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Entry  19 Jan 2005, Ryu Sawada, Suggestion, headers of midas,xml2 and mysql 
    Reply  20 Jan 2005, Ryu Sawada, Suggestion, headers of midas,xml2 and mysql 
Message ID: 39     Entry time: 19 Jan 2005     Reply to this: 41
Author: Ryu Sawada 
Topic: Suggestion 
Subject: headers of midas,xml2 and mysql 
This is not so strong suggestion. I am just wondering.

Currently ROME include headers of midas, xml2 and mysql.
There are libraries for windows but no libraries for linux.

I am afraid that there can be inconsequence between headers and libraries in futrue updates of these 
libraries, if compiler reads headers from rome/include instead of correct one.

So, my suggestion is that move midas.h,libxml2 and mysql outside of header files search path for linux.

for instance
  Make new directory rome/include/win.
  Put midas.h,libxml2 and mysql into it.
  Add $ROMESYS/include/win into header files search path in case of Windows.

If midas.h is already very different from midas.h in MIDAS. This may be difficult.
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