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Entry  03 Dec 2015, SUDESHNA GANGULY, Suggestion, Drawing multiple histograms on the same pad and dispalying them in the online mode in ROME Screenshot-11.png
    Reply  07 Dec 2015, Ryu Sawada, Suggestion, Drawing multiple histograms on the same pad and dispalying them in the online mode in ROME 
Message ID: 175     Entry time: 07 Dec 2015     In reply to: 174
Author: Ryu Sawada 
Topic: Suggestion 
Subject: Drawing multiple histograms on the same pad and dispalying them in the online mode in ROME 

First of all, the histograms are supposed to be drawn by the automatically generated code.

You don't need (and should not) draw them from a task.
If you do so, the histograms are drawn on the active pad (gPad) which is, in your case, the last pad on a tab.

I added a new feature to ROME development branch.
For using the feature, you can try
 git checkout develop
 git pull
 cd your_project
 make build

As you can see in the updated examples/histoGUI/histoGUI.xml, a new option <DrawSamePad>true</DrawSamePad> is 
When it is true, the array of histograms are drawn on the same pad.

If you have any problems, please let me know.

Best regards,


> I need some suggestions regarding drawing multiple histograms on the same pad in
> Here is what I have been doing.  I am making a summary histogram online dispaly
> with ARGUS. The displays is gonna show multiple different types of histograms. 
> So I made a module with four different types of histograms all on the same canvas,
> so that I can look at them in real time in an online run.
> Now in one of the histograms, I am looping over multiple banks, so in one of the
> pads, I want to see two different lines of different colors (to indicate two
> different histograms of the same type from two banks). 
> So I used histoGUI.xml (from examples/histoGUI) and used this way of histogram
> and tab declarations:
>   <Tasks>
>                 <Task>
>                         <TaskName>FillHisto</TaskName>
>         <Histogram>
>                                 <HistName>h1_Esum</HistName>
>                                 <HistArraySize>2</HistArraySize>
>                                 <HistFolderName>myhistos</HistFolderName>
>                                 <HistType>TH1F</HistType>
>                                 <HistXLabel>ESum</HistXLabel>
>                                 <HistYLabel>Entries</HistYLabel>
>                                 <HistXNbins>300</HistXNbins>
>                                 <HistXmin>0</HistXmin>
>                                 <HistXmax>3.1</HistXmax>
> </Histogram>               
> <Histogram>
>                                 <HistName>h1_amplitude</HistName>
>                                 <HistFolderName>myotherhistos</HistFolderName>
>                                  <HistArraySize>108</HistArraySize>
>                                 <HistType>TH1F</HistType>
>                                 <HistXLabel>Amplitude</HistXLabel>
>                                 <HistYLabel>Entries</HistYLabel>
>                                 <HistXNbins>4096</HistXNbins>
>                                 <HistXmin>-0.5</HistXmin>
>                                 <HistXmax>4095.5</HistXmax>
>                                 <Argus>
>                                         <Tab>
>                                                 <TabName>GeneratedHisto</TabName>
> <ObjectArrayIndex>0</ObjectArrayIndex>
>                                                 <Index>1</Index>
>                                         </Tab>
>                                 </Argus>
>                         </Histogram>
> etc. and two other histograms have been defined in the same way.
> And then in the src/task: HGUITFillHisto.cpp
> I added this: (to draw two histograms on the same pad)
>           if(icalo==1)
>             {
>           Geth1_EsumAt(0)->Fill(0.00009118*sum);
>           Geth1_EsumAt(0)->SetLineColor(3);
>              }
>           Geth1_EsumAt(0)->Draw();
>           if(icalo==2)
>             {
>           Geth1_EsumAt(1)->Fill(0.00009118*sum);
>             }
>           Geth1_EsumAt(1)->Draw("same");
> And attached is the screen shot from ARGUS.
> Now the problem is: when I add the Draw() and Draw("same") codes in the src/task
> code, it always creates two copies of the same pad. The 0th pad and the very last
> pad. So what ever is on the last pad in the attachment is being replaced by the
> same copy of the 0th pad. I kept chaning the Index number in histoGUI.xml, but what
> ever I do, if I try to draw two histograms on the same pad and add those codes in
> the srdc/task .cpp file, it always creates two copies.
> I don't know where to look at to fix the problem.
> Is there any other way I can add multiple histograms on a pad, while keeping the
> other pads on the canvas intact?
> Any help on this issue will be much appreciated.
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