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New entries since:Wed Dec 31 16:00:00 1969
    Reply  01 Dec 2004, Konstantin Olchanski, Suggestion, Histogram zeroing, and extended histogram display manipulation 
>   We need a simple way of zeroing online spectra, using the roody viewer to
> select which spectra are to be zeroed.

Problem confirmed: there is a button for "clear all", but no buttons for "clear
selected histograms" and "clear just this one histogram". It was suggested that the
right-click context menu for each histogram should have a "clear" action. Maybe same
for a "group".

>    We would also like the histogram view to be unaffected by refreshing. 
> Currently the y axis is autoscaled after a refresh.

I thought this was fixed a long time ago...

>   We would also like a quicker way of manipulating the histogram display, than
> by the awkward, particularly for canvases containing multiple histograms, axis
> manipulation currently available.

I am thinking along the lines of locking the "zooming" of all histograms: on a 2x2
panel of histograms, rezooming any one of them would rezoom the others the same way.

> This could be a toolbar similar to the view
> editor that already exists - are the contents of this customisable, or would a
> separate toolbar be needed?, and would ideally contain the following ...
>    4 buttons, which could each be labelled with a single arrow, for shifting the
> histogram left/right/up/down (e.g. by half the corresponding axis's range).  4
> buttons, which could each be labelled with double arrows, for scaling the x/y
> axes (scaling by factors of 2 and 0.5, about the axis's initial position).  3
> buttons for toggling linear/log scale on each axis (these are in the current
> view editor).  3 more buttons, for resetting the view to default, for retaining
> the current view and for reverting to a previously retained view.

This does not sound like something I can do in 5 minutes, maybe Joe Chuma would take
this on?

>   We would also like to be able to attach markers to a histogram (requiring
> another button to remove markers).  markers would be placed using mouse clicks
> on the histogram, *and* by a text entry box for typing channel numbers.  Markers
> would be labelled with x,y.  There would then be a button to expand an axis
> between the last 2 placed markers.  The markers would also be used for analysis
> such as integral and peakfind/fitting.

Maybe I am missing something, but is this not "standard root" functionality, using
the pad editor and adding "TLabels"?

>   The view manipulation toolbar would be one per canvas, so there would also
> need to be a toggle button to apply the view manipulation commands to all the
> histograms on that canvas, or to just the currently selected histogram[s] (a way
> to select several, rather than just one, histograms would be useful)

I like this: a control for selecting if the action is applied to just one histogram
or to all histograms in a group.

>    This would be very much quicker and easier to use than selecting items from
> long menus, which themselves need to be called by selecting specific, often very
> small, regions of a canvas.

I see: ROOT is geared very much for manipulating ONE graphical object at a time. We
want to manipulate MANY identical objects at the same time and the existing tools
are inadequate, for example because each object is physically very small and it is
hard to point-and-click it.

    Reply  01 Dec 2004, Konstantin Olchanski, Suggestion, Histogram zeroing, and extended histogram display manipulation 
> >    We would also like the histogram view to be unaffected by refreshing. 
> > Currently the y axis is autoscaled after a refresh.
> I thought this was fixed a long time ago...

Never mind that.

Vertical scale of online histograms *has* to change after a refresh- the number of
counts in an online histogram increases as it accumulates more data and the histogram
would grow up out of the visual range unless it is rescaled.

Now, we can be smart about this: for a zoomed histogram, we can freeze the "y" scaling
or we can maintain the zoom ratio while rescaling.

Entry  17 Jan 2005, Konstantin Olchanski, Info, CVS instructions 
Updated CVS instructions for ROODY:

1) cvs anonymous read-only access:
     export CVS_RSH=ssh
     cvs -d checkout roody
    (username: anoncvs, password: anoncvs)
2) read-write cvs access (requires user account on
     export CVS_RSH=ssh
     cvs -d checkout roody
3) build instructions:
     cvs ... checkout roody
     cd roody/src
     ./roody {file.root,file.hbook,-Hhostname:port}

Entry  19 Apr 2005, Konstantin Olchanski, Info, commited: macosx Makefile bits 
The Makefile bits for building roody on MacOSX have been commited, tested on
MacOSX 10.3.9 with an unknown version of ROOT. Caveats: there is no support for
linking the roody shared library (volunteers are welcome!); there are warnings
about a double-include of libz when linking "roody" (ignore them). K.O.
    Reply  19 Dec 2005, Konstantin Olchanski, Release, roody directory reorganization and Makefile changes 
> 2) the files have been shuffled around

Joe, is there any particular reason why the roody executable is not placed into a
"bin" directory? Just curious. (As one could argue both way: .../bin/roody is more
consistant with MIDAS; .../bin/roody creates a junk directory with only one file
in it).

Entry  19 Dec 2005, Konstantin Olchanski, Bug Fix, minor fixes 
Minor fixes that escaped quality assurance by previous commiters:
1) remove include/rootsys.h from cvs - it is a generated file
2) have "make clean" remove obsolete stuff from src (src/roody, src/rootsys.h, etc)
3) fix completely nonfunctional enforcement of setting ROOTSYS to the compiled-in value: execv() should have been execvp() (my bug), actually do call setenv("ROOTSYS","blah...") (OS_UNIX was not defined in the Makefile, bug by previous committer).
4) fix an mxml bug imported from MIDAs land (xml output into a string buffer was corrupted).
Entry  19 Dec 2005, Konstantin Olchanski, Bug Report, reconnect after midas analyzer is restarted? 
When I restart the MIDAS analyzer, it looks like ROODY detects that the connection is broken, but does not reestablish it. Can somebody look into this? K.O.
Entry  06 Jun 2006, Konstantin Olchanski, Info, Roody still using CVS 
To prevent confusion- according to Joe Chuma and Konstantin Olchanski, we are
still using CVS for Roody development. K.O.
    Reply  06 Jun 2006, Konstantin Olchanski, Bug Fix, minor fixes 

Konstantin Olchanski wrote:
Minor fixes that escaped quality assurance by previous commiters:
2) have "make clean" remove obsolete stuff from src (src/roody, src/rootsys.h, etc)
3) fix completely nonfunctional enforcement of setting ROOTSYS to the compiled-in value: execv() should have been execvp() (my bug), actually do call setenv("ROOTSYS","blah...") (OS_UNIX was not defined in the Makefile, bug by previous committer).

Restored fixes (2) and (3) that were removed by a careless previous committer.

(Note this assumes windows has "setenv()", which I believe it does have, please test compilation on Windows ASAP and let me know).

    Reply  06 Jun 2006, Konstantin Olchanski, Bug Fix, minor fixes 
> Minor fixes that escaped quality assurance by previous commiters:
> 2) have "make clean" remove obsolete stuff from src (src/roody, src/rootsys.h,
> 3) fix completely nonfunctional enforcement of setting ROOTSYS to the
compiled-in value: execv() should have been execvp() (my bug), actually do call
setenv("ROOTSYS","blah...") (OS_UNIX was not defined in the Makefile, bug by
previous committer).

(previous message was completely garbled by the Elog "ELCode" whatever it is)

Restored fixes (2) and (3) that were removed by a careless previous committer.

(Note this assumes windows has "setenv()", which I believe it does have, please
test compilation on Windows ASAP and let me know).

Entry  21 Aug 2006, Konstantin Olchanski, Bug Fix, Better zoom & rebin controls, show TDirectory contents 
I commited a series of changed to Roody:
- cleanup unused files
- show contents of TDirectory objects (this used to work before, why was it
removed? It was a 1 line fix!)
- rework and simplify controls for zooming and rebinning of TCanvas contents
Entry  27 Aug 2006, Konstantin Olchanski, Info, New version coming up... 
FYI, I am presently working in an updated version of roody.

The user interface, GUI and user-visible functionality I am leaving alone. The under-the-hood handling of 
histogram data I am reworking using our latest understanding of the workings of ROOT (object ownership, 
etc) and C++ (hey, with STL std::map, C++ is as easy as perl!).

The updated version may also fix some of the existing problems- crashes caused by confused object 
ownership rules, long startup times (current code has to look at every existing histogram before starting- 
slow if many histograms in an online folder) and inability to display TGraph objects (that is what started 
me working on the code).

While at it, we will move the Roody code repository from CVS to SVN.

Entry  04 Sep 2006, Konstantin Olchanski, Info, roody CVS converted to SVN 
The ROODY source code repository has been converted from CVS to SVN.

The new command to "get" the sources is:
svn checkout svn:// roody

At this time, I do not know how to "convert" a local CVS checkout tree into an SVN checout tree other than 
by brute force (new svn checout, copy modified files from the cvs checout, erase the old cvs checkout 

For the latest ROODY insructions, please visit

Entry  04 Sep 2006, Konstantin Olchanski, Info, added "make docs" 
I commited the missing images, fixed the doxygen config file and added the "make docs" target. Now 
"make docs" will generate the documentation and place it into the directory "html". K.O.
    Reply  26 Sep 2006, Konstantin Olchanski, Info, New version coming up... 
> FYI, I am presently working in an updated version of roody.

The new version of Roody has been commited.

It has been tested only on Linux (SL4.3) and while we are shaking out the new bugs,
all are welcome to try it and report any problems. It should not eat your data.

If the new version does not work for you at all, the old version was preserved as
an SVN branch, accessible using this SVN command:
svn checkout svn:// roody-v1

    Reply  26 Sep 2006, Konstantin Olchanski, Info, New version coming up... 
> > FYI, I am presently working in an updated version of roody.
> The new version of Roody has been commited.
> It has been tested only on Linux (SL4.3) and while we are shaking out the new bugs,
> all are welcome to try it and report any problems. It should not eat your data.
> If the new version does not work for you at all, the old version was preserved as
> an SVN branch, accessible using this SVN command:
> svn checkout svn:// roody-v1

(the email notification for this message did not work at first, trying again)

Entry  04 Dec 2006, Konstantin Olchanski, Bug Fix, Add menu for SetOptStat 
I commited the implementation for a new menu item: "OptStat". It allows setting
gStyle->SetOptStat in a user-friendly manner. K.O.
    Reply  16 Nov 2007, Konstantin Olchanski, Bug Fix, uint32_t or UInt_t 
> I just downloaded and compiled the latest tarball.
> line 98 of DataSourceTNetFolder.h complained about unit32_t.  While I could have
> added an include to make this work, I instead changed it to use the ROOT type
> UInt_t.

Uint_t is technically incorrect. The data returned from the socket connection is a
32-bit pointer to an object in the remote process (how do they come up with
communication protocols like this?!?). The type "Uint_t" is not defined to be of any
particular size and is not necessarily big enough to hold a 32-bit unsigned integer.

According to the "C99" standard, the correct C data type for 32-bit unsigned
integers is uint32_t, defined in "#include <stdint.h>", e.g. see

I have now added the missing "#include <stdint.h>" statement to
DataSourceTNetFolder.h, commited as revision 230.

I am puzzled why the code compiled without this include statement, possibly on my
SL4.3 machine with ROOT v5.16.00, some ROOT or system header file included it for
me. I am curious what system you use where this code failed to compile?

Entry  19 Oct 2010, Konstantin Olchanski, Bug Fix, roody update 
And you thought that roody was dead? Well, here is an update - implement "reopen" for ROOT files, add 
"reopen" button to main menu, fix duplicated histogram names after "reopen" (at the cost of losing display 
of histogram titles in the tree view).
Entry  19 Oct 2010, Konstantin Olchanski, Info, roody good on macos 10.6.4 
For the record, ROODY svn rev 236 builds and runs on MacOS 10.6.4 with ROOT 5.26.00c. K.O.
ELOG V3.1.4-2e1708b5