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Entry  26 Jan 2005, Joe Chuma, Bug Fix, zooming in on a multiframe canvas 
A "ZoomOption" has been added to the context menu produced by right clicking 
anywhere on a histogram frame.  This opens up a new canvas, titled "Zoom
Canvas", containing a copy of the histogram in the original frame.
Entry  28 Jan 2005, Joe Chuma, Bug Fix, fixing y-axis scales 
The y-axis scales can now be fixed just like the x-axis scales.  Choose
YaxisLimits from the context menu when right-clicking on a histogram frame and a
small dialog box will open in which you can enter the min and max values.  If
the frame is part of a multipad canvas, all pads on that canvas will be redrawn
with the new scales.  Choose YaxisLimits again and click on the Unzoom button to
unzoom all pads on that canvas.
Entry  31 Jan 2005, Joe Chuma, Bug Fix, changes to online connection and xml  
A timer has been added to check if the online socket remains valid.  If, say,
the analyzer has been stopped while running Roody, this will be detected and the
connection closed, then, every second, that connection will be attempted until
successful.  Also, the external dtd file, roody.dtd, has been eliminated in
favour of internal dtd verification. Please note that Roody is being linked with
Root version 4.00.08, as version 4.02.00 introduces problems, such as context
menu errors.
Entry  01 Feb 2005, Joe Chuma, Bug Fix, fixed 2 problems introduced with yesterdays changes 
Two bugs were introduced yesterday...
 -- program crashes when trying to connect online via  roody -h nodename
    (uninitialized pointer)
 -- program crashes when restoring an xml file which tries to use the
    external dtd file (unchecked error condition)
Both problems are now fixed.
Entry  07 Feb 2005, Joe Chuma, Bug Fix, online timer fixed 
The online timer has been modified for testing whether the online connection is
still valid. If the connection is broken, the timer tests the connection every
second until it has reconnected.  When the connection is finally remade, any
online histograms will again be refreshed as before.  This is now being done
with just the original timer, as 2 timers seem to conflict with each other.
Entry  10 Mar 2005, Joe Chuma, Bug Fix, online re-connection problem fixed 
Fixed segmentation fault problems that occurred when connected online, then
having the connection broken, then re-establishing the connection, and then
clicking on an online item in the main window.  The problem is in TGListTree in
the ROOT code, and is fixed here by including 2 routines into MTGListTree.
Entry  11 Mar 2005, Joe Chuma, Bug Fix, reset online histograms 
Roody can now reset online histograms via context menu or main menu.  This
requires a small change in mana.c  Also, fixed a problem with segmentation
faults when trying to connect to an invalid server port.
Entry  18 Mar 2005, Joe Chuma, Bug Fix, context menu changes 
The group context menu options are changed to "Draw group", "Reset group" and
"Delete group", where "Reset group" means reset any online members of the group
and will only appear if there are online members in that group.  Multiple
selections (left click while holding down the control key) now have a context
menu (right click to open) but the context menu for multiple selections will
only display "New canvas", "Add to group" and, if there are online members,
"Reset", since the options "Current pad", "Overlay on pad" and "Next pad" are
not relevant to multiple selections.  Online folders now have a context menu
with "New canvas", "Add to group" and "Reset" options.
Entry  12 Apr 2005, Joe Chuma, Bug Fix, modified reset option implementation 
The reset option has been modified to use the new "Command" option in mana.c
instead of the "Reset" option in mana.c, which has been removed.
Entry  12 Apr 2005, Joe Chuma, Bug Fix, memory leak fix 
A memory leak was fixed in Roody.cxx, which occurred when updating a histogram
from a NetFolder object.
Entry  04 May 2005, Joe Chuma, Bug Fix, roody bug fixes 
1) Memory leak fixed:
 when the plotting destination set to replace, cloned objects with the canvas
 about to be closed are now being deleted first.
2) Group restore fixed:
 when restoring a saved session, and objects from file subdirectories were
 added to a group, they were not being included in that group.  Now the
 data file is searched recursively for subdirectories.
3) Group draw fixed:
 TH2 and TH3 objects in a group were not being drawn.
Entry  01 Jun 2005, Joe Chuma, Bug Fix, multiple bug fixes 
Fixed refreshing of overlayed online histograms.
Fixed refresh now.
main.cxx:  class Roody now created on the stack instead of the heap.
TNetFolder.cpp:  fixed memory leak relating to TMessage pointer
                 returned by TSocket::Recv( TMessage * )
                 ?? is this related to the memory leak in the analyzer ??
Entry  27 Jun 2005, Joe Chuma, Bug Fix, Roody fixes 
Error messages from Roody will now appear as TGMsgBox forms which require the
user to click the "Dismiss" button to acknowledge the error message.  If the
user chooses the x-axis scales for an online histogram using the mouse to select
a range on the axis, that range will be used for re-displaying the histogram
when it is refreshed. However, if the user chooses "XaxisLimits" from the
context menu, that x-axis scaling will be used for all pads on that canvas, and
a range as described above will be overridden by this scaling.
Entry  21 Nov 2005, Joe Chuma, Bug Fix, Roody xml fix 
The xml code in Roody has been localized into RoodyXML to allow for future conversion to ROME xml (and a few bugs fixed in the xml code).
Entry  29 Nov 2005, Joe Chuma, Release, roody directory reorganization and Makefile changes 
1) roody has been converted from libxml2 to mxml
2) the files have been shuffled around so the *.cxx, *.cpp files
   are in the roody/src/ directory, the *.h files are in the
   roody/include/ directory, the Makefile is in the top roody/
   directory which is where the roody executable goes while now goes into the roody/lib/ directory. The mxml
   files are in roody/mxml.  The *.o files now go into the
   roody/obj/ directory (which is created by the Makefile if
   it doesn't exist).
3) the Makefile has been redone and simplified, and the windows
   stuff removed, since the windows version has its own makefile.
4) clicking on the Help About menu item now displays a message box
   with the current version.  For now, the code must be edited
   manually for each code revision, but it would be nice to automate
Entry  13 Dec 2005, Joe Chuma, Bug Fix, roody graphics pad problems fixed 
Problems with deciding which graphics pad to choose for drawing have been fixed.
 Now the group pads (created by choosing draw group from the group context menu)
and the zoom pad (created by choosing zoom option from the pad context menu) are
treated distinctly from the canvases titled "canvasN" for N=0,1,2,...  Also, a
user supplied zone setting will be displayed in the zones menu, and can be
chosen again later.  Problems with the cvs file locks have been repaired (by
Entry  18 Apr 2006, Joe Chuma, Bug Fix, Pause/Restart Refresh button added 
A Pause/restart refresh button has been added to the Roody frame so users may quickly pause and restart online histogram refreshing.
Entry  19 Apr 2006, Joe Chuma, Bug Fix, pause/restart button fixed 
The pause/restart button was not working properly, as a result of some confusion about the return value from the TString Compare method. It should now be fixed.
Entry  05 Jun 2006, Joe Chuma, Bug Fix, reset histograms 
Roody should now be able to reset online histograms. Use the "reset all" menu item to reset all online histograms, or use the right click context menu on individual histograms to reset just one histogram (or a set of histograms chosen by holding down the ctrl key while selecting). The latest ROME analyzer is required for these features to be used.
Entry  07 Jun 2006, Joe Chuma, Bug Fix, roody online fixes 
Roody has been modified so the resetting of individual histograms should now work. This involved a check for "//" at beginning of path to histogram and remove if it is there.

Also, the properties of the refresh button have been changed. It is enabled when there is a socket connection, and if the refresh rate = 0, button says "refresh now", but if the refresh rate > 0, button toggles refresh on/off (with appropriate labeling).
ELOG V3.1.4-2e1708b5