duration. To use this, one has to set the variaable
> /Logger/Run Duration
> to a non-zero value in seconds. After a run lasted for this duration, it gets
> stopped automatically by the logger. If the auto-restart flag is on, this allows
> sequences of automatically started and stopped runs with all then have the same
> duration.
A similar scheme has been implemented to pose a certain duration on subruns. This can
be controlled by the variable
/Logger/Subrun duration
when set to a non-zero value in seconds. |
06 May 2021 |
Ben Smith | Info | New feature in odbxx that works like db_check_record() | For those unfamiliar, odbxx is the interface that looks like a C++ map, but automatically syncs with the ODB -
I've added a new feature that is similar to the existing odb::connect() function, but works like the old db_check_record(). The new odb::connect_and_fix_structure() function:
- keeps the existing value of any keys that are in both the ODB and your code
- creates any keys that are in your code but not yet in the ODB
- deletes any keys that are in the ODB but not your code
- updates the order of keys in the ODB to match your code
This will hopefully make it easier to automate ODB structure changes when you add/remove keys from a frontend.
The new feature is currently in the develop branch, and should be included in the next release. |
06 Oct 2023 |
Stefan Ritt | Info | New equipment display | Since a long time we tried to convert all "static" mhttpd-generated pages to
dynamic JavaScript. With the new history panel editor we were almost there. Now I
committed the last missing piece - the equipment display. This is shown when you
click on some equipment on the main status page, or if you define some Alias with
This is now a dynamic display, so the values change if they change in the ODB. The
also flash briefly in yellow to visually highlight any change. In addition, these
pages have a unit display, and some values can be edited. This is controlled by
following settings:
/Equipment/<name>/settings/Unit <variable>
where <name> is the name of the equipment and <variable> the variable array name
under /Equipment/<name>/Variables/<variable>
If the unit setting is not present, just a blank column is shown.
The other setting is
which may contain a comma-separated string of variables which can be editied on
the equipment page.
In addition, one can save/export the equipment in a json file, which is the same
as a ODB save of that branch. A load or import however only loads values into the
ODB which are under the "Editable" setting above. This allows a simple editor for
HV values etc.
Stefan |
09 Oct 2023 |
Stefan Ritt | Info | New equipment display | An additional functionality has been implemented on the equipment table:
You can now select several elements by Ctrl/Shift-Click on their names, then change the
first one. After a confirmation dialog, all selected variables are then set to the new
value. This way one can very easily change all values to zero etc.
Stefan |
Attachment 1: Screenshot_2023-10-09_at_21.56.25.png
12 May 2023 |
Stefan Ritt | Info | New environment variable MIDAS_EXPNAME | A new environment variable MIDAS_EXPNAME has been introduced. This must be
used for cases where people use MIDAS_DIR, and is then equivalent for the
experiment name and directory usually used in the exptab file. This fixes
and issue with creating and deleting shared memory in midas as described in
The documentation has been updated at
/Stefan |
12 May 2023 |
Konstantin Olchanski | Info | New environment variable MIDAS_EXPNAME | > A new environment variable MIDAS_EXPNAME has been introduced [to be used together with
This is fixes an important buglet. If experiment uses MIDAS_DIR instead of exptab, at the time
of connecting to ODB, we do not know the experiment name and use name "Default" to create ODB
shared memory, instead of actual experiment name.
This creates an inconsistency, if some MIDAS programs in the same experiment use MIDAS_DIR while
others use exptab (this would be unusual, but not impossible) they would connect to two
different ODB shared memories, former using name "Default", latter using actual experiment name.
As an indication that something is not right, when stopping MIDAS programs, there is an error
message about failure to delete shared ODB shared memory (because it was created using name
"Default" and delete using the correct experiment name fails).
Also it can cause co-mingling between two different experiments, depending on the type of shared
memory used by MIDAS (see $MIDAS_DIR/.SHM_TYPE.TXT):
POSIX - (usually not used) not affected (experiment name is not used)
POSIXv2 - (usually not used) affected (shm name is "$EXP_NAME_ODB")
POSIXv3 - used on MacOS - affected (shm name is "$UID_$EXP_NAME_ODB" so "$UID_Default_ODB" will
POSIXv4 - used on Linux - not affected (shm name includes $MIDAS_DIR which is different for
different experiments)
K.O. |
20 Jun 2023 |
Stefan Ritt | Info | New environment variable MIDAS_EXPNAME | I just realized that we had already MIDAS_EXPT_NAME, and now people get confused with
In trying to fix this confusion, I changed the name of the second variable to MIDAS_EXPT_NAME as well,
so we only have one variable now. If this causes any problems please report here.
Stefan |
28 Jul 2023 |
Stefan Ritt | Info | New environment variable MIDAS_EXPNAME | Concerning naming of shared memories I went one step further due to some requirement of a local experiment.
The experiment needs to change the experiment name shown on the web status page depending on the exact
configuration, but we do not want to change the whole midas experiment each time.
So I simple removed the check that the experiment name coming from the environment and used for the shared
memory gets checked against the experiment name in the ODB. The only connection there is that the ODB name
gets set to the environment name is it does not exist or is empty, just to have some default value. So for
most people nothing should change. If one changes however the name in the ODB (under /Experiment/Name),
nothing will change internally, just the web display via mhttpd changes its title.
I hope this has no bad side-effects, so please have a look if you see any issue in your experiment.
Stefan |
02 Nov 2009 |
Exaos Lee | Suggestion | New cmake files | Though ended with ".c", "lazylogger.c" has to be build with C++ compiler. I have
to modify my CMakeLists.txt.
Please see the attachment if you need it. It works with svn-r4616. |
Attachment 1:
12 Dec 2024 |
Stefan Ritt | Suggestion | New alarm sound flag to be tested | We had the case in MEG that some alarms were actually just warnings, not very severe. This happens for example if we calibrate our detector
once every other day and modify the hardware which actually triggers the alarm for about an hour or so.
The problem with this is now that the alarm sounds every few minutes, and people get annoyed during that hour. They turn down the volume
of their speakers, or even disable the alarm sound. If the detector gets back into the default mode again, they might forget to re-enable the
alarm, which causes some risk.
Turning down the volume is also not good, since during that hour we could have a "real" alarm on which people have to react quickly in order
not destroy the detector.
The art is now to configure the alarm system in a way that "normal" changes do not annoy people or cover up really severe alarms. After long
discussions we came to following conclusion: We need a special class of alarm (let's call it 'warning') which does not annoy people. The
warning should be visible on the screen, but not ring the alarm bell.
While we have different alarm classes in midas, which let us customize the frequency of alarms and the screen colors, all alarms or warnings
ring the alarm sound right now. This can be changed in the browser under "Config/Alarm sound" but that switch affects ALL alarms, which is
not what we want.
The idea we came up with was to add a flag "Alarm sound" to the alarm classes. For the 'warning' we can then turn off the alarm sound, so
only the banner is shown on top of the screen, and the spoken message is generated every 15 mins to remind people, but not to annoy them.
I added this "Alarm sound" flag in the branch feature/alarm_sound so everybody can test it. The downside is that all "Alarm/Classs/xxx" need
to be modified to add this flag. While the new code will add this flag automatically (with a default value of 'true'), the size of the alarm class
record changes by four bytes (one bool). Therefore, all running midas programs will complain about the changed size, until they get
Therefore, to test the new feature, you have to checkout the branch and re-compile all midas programs you use, otherwise you will get errors
Fixing ODB "/Alarms/Classes/Alarm" struct size mismatch (expected 352, odb size 348)
I will keep the branch for a few days for people to try it out and report any issue, and later merge it to develop.
Stefan |
19 Dec 2024 |
Stefan Ritt | Suggestion | New alarm count added | Another modification has been done to the alarm system.
We have often cases where an alarm is triggered on some readout noise. Like an analog voltage just over the alarm threshold for a very short period of time, triggered sometimes from environmental
electromagnetic effects like turning on the light.
To mitigate this problem, an "alarm trigger count" has been implemented. Every alarm has now a variable "Trigger count required". If this value is zero (the default), the alarm system works as before. If this
value is nowever set to a non-zero value N, the alarm limit has to be met on N consecutive periods in order to trigger the alarm. Each alarm has a "Check interval" which determines the period of the alarm
checking. If one has for example:
Check interval = 10
Trigger count required = 3
then the alarm condition has to be met for 3 consecutive periods of 10 seconds each, or for 30 seconds in total.
The modification has been merged into the develop branch, and people have to be aware that the alarm structures in the ODB changed. The current code tries to fix this automatically, but it is important
that ALL MIDAS CLIENTS GET RE-COMPILED after the new code is applied. Otherwise we could have "new" clients expecting the new ODB structure, and some "old" clients expecting the old structure,
then both types of clients would fight against each other and change the ODB structure every few seconds, leading to tons of error messages. So if you pull the current develop branch, make sure to re-
compile ALL midas clients.
/Stefan |
12 May 2020 |
Stefan Ritt | Info | New ODB++ API | Since the beginning of the lockdown I have been working hard on a new object-oriented interface to the online database ODB. I have the code now in an initial state where it is ready for
testing and commenting. The basic idea is that there is an object midas::odb, which represents a value or a sub-tree in the ODB. Reading, writing and watching is done through this
object. To get started, the new API has to be included with
#include <odbxx.hxx>
To create ODB values under a certain sub-directory, you can either create one key at a time like:
midas::odb o;
o.connect("/Test/Settings", true); // this creates /Test/Settings
o.set_auto_create(true); // this turns on auto-creation
o["Int32 Key"] = 1; // create all these keys with different types
o["Double Key"] = 1.23;
o["String Key"] = "Hello";
or you can create a whole sub-tree at once like:
midas::odb o = {
{"Int32 Key", 1},
{"Double Key", 1.23},
{"String Key", "Hello"},
{"Subdir", {
{"Another value", 1.2f}
To read and write to the ODB, just read and write to the odb object
int i = o["Int32 Key];
o["Int32 Key"] = 42;
std::cout << o << std::endl;
This works with basic types, strings, std::array and std::vector. Each read access to this object triggers an underlying read from the ODB, and each write access triggers a write to the
ODB. To watch a value for change in the odb (the old db_watch() function), you can use now c++ lambdas like:[](midas::odb &o) {
std::cout << "Value of key \"" + o.get_full_path() + "\" changed to " << o << std::endl;
Attached is a full running example, which is now also part of the midas repository. I have tested most things, but would not yet use it in a production environment. Not 100% sure if there
are any memory leaks. If someone could valgrind the test program, I would appreciate (currently does not work on my Mac).
Have fun!
Attachment 1: odbxx_test.cxx
Name: odbxx_test.cxx
Created by: Stefan Ritt
Contents: Test and Demo of Object oriented interface to ODB
#include <string>
#include <iostream>
#include <array>
#include <functional>
#include "odbxx.hxx"
#include "midas.h"
int main() {
cm_connect_experiment(NULL, NULL, "test", NULL);
// create ODB structure...
midas::odb o = {
{"Int32 Key", 42},
{"Bool Key", true},
{"Subdir", {
{"Int32 key", 123 },
{"Double Key", 1.2},
{"Subsub", {
{"Float key", 1.2f}, // floats must be explicitly specified
{"String Key", "Hello"},
{"Int Array", {1, 2, 3}},
{"Double Array", {1.2, 2.3, 3.4}},
{"String Array", {"Hello1", "Hello2", "Hello3"}},
{"Large Array", std::array<int, 10>{} }, // array with explicit size
{"Large String", std::string(63, '\0') }, // string with explicit size
// ...and push it to ODB. If keys are present in the
// ODB, their value is kept. If not, the default values
// from above are copied to the ODB
o.connect("/Test/Settings", true);
// alternatively, a structure can be created from an existing ODB subtree
midas::odb o2("/Test/Settings/Subdir");
std::cout << o2 << std::endl;
// retrieve, set, and change ODB value
int i = o["Int32 Key"];
o["Int32 Key"] = i+1;
o["Int32 Key"]++;
o["Int32 Key"] *= 1.3;
std::cout << "Should be 57: " << o["Int32 Key"] << std::endl;
// test with bool
o["Bool Key"] = !o["Bool Key"];
// test with std::string
std::string s = o["Subdir"]["Subsub"]["String Key"];
s += " world!";
o["Subdir"]["Subsub"]["String Key"] = s;
// test with a vector
std::vector<int> v = o["Int Array"];
v[1] = 10;
o["Int Array"] = v; // assign vector to ODB object
o["Int Array"][1] = 2; // modify ODB object directly
i = o["Int Array"][1]; // read from ODB object
o["Int Array"].resize(5); // resize array
o["Int Array"]++; // increment all values of array
// test with a string vector
std::vector<std::string> sv;
sv = o["String Array"];
sv[1] = "New String";
o["String Array"] = sv;
o["String Array"][2] = "Another String";
// iterate over array
int sum = 0;
for (int e : o["Int Array"])
sum += e;
std::cout << "Sum should be 11: " << sum << std::endl;
// creat key from other key
midas::odb oi(o["Int32 Key"]);
oi = 123;
// test auto refresh
std::cout << oi << std::endl; // each read access reads value from ODB
oi.set_auto_refresh_read(false); // turn off auto refresh
std::cout << oi << std::endl; // this does not read value from ODB; // this does manual read
std::cout << oi << std::endl;
midas::odb ox("/Test/Settings/OTF");
// create ODB entries on-the-fly
midas::odb ot;
ot.connect("/Test/Settings/OTF", true); // this forces /Test/OTF to be created if not already there
ot.set_auto_create(true); // this turns on auto-creation
ot["Int32 Key"] = 1; // create all these keys with different types
ot["Double Key"] = 1.23;
ot["String Key"] = "Hello";
ot["Int Array"] = std::array<int, 10>{};
ot["Subdir"]["Int32 Key"] = 42;
ot["String Array"] = std::vector<std::string>{"S1", "S2", "S3"};
std::cout << ot << std::endl;; // re-read the underlying ODB tree which got changed by above OTF code
std::cout << o.print() << std::endl;
// iterate over sub-keys
for (auto& oit : o)
std::cout << oit.get_odb()->get_name() << std::endl;
// print whole sub-tree
std::cout << o.print() << std::endl;
// dump whole subtree
std::cout << o.dump() << std::endl;
// delete test key from ODB
// watch ODB key for any change with lambda function
midas::odb ow("/Experiment");[](midas::odb &o) {
std::cout << "Value of key \"" + o.get_full_path() + "\" changed to " << o << std::endl;
do {
int status = cm_yield(100);
if (status == SS_ABORT || status == RPC_SHUTDOWN)
} while (!ss_kbhit());
return 1;
20 May 2020 |
Konstantin Olchanski | Info | New ODB++ API | > midas::odb o;
> o["foo"] = 1;
This is an excellent development.
ODB is a tree-structured database, JSON is a tree-structured data format,
and they seem to fit together like hand and glove. For programming
web pages, Javascript and JSON-style access to ODB seems to work really well.
And now with modern C++ we can have a similar API for working with ODB tree data,
as if it were Javascript JSON tree data.
Let's see how well it works in practice!
K.O. |
20 May 2020 |
Stefan Ritt | Info | New ODB++ API | In meanwhile, there have been minor changes and improvements to the API:
Previously, we had:
> midas::odb o;
> o.connect("/Test/Settings", true); // this creates /Test/Settings
> o.set_auto_create(true); // this turns on auto-creation
> o["Int32 Key"] = 1; // create all these keys with different types
> o["Double Key"] = 1.23;
> o["String Key"] = "Hello";
Now, we only need:
o["Int32 Key"] = 1; // create all these keys with different types
no "true" needed any more. If the ODB tree does not exist, it gets created. Similarly, set_auto_create() can be dropped, it's on by default (thought this makes more sense). Also the iteration over subkeys has
been changed slightly.
The full example attached has been updated accordingly.
Stefan |
Attachment 1: odbxx_test.cxx
Name: odbxx_test.cxx
Created by: Stefan Ritt
Contents: Test and Demo of Object oriented interface to ODB
#include <string>
#include <iostream>
#include <array>
#include <functional>
#include "midas.h"
#include "odbxx.hxx"
int main() {
cm_connect_experiment(NULL, NULL, "test", NULL);
// create ODB structure...
midas::odb o = {
{"Int32 Key", 42},
{"Bool Key", true},
{"Subdir", {
{"Int32 key", 123 },
{"Double Key", 1.2},
{"Subsub", {
{"Float key", 1.2f}, // floats must be explicitly specified
{"String Key", "Hello"},
{"Int Array", {1, 2, 3}},
{"Double Array", {1.2, 2.3, 3.4}},
{"String Array", {"Hello1", "Hello2", "Hello3"}},
{"Large Array", std::array<int, 10>{} }, // array with explicit size
{"Large String", std::string(63, '\0') }, // string with explicit size
// ...and push it to ODB. If keys are present in the
// ODB, their value is kept. If not, the default values
// from above are copied to the ODB
// alternatively, a structure can be created from an existing ODB subtree
midas::odb o2("/Test/Settings/Subdir");
std::cout << o2 << std::endl;
// set, retrieve, and change ODB value
o["Int32 Key"] = 42;
int i = o["Int32 Key"];
o["Int32 Key"] = i+1;
o["Int32 Key"]++;
o["Int32 Key"] *= 1.3;
std::cout << "Should be 57: " << o["Int32 Key"] << std::endl;
// test with bool
o["Bool Key"] = false;
o["Bool Key"] = !o["Bool Key"];
// test with std::string
o["Subdir"]["Subsub"]["String Key"] = "Hello";
std::string s = o["Subdir"]["Subsub"]["String Key"];
s += " world!";
o["Subdir"]["Subsub"]["String Key"] = s;
// test with a vector
std::vector<int> v = o["Int Array"]; // read vector
std::fill(v.begin(), v.end(), 10);
o["Int Array"] = v; // assign vector to ODB array
o["Int Array"][1] = 2; // modify array element
i = o["Int Array"][1]; // read from array element
o["Int Array"].resize(5); // resize array
o["Int Array"]++; // increment all values of array
// test with a string vector
std::vector<std::string> sv;
sv = o["String Array"];
sv[1] = "New String";
o["String Array"] = sv;
o["String Array"][2] = "Another String";
// iterate over array
int sum = 0;
for (int e : o["Int Array"])
sum += e;
std::cout << "Sum should be 47: " << sum << std::endl;
// creat key from other key
midas::odb oi(o["Int32 Key"]);
oi = 123;
// test auto refresh
std::cout << oi << std::endl; // each read access reads value from ODB
oi.set_auto_refresh_read(false); // turn off auto refresh
std::cout << oi << std::endl; // this does not read value from ODB; // this forces a manual read
std::cout << oi << std::endl;
// create ODB entries on-the-fly
midas::odb ot;
ot.connect("/Test/Settings/OTF");// this forces /Test/OTF to be created if not already there
ot["Int32 Key"] = 1; // create all these keys with different types
ot["Double Key"] = 1.23;
ot["String Key"] = "Hello";
ot["Int Array"] = std::array<int, 10>{};
ot["Subdir"]["Int32 Key"] = 42;
ot["String Array"] = std::vector<std::string>{"S1", "S2", "S3"};
std::cout << ot << std::endl;; // re-read the underlying ODB tree which got changed by above OTF code
std::cout << o.print() << std::endl;
// iterate over sub-keys
for (midas::odb& oit : o)
std::cout << oit.get_name() << std::endl;
// print whole sub-tree
std::cout << o.print() << std::endl;
// dump whole subtree
std::cout << o.dump() << std::endl;
// delete test key from ODB
// watch ODB key for any change with lambda function
midas::odb ow("/Experiment");[](midas::odb &o) {
std::cout << "Value of key \"" + o.get_full_path() + "\" changed to " << o << std::endl;
do {
int status = cm_yield(100);
if (status == SS_ABORT || status == RPC_SHUTDOWN)
} while (!ss_kbhit());
return 1;
20 May 2020 |
Pintaudi Giorgio | Info | New ODB++ API | All this is very good news. I really wish this were available some months ago: it would have helped me immensely. The old C API was clunky at best.
I really like the idea and looking forward to using it (even if at the moment I do not have the need to) ... |
20 May 2020 |
Konstantin Olchanski | Info | New ODB++ API | > All this is very good news. I really wish this were available some months ago: it would have helped me immensely. The old C API was clunky at best.
> I really like the idea and looking forward to using it (even if at the moment I do not have the need to) ...
Yes, I have designed new C-style MIDAS ODB APIs twice now (VirtualOdb in ROOTANA and MVOdb in ROOTANA and MIDAS),
and I was never happy with the results. There is too many corner cases and odd behaviour. Let's see how
this C++ interface shakes out.
For use in analyzers, Stefan's C++ interface still need to be virtualized - right now it has only one implementation
with the MIDAS ODB backend. In analyzers, we need XML, JSON (and a NULL ODB) backends. The API looks
to be clean enough to add this, but I have not looked at the implementation yet. So "watch this space" as they say.
K.O. |
09 Mar 2008 |
Exaos Lee | Suggestion | New Makefile for building MIDAS | I rewrote the Makefile for MIDAS in order to make it tidy. I tested it on my box
and it works here.
1. The full file is seperated to several parts
a. initialized setup
b. environment setup
c. specify OS-specific flags
d. processing environment for building flags
e. targets
2. The file is less than 400 lines now. The original one is more than 500 lines.
3. The modified one is easy for debuging.
I tried to learn "autoconf" and "automake" in order to make building MIDAS more
compatible for various platforms. But I havn't enough time now. Hope somebody
can help it. The attached file is original named "" for using "autoconf".
:-) |
Attachment 1: Makefile-by-EL
# initialized flags
#CC =
#FC =
#LD =
CFLAGS = -g -O3 -Wall -Wuninitialized -DINCLUDE_FTPLIB
## Environments setup
## Prefix
ifndef PREFIX
PREFIX = /usr/local
# User defined flags for compiler
# Do you need to compile the shared library? If so, set "1" here.
# If RPATH needed ...
# If static ROOT libaries needed ...
# If strlcpy.o needed ...
# If zlib needed ...
# MIDAS max event size
# OS specific programs included
# ..? Why it is needed?
## installer
INSTALL = $(shell which install)
ifndef INSTALL
INS_OPTS = -v -D
# MXML dir
ifndef MXML_DIR
MXML_DIR = ../mxml
MYSQL_CONFIG := $(shell which mysql_config 2> /dev/null)
MYSQLINCDIR := $(shell mysql_config --cflags | sed -e 's,^.*-I\([^ ]*\).*$$,\1,' -e s/\'//g)
NEED_MYSQL := $(shell if test -e $(MYSQLINCDIR)/mysql.h ; then echo 1; fi)
## Check OS Type for OS-specified flags
OSTYPE = $(shell uname | tr '[A-Z]' '[a-z]')
ifeq ($(OSTYPE), linux)
# > 2GB file support
CFLAGS += -DOS_LINUX -fPIC -Wno-unused-function
LDFLAGS += -lutil -lpthread
SPECIFIC_OS_PRG += mlxspeaker dio
ifeq ($(OSTYPE), osf1)
FFLAGS += -nofor_main -D 40000000 -T 20000000
LDFLAGS += -lc -lbsd
ifeq ($(OSTYPE), ultrix)
ifeq ($(OSTYPE), freebsd)
LDFLAGS += -lbsd -lcompat
ifeq ($(OSTYPE), darwin)
LDFLAGS += -lpthread
SPECIFIC_OS_PRG += mlxspeaker
ifeq ($(OSTYPE), cygwin_nt-5.1)
OSTYPE = cygwin
ifeq ($(OSTYPE), cygwin)
CFLAGS += -DOS_LINUX -DOS_CYGWIN -Wno-unused-function
LDFLAGS += -lutil -lpthread
ifeq ($(OSTYPE), solaris)
LDFLAGS += -lsocket -lnsl
## Processing environment for building flags
CFLAGS += -DHAVE_MYSQL $(shell $(MYSQL_CONFIG) --include)
LDFLAGS += $(shell $(MYSQL_CONFIG) --libs)
endif # NEED_MYSQL
ROOTLIBS := $(shell $(ROOTSYS)/bin/root-config --libs)
ROOTCFLAGS := $(shell $(ROOTSYS)/bin/root-config --cflags)
ROOTLIBS += -Wl,-rpath,$(ROOTSYS)/lib
ROOTLIBS := $(ROOTSYS)/lib/libRoot.a -lssl -ldl -lcrypt
endif # ROOTSYS
LIBS += -lz
endif # ZLIB
CFLAGS += -shared -fPIC
endif # SHLIB
## Processing building targets
## Directories needed
INC_DIR = include
SRC_DIR = src
UTL_DIR = utils
DRV_DIR = drivers
EXM_DIR = examples
## Driectories which will be created
LIB_DIR = $(OS_DIR)/lib
BIN_DIR = $(OS_DIR)/bin
## Directories for install
## Utilities
PROGS = mserver mhttpd mlogger odbedit mtape mhist \
mstat mcnaf mdump mhdump mchart odbhist \
melog webpaw lazylogger stripchart.tcl \
UTILS = $(shell for i in $(PROGS); do echo $(BIN_DIR)/$$i ; done)
## Analyzer objects
ANALYZER = $(LIB_DIR)/mana.o
ANALYZER += $(LIB_DIR)/hmana.o
ANALYZER += $(LIB_DIR)/rmana.o
## Objects for building $(LIBMIDAS_A) and $(LIBMIDAS_SO)
OBJS_LIB_NEED = midas.o system.o mrpc.o odb.o ybos.o ftplib.o history.o alarm.o elog.o
OBJS_LIB_NEED += cnaf_callback.o
OBJS_LIB = $(shell for i in $(OBJS_LIB_NEED) ; do echo $(LIB_DIR)/$$i ; done)
MXML_OBJS_NEED += strlcpy.o
MXML_OBJS = $(shell for i in $(MXML_OBJS_NEED) ; do echo $(LIB_DIR)/$$i ; done)
## Objects for install
OBJS_INS_NEED = mfe.o fal.o
OBJS_INS = $(shell for i in $(OBJS_INS_NEED) ; do echo $(LIB_DIR)/$$i ; done)
## library
LIBMIDAS_A = $(LIB_DIR)/libmidas.a
LDFLAGS += -shared -L$(LIB_DIR) -lmidas
## Examples
EXAMPLES_NEED = consume produce rpc_test msgdump minife minirc odb_test
EXAMPLES = $(shell for i in $(EXAMPLES_NEED); do echo examples/$$i ; done)
## Includes
INCLUDES = $(wildcard $(INC_DIR)/*.h)
all: check-mxml mkdirs $(LIBMIDAS_A) $(LIBMIDAS_SO) $(ANALYZER) $(OBJS_INS) utilities
.PHONY: clean
## Library objects
$(LIB_DIR)/%.o: $(SRC_DIR)/%.c $(INCLUDES)
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c -o $@ $<
$(LIB_DIR)/mxml.o: $(MXML_DIR)/mxml.c
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c -o $@ $<
$(LIB_DIR)/strlcpy.o: $(MXML_DIR)/strlcpy.c
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c -o $@ $<
## Frontend and backend framework
$(LIB_DIR)/fal.o: $(SRC_DIR)/fal.c $(INCLUDES)
$(CXX) -Dextname -DMANA_LITE -c -o $@ $< $(CFLAGS)
$(LIB_DIR)/hmana.o: $(SRC_DIR)/mana.c $(INCLUDES)
$(CC) -Dextname -DHAVE_HBOOK $(CFLAGS) -c -o $@ $<
$(LIB_DIR)/rmana.o: $(SRC_DIR)/mana.c $(INCLUDES)
$(CXX) -DUSE_ROOT $(CXXFLAGS) -c -o $@ $<
## Utilities
$(BIN_DIR)/%: $(UTL_DIR)/%.c $(INCLUDES)
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o $@ $< $(LIBMIDAS_A) $(LDFLAGS)
$(BIN_DIR)/mlogger: $(SRC_DIR)/mlogger.c $(LIBMIDAS_A)
$(BIN_DIR)/mserver: $(SRC_DIR)/mserver.c $(INCLUDES)
$(BIN_DIR)/mhttpd: $(SRC_DIR)/mhttpd.c $(SRC_DIR)/mgd.c
$(BIN_DIR)/odbedit: $(SRC_DIR)/odbedit.c $(SRC_DIR)/cmdedit.c
$(BIN_DIR)/mcnaf: $(UTL_DIR)/mcnaf.c $(DRV_DIR)/camac/camacrpc.c
$(BIN_DIR)/mhdump: $(UTL_DIR)/mhdump.cxx
$(BIN_DIR)/lazylogger: $(SRC_DIR)/lazylogger.c
$(BIN_DIR)/stripchart.tcl: $(UTL_DIR)/stripchart.tcl
@cp -f $< $(BIN_DIR)/$(shell basename $@)
@for i in $(DIRS) ; do \
echo "Making directory $$i ..." ; \
mkdir -p $$i ; \
... 108 more lines ...