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Entry  04 Apr 2023, Marius Koeppel, Suggestion, Python Plotting 
    Reply  04 Apr 2023, Stefan Ritt, Suggestion, Python Plotting 
       Reply  04 Apr 2023, Marius Koeppel, Suggestion, Python Plotting 
          Reply  04 Apr 2023, Stefan Ritt, Suggestion, Python Plotting 
             Reply  04 Apr 2023, Marius Koeppel, Suggestion, Python Plotting 
                Reply  04 Apr 2023, Marius Koeppel, Suggestion, Python Plotting Cheese_Tue-04Apr23_18.02.png
                   Reply  04 Apr 2023, Stefan Ritt, Suggestion, Python Plotting 
                   Reply  04 Apr 2023, Stefan Ritt, Suggestion, Python Plotting Screenshot_2023-04-04_at_18.53.04.png
                Reply  05 Apr 2023, Stefan Ritt, Suggestion, Python Plotting 
                   Reply  05 Apr 2023, Marius Koeppel, Suggestion, Python Plotting1 
                      Reply  05 Apr 2023, Stefan Ritt, Suggestion, Python Plotting1 
                         Reply  15 Jun 2023, Marius Koeppel, Suggestion, Python Plotting1 
                            Reply  15 Jun 2023, Stefan Ritt, Suggestion, Python Plotting1 
Message ID: 49     Entry time: 04 Apr 2023     Reply to this: 51
Author: Marius Koeppel 
Topic: Suggestion 
Subject: Python Plotting 
Hi all,

again an idea from the mail conversation:

Mail me: Having an „easy way“ to explore the data - maybe some simple Python bindings. Especially when the data protocol is not fully settled in the experiment it’s maybe nice to have a simple way of plotting histograms. But also in general more and more people go to Python.

Mail Konstantin: I am not sure how python can come into this. manalyzer is a C++ analysis framework for experiments with needs beyound "toy" analyzers written in scripting languages (in performance and in complexity). if we want a python analysis framework, we can create one, but I am not sure how much of manalyzer we can reuse, python != C++. if you are thinking of a mixed framework, lets see your examples and use cases.

So a bit of what we did in the past. At some point MIDAS did not have this nice REST API to get events directly by request. At that time we had a python flask server running which used the Python MIDAS binding and gets some events from the buffer and created a REST API so our event display could display the events. However, my idea for the analyzer would be to further extend this idea of having an REST API which provides the user analyzed data. So my "python binding" can be anything at the end (also still a c++ application). So the focus is more from an experiment side: A few people develop the an anlyzer for an experiment but when it's going to be complex users have a hard time to even plot a "simple" histogram if they are non-experts. But if each module could export its flow events via a REST API debugging and easy development for new histograms / checks etc. could be quite easy.

What do you thing?

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