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New entries since:Wed Dec 31 16:00:00 1969
Entry  15 Dec 2023, Art Olin, Bug Report, options offered in help  
In running alphaAnalysis.exe, a instance of manalyser, I would like to use the ---usetimerange option. When I include it on the commandline I get back the messages including this option which suggests that it is input incorrectly, but I also don't see it anymore in the manalyzer.cxx code.
Has it been deliberately removed, and, if so, should not the help be amended to reflect this. This option would be highly useful to me.
Entry  06 Nov 2020, Alexandr Kozlinskiy, Suggestion, cmake build 

In mu3e we use cmake to build our software,
and as rootana does not use cmake build system it is
very difficult to integrate it in our software.

I have posted pull request
that implements cmake build for rootana.
It is tested standalone on several systems
and also as part of mutrigana-base repo
(which is also used in online repo of mu3e).

Tests and comments are welcome.
    Reply  03 May 2017, Alberto Remoto, Info, web display of MIDAS data using rootana+THttpServer 
Hi Thomas,

> All details on setting up that example are here:

I am trying to test the webdisplay but I am not sure which would be the path:

I start the  THttpServer with:

$ ana.exe -r9091

But on the url:


I find just the default browser provided by JSROOT, while nothing is found on:


Where am I supposed to find the custom webdisplay provided by you?

Thank you, Alberto.
ELOG V3.1.4-2e1708b5