WTX Tcl Library : Routines






























bindNamesToListcreate variables in the caller that are bound to list values


memBlockCreatecreate a memory block
memBlockDeletedelete a memory block, freeing its resources
memBlockDisdisassemble a memory block
memBlockDupcreate a new block exactly like a given one
memBlockGetget the elements in a memory block
memBlockGetStringget the memory block contents in string form
memBlockInfoget information about a memory block
memBlockListlist the handles of all existing memory blocks
memBlockSetset the elements in a memory block
memBlockSwapswitch the endianness of a block
memBlockWriteFilewrite the memory block contents to a file
msleepsleep for the specified number of milliseconds


wtxAgentModeGetget the WDB agent mode
wtxAgentModeSetset the WDB agent mode
wtxAsyncNotifyDisableStop the asynchronous event notification
wtxAsyncNotifyEnableStart the asynchronous event notification
wtxCacheTextUpdatesynchronize the instruction and data caches.
wtxCloseclose a target server file
wtxConsoleCreatecreate a target server console window (UNIX only)
wtxConsoleKillkill a target server virtual I/O console (UNIX only)
wtxContextContcontinue a context stopped at a breakpoint
wtxContextCreatecreate a new context on the target
wtxContextKillkill a context
wtxContextResumeresume a suspended context
wtxContextStatusGetget the status of a context
wtxContextStepsingle step a context by machine instruction
wtxContextSuspendsuspend a context
wtxCpuInfoGetexplore target data base resource file to retrieve info
wtxDirectCallmake a function call in the agent's context
wtxEnumFromStringconvert a WTX constant to numeric form
wtxEnumInfoshow the mapping between WTX constant names and numeric values
wtxEnumListlist all WTX constant types known
wtxEnumToStringconvert a numeric WTX constant to symbolic form
wtxErrorHandlerquery or establish an error handler for a connection
wtxEventAddsend an event to all other tools attached to the target server
wtxEventGetreceive an event if any are waiting
wtxEventListGetget all the events in one call.
wtxEventpointAddadd an agent eventpoint
wtxEventpointDeletedelete an eventpoint
wtxEventpointListlist the eventpoints known to the agent
wtxEventpointListGetlist the eventpoints known to the agent
wtxExecutableFindWDB / WTX requests executable path via document name
wtxExecutableFindWDB / WTX requests executable path via document name
wtxFuncCallcall a function on the target
wtxGopherEvalrequest the evaluation of a Gopher script by the agent
wtxHandleshow the WTX handle stack or set the top element of the stack
wtxHostTypeget the host-type code for the current process
wtxInfoQreturn a list of existing servers
wtxLoggingWDB / WTX requests logging controls
wtxMemAddToPooladd memory to the agent pool
wtxMemAlignallocate a block of aligned memory from the agent pool
wtxMemAllocallocate memory from the agent pool
wtxMemChecksumcompute the checksum on target memory
wtxMemDisassemblequery the target server disassembled instructions
wtxMemFreefree a block of agent pool memory
wtxMemInfoGetreturn information about the agent pool
wtxMemMovemove a block of memory on the target
wtxMemReadread target memory into a memory block
wtxMemReallocreallocate a block of agent pool memory
wtxMemScanscan target memory for the presence or absence of a pattern
wtxMemSetset a block of memory to a specified value
wtxMemWidthReadread memory from the target
wtxMemWidthWritewrite a memory block to the target
wtxMemWritewrite a memory block to the target
wtxObjModuleChecksumchecks validity of target memory.
wtxObjModuleFindfind an object module given a name or an ID
wtxObjModuleInfoAndPathGetreturn information about an object module
wtxObjModuleInfoGetreturn information about an object module
wtxObjModuleListfetch a list of IDs of object modules loaded on the target
wtxObjModuleLoadLoad a multiple section object file
wtxObjModuleLoadCancelStop an asynchronous load request
wtxObjModuleLoadProgressReportget the asynchronous load status
wtxObjModuleLoadStartLoad a multiple section object file asynchronously
wtxObjModuleUnloadunload an object module
wtxOpenopen a file for use with virtual I/O
wtxPathreturn a pathname suitable for the environment
wtxRegisteradd an entry to the Tornado registry
wtxRegisterForEventprovide a regular expression to mask event delivery
wtxRegsGetread a block of register data from the target
wtxRegsSetwrite a block of register data to the target
wtxSymAddadd a new symbol to the symbol table
wtxSymFindlocate a symbol in the symbol table
wtxSymListGetquery the target server symbol table
wtxSymRemoveremove a symbol from the symbol table
wtxSymTblInfoGetreturn information about the target server symbol table
wtxTargetAttachattempt to reattach to the target
wtxTargetNamereturn the name of the target server attached
wtxTargetResetreset the target
wtxTimeoutreturn or set the current WTX timeout
wtxToolAttachattach to a target server
wtxToolDetachdetach from a target server
wtxToolIdGetreturn the tool identifier of the current tool
wtxToolIdGetreturn the tool identifier of the current tool
wtxToolNamereturn the name of the current tool
wtxTsInfoGetget information about the target server
wtxTsKillkill the target server
wtxTsLocklock the target server
wtxTsUnlockunlock target server
wtxTsVersionGetreturn Tornado version
wtxUnregisterremove an entry from the Tornado registry
wtxUnregisterForEventask the target server to not send events matching
wtxVioChanGetclaim a VIO channel
wtxVioChanReleaserelease a VIO channel
wtxVioCtlchange the characteristics of a virtual I/O channel
wtxVioFileListlist the files managed by the target server
wtxVioWritevirtual I/O write