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Entry  25 May 2012, Konstantin Olchanski, Bug Fix, Fixed the "Zones" menu 
The "Zones" manu has not been working right - if you have a canvas open with one 
histogram plotted and you select Zones "2x2", nothing happens. The expected 
action is to have the canvas divide itself into 4 pads (2x2) and the one 
histogram to show up in the first pad. That's how it works now.

svn rev 240.
Entry  20 Dec 2003, Konstantin, , Fix Chuma's CVS access 
Somehow neither Joe nor myself were in the "cvs" group and could not commit
to the miroodas CVS. Fixed by editing root@dasdevpc:/etc/group + NIS reload.
Entry  16 Mar 2006, Matthias Schneebeli, Bug Report, Compiling under windows 

when I try to compile roody under windows I get following errors.

c:\roody>nmake -f

Microsoft (R) Program Maintenance Utility, Version 7.00.9466
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. Alle Rechte vorbehalten.

cl /D "OS_WINNT" /GX /GR /Ic:\roody\include /Ic:\roody\..\mxml /IC:\ROOT\include /I. /c /Foobj/Roody.obj src/Roody.cxx
Microsoft (R) 32-bit C/C++ Optimizing Compiler Version 12.00.8804 for 80x86
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corp 1984-1998. All rights reserved.

c:\roody\include\Roody.h(388) : error C2039: 'size_t' : is not a member of 'std'
c:\roody\include\Roody.h(391) : error C2039: 'size_t' : is not a member of 'std'
c:\roody\include\Roody.h(396) : error C2039: 'clear' : is not a member of 'basic_string<char,struct std::char_traits<char>,class std::allocator<char> >'
src/Roody.cxx(754) : error C2061: syntax error : identifier 'xml'
src/Roody.cxx(755) : error C2228: left of '.rdstate' must have class/struct/union type
src/Roody.cxx(762) : error C2296: '<<' : illegal, left operand has type 'class std::basic_ofstream<char,struct std::char_traits<char> > &(__cdecl *)(void)'
src/Roody.cxx(762) : error C2297: '<<' : illegal, right operand has type 'char [9]'
src/Roody.cxx(768) : error C2296: '<<' : illegal, left operand has type 'class std::basic_ofstream<char,struct std::char_traits<char> > &(__cdecl *)(void)'
src/Roody.cxx(768) : error C2297: '<<' : illegal, right operand has type 'char [12]'
src/Roody.cxx(769) : error C2296: '<<' : illegal, left operand has type 'class std::basic_ofstream<char,struct std::char_traits<char> > &(__cdecl *)(void)'
src/Roody.cxx(769) : error C2297: '<<' : illegal, right operand has type 'char [11]'
src/Roody.cxx(770) : error C2296: '<<' : illegal, left operand has type 'class std::basic_ofstream<char,struct std::char_traits<char> > &(__cdecl *)(void)'
src/Roody.cxx(770) : error C2297: '<<' : illegal, right operand has type 'char [11]'
src/Roody.cxx(771) : error C2296: '<<' : illegal, left operand has type 'class std::basic_ofstream<char,struct std::char_traits<char> > &(__cdecl *)(void)'
Entry  19 Oct 2004, Matthias Schneebeli, Suggestion, Comments on Roody 
I have some comments on roody :

The peakfinder is only available when you right click on the histogram line.
This is a very limited area. I would rather make the peakfinder available 
whenever you right click anywhere in the histogram area.

On a canvas with zones:
When you start the peakfinder from a histogram, which is not active, roody 
searches for peaks on the active histo. Therefore, I would make the histogram 
active, whenever you click on the histo, no matter which button you click. Or 
the peakfinder should make the histo active first.

When you change the zones you loose all your histos. I would prefer to have the 
histos, which are already displayed also on the rezoned canvas. 

When I resize the x-axis of a histogram by hand and then plot a new histogram 
in the same pad, I loose the scale I have choosen. There should be a switch, 
with which you can keep the settings of a histogram for further histos.

If you agree upon these requests, let me know if you like me to implement some 
of these features.
    Reply  22 Oct 2004, Joe Chuma, Suggestion, Comments on Roody 
> I have some comments on roody :
> [snip]
> If you agree upon these requests, let me know if you like me to implement some 
> of these features.

These all seem like good suggestions and it is fine with me if you want
to work on the code.
    Reply  26 Oct 2004, Matthias Schneebeli, Suggestion, Comments on Roody 
I have committed point 1 and 2.

For point 3 you need to save all displayed histos in a stack. So that you can plot 
them into the rezoned canvas. I don't know if you want to do that.

I would prefer if you would do point 4.

Entry  21 Jul 2003, Konstantin, , CVS repository 
I created a CVS repository for the ROOT GUI project: 
/dasdevpc/cvsroot/miroodas (dasdevpc:/usr/local/cvsroot/miroodas) 
Entry  17 Jan 2005, Konstantin Olchanski, Info, CVS instructions 
Updated CVS instructions for ROODY:

1) cvs anonymous read-only access:
     export CVS_RSH=ssh
     cvs -d checkout roody
    (username: anoncvs, password: anoncvs)
2) read-write cvs access (requires user account on
     export CVS_RSH=ssh
     cvs -d checkout roody
3) build instructions:
     cvs ... checkout roody
     cd roody/src
     ./roody {file.root,file.hbook,-Hhostname:port}

Entry  14 Sep 2004, Konstantin, , CVS and Build instructions 
Updated build instructions for end-users.

To checkout the miroodas sources use:

setenv CVS_RSH ssh
cvs -d anoncvs@dasdevpc:/usr/local/cvsroot checkout miroodas
(password: anoncvs)
cd miroodas/src
setenv ROOTSYS whatever
./TTriumfGui file.root or file.hbook

Entry  22 Jul 2003, Greg, , CVS 
miroodas code has been imported into the CVS and can be checkout

cvs -d /dasdevpc/cvsroot co miroodas


cvs -d gking@dasdevpc:/usr/local/cvsroot co miroodas
--using gking as an example user

Please see miroodas/doc/README.txt for more information on compiling

Entry  21 Aug 2006, Konstantin Olchanski, Bug Fix, Better zoom & rebin controls, show TDirectory contents 
I commited a series of changed to Roody:
- cleanup unused files
- show contents of TDirectory objects (this used to work before, why was it
removed? It was a 1 line fix!)
- rework and simplify controls for zooming and rebinning of TCanvas contents
Entry  05 Jul 2005, Qing Gu, Info, Affect of different root versions on Roody 
After changing ROOT version from root_v4.04.00 to root_v4.04.02, the histograms
don't stay highlighted after clicking, but the top "Roody" bar disappears sometimes.
Entry  04 Dec 2006, Konstantin Olchanski, Bug Fix, Add menu for SetOptStat 
I commited the implementation for a new menu item: "OptStat". It allows setting
gStyle->SetOptStat in a user-friendly manner. K.O.
Entry  21 Jul 2003, Konstantin, , Account for Joe Chuma 
I created an account for Joe Chuma on the DAQ cluster. The home directory 
is /send/home/chuma. Joe, please contact me to learn your password. K.O. 
Entry  21 Jul 2003, Konstantin, , Account for Joe Chuma 
I created an account for Joe Chuma on the DAQ cluster. The home directory 
is /send/home/chuma. Joe, please contact me to learn your password. K.O. 
Entry  21 Jul 2003, Konstantin, ,  
I created a CVS repository for the ROOT GUI project: 
/dasdevpc/cvsroot/rootgui (dasdevpc:/usr/local/cvsroot/rootgui) 
(should I rename it to cvsroot/miroodas?). 
Entry  14 Aug 2003, Greg, ,  
TTriumfFileGUI -h 
 ->Displays Usage message
TTriumfFileGUI host
 ->Opens GUI and connects to host on default port 9090
TTriumfFileGUI host:port
 ->Opens GUI and connects to host on port (to be implemented)
TTriumfFileGUI file.root
 ->Opens GUI and opens file.root for browsing
TTriumfFileGUI file.hbook
 ->Opens GUI and opens file.hbook for browsing (to be implemented)
 ->Opens GUI

File Menu
 -> Open .root
	Opens file selection dialog to find and open a ROOT file
 -> Open .hbook
	Opens file selection dialog to find and open an HBOOK file
 -> Online
	Opens hostname entry dialog ... Will try and access that host on
        port 9090 (currently using 9090 as default port)
 	If hostname:port, will try and access hostname on proper port 
        (Not Yet Implemented)
 -> Save
	Not Yet Implemented -> Idea:
		Will bring up a save dialog which will allow user to save 
		all opened histograms
 -> Exit
	Closes the program

Refresh Menu
 ->Not Yet Implemented -> Idea: (Radio Buttons)
     ->Stop Refresh
	 Stops the refreshing of online histograms by stopping the TTimer
     ->Refresh 1 sec  \
     ->Refresh 3 sec   |
     ->Refresh 5 sec   |-- Change TTimer time length (and start it)
     ->Refresh 10 sec /

Zones Menu 
  ->Not Yet Implemented -> Idea: (Radio Button)
     -> ...
	Each of these will changes force all the new TCanvas() created to be 
	divided into zones
	If double clicked (TGListTree or TGListView) will create new canvas,
        unless option is changed in AddHist to Menu.
        If from context menu -> can overlay in current pad
                             -> can plot in current pad (removes old hist)
                             -> can create new canvas
                             -> can plot in next pad (if last pad ... plot 
                                in first pad)

AddHist to Menu:
  ->Not Yet Implemented -> Idea: (Radio Button)
      -> 4 Options:
	-> plot in new canvas
        -> plot in current pad
        -> plot in next pad
        -> overlay in current pad
      -> Depending on which one is checked the double click functionality 
         will change

Open Files Panel (TGListTree)
  ->Shows open files (offline and online) as well as TH*, TProfile*, TTree ...
  ->Need to add ContextMenus
	ContextMenu (depends on UserData)
	 ->Close Files (remove file from list)
	 ->Plot Options (for histograms) ->see AddHist to menu options
  ->Need to have: when item selected in TGListTree, items in TGListView
    are deselected

Open Histograms Panel (TGListView)
  ->Shows open histograms (i.e. goes over gROOT->GetListOfCanvases())
  ->Need to add ContextMenus
      ->Histogram stuff ->see AddHist to menu options
  ->Need to have: when item selected in TGListView, itesms in TGListTree
    are deselected

  ->Not yet Implemented
  ->Refresh (goes over all open histograms)
     ->if histogram selected ... removes from associated Pad and 
       deletes from list (in TGListView)
     ->if file is selected in TGListTree ... removes file (may need to close 
       TTreeViewer ... but histograms are made persistent so no need to 
     ->Save same functionality as the File->Save
ELOG V3.1.4-2e1708b5