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Message ID: 66     Entry time: 29 Mar 2005
Author: Ryu Sawada 
Topic: Suggestion 
Subject: Input file format 
I am going to make a new ROME project to analyze MC data. Input file will be ROOT which  is created by 
And my friend who is working on dark matter search at Columbia university in NY is going to use 
ROME. His file format is special binary format.

If I understand correctly, currently ROME can read midas and ROOT format.
Midas file names are always assumed as "run99999.mid". (99999 is run number)
ROOT files need to have structure defined in definition xml file. 
I guess this is not enough to analyze special binary format or ROOT files created by h2root.

What I propose is to allow users to have own daq class. It might be something like


Then builder creates [shortcut][daqname].h, [shortcut][daqname].cpp.
[shortcut][daqname] class inherits ROMEDAQSystem class, and users must fill GetTimeStamp(), 
Initialize(), Connect(), ReadEvent(int event), Disconnect(), Termination()

When "InputDataFormat" in configuration xml file is "daqname" analyzer uses this class.

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