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- https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/MediaWiki
- https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Version_lifecycle
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MediaWiki_version_history
- https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Manual:Backing_up_a_wiki
- https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Manual:Installation_guide
- https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Manual:$wgPasswordPolicy
Add InviteSignup
This is a replacement for Account Request.
- see https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:InviteSignup
- get the code
cd ~daqweb/mediawiki/DaqWiki/core cd extensions; git clone https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/mediawiki/extensions/InviteSignup cd InviteSignup git checkout REL1_39
- add to LocalSettings.php:
wfLoadExtension( 'InviteSignup' ); $wgGroupPermissions['bureaucrat']['invitesignup'] = true;
- run "php maintenance/update.php"
- reload main page, go to "special pages", go to "version", observe InviteSignup is listed.
- go to "special pages", at the very bottom see "Invite people to this wiki"
- punch in email address of person to be invited
- bomb out!!!
[3849f93f61314d1c16f33a17] 2025-02-08 02:48:40: Fatal exception of type "MWException" email is sent to the target email address contains a link to DaqWiki opening this link gives: Permission error You do not have permission to create this user account, for the following reason: The action you have requested is limited to users in one of the groups: Administrators, Bureaucrats.
Disable Account Request function
Received message from Dan Thompson that DaqWiki account request function was attacked by spam, this caused flood of spam bounces in the triumf mail server. This function is now disabled.
Instead, will use https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:InviteSignup
Increase max file upload size
per https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Manual:Configuring_file_uploads edit /etc/php/8.1/apache2/php.ini set "upload_max_filesize" from "2M" to "20M" set "post_max_size" from "8M" to "80M" systemctl restart apache2
Allow SVG files created by draw.io
add "http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" to permitted XML namespaces: edit includes/upload/UploadBase.php add it to $validNamespaces in function checkSvgScriptCallback
read more here: https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T138783
Mitigate account request spam
after updating to mediawiki 1.39 I see account request spam on all our mediawiki instances.
to mitigate:
- disable email notification
- set rejected and unapproved account expiration and purge time to 0.
- systemctl restart apache2
- go and reject the first account request as spam, observe that all account requests have been erased/purged
wfLoadExtension( 'ConfirmAccount' ); $wgGroupPermissions['*']['createaccount'] = false; // REQUIRED to enforce account requests via this extension $wgGroupPermissions['bureaucrat']['createaccount'] = true; // optional to allow account creation by this trusted user group # $wgGroupPermissions['bureaucrat']['confirmaccount-notify'] = true; // send email to all bureaucrats $wgConfirmAccountRequestFormItems['Biography']['enabled'] = false; $wgConfirmAccountRequestFormItems['CV']['enabled'] = false; $wgConfirmAccountRequestFormItems['Notes']['enabled'] = false; $wgConfirmAccountRequestFormItems['Links']['enabled'] = false; $wgConfirmAccountRequestFormItems['TermsOfService']['enabled'] = false; # $wgConfirmAccountContact='olchansk@triumf.ca'; $wgRejectedAccountMaxAge = 0; $wgConfirmAccountRejectAge = 0;
Update DaqWiki 1.39 to latest update
ssh root@daq00 cd ~daqweb/mediawiki/DaqWiki/core git fetch git pull cd skins/Vector; git pull cd extenstions/ConfirmAccount,LookupUser,UserMerge,WikiEditor,Math; git pull cd maintenance ./update.php ### bombs, asks to run compser cd .. ../../composer.phar update --no-dev ### updates a bunch of stuff cd maintenance ./update.php ### does a bunch of stuff
Update DaqWiki 1.35.5 to 1.39
ssh root@daq00 cd ~daqweb/mediawiki/DaqWiki rsync -av core/ core-1.35.5 cd core git fetch ### took a long time with several interruptions git checkout REL1_39 git submodule update update vendor (has to be done by hand? do not forget to git checkout REL1_39) update skins/Vector update extensions ConfirmAccount,UserMerge edit LocalSettings.php, add wfLoadExtension( 'ConfirmAccount' ); run composer run update.php
Update DaqWiki 1.27.7 to 1.35
move DaqWiki from ladd00 to daq00, update to current LTS version.
ssh daq00 2001 cd ~daqweb/mediawiki/ 2002 ls -l 2003 cd AgWiki/ 2004 ls -l 2005 cd .. 2006 ls -l 2007 cd DaqWiki/ 2008 ls -l 2009 rsync -av core/ core-1.27.7 ssh ladd00 993 cd ~daqweb/mediawiki/DaqWiki/core 996 mysqldump -h localhost -u DaqWikiUser -p DaqWiki > backup.sql ssh daq00 2015 mysql -p ### create DaqWiki, daqwikiuser ln -s /home/daqweb/mediawiki/DaqWiki/core /var/www/html/DaqWiki 2022 mysql -udaqwikiuser -p DaqWiki < backup.sql 2023 xemacs -nw LocalSettings.php 2024 git fetch 2025 git status 2026 git checkout REL1_35 2028 cd extensions/WikiEditor/ 2029 git fetch 2030 git checkout REL1_35 2031 cd ../.. 2033 cd skins/Vector 2034 git fetch 2035 git checkout REL1_35 2036 cd .. 2037 git fetch 2043 ../../composer.phar update ### composer 2.2.5 2044 cd maintenance/ 2045 ./update.php 2046 xemacs -nw ../LocalSettings.php 2047 ./update.php 2048 cd .. 2051 cd extensions/Math/ 2052 git fetch 2053 git checkout REL1_35 2054 cd .. 2055 cd LookupUser/ 2056 git fetch 2057 git checkout REL1_35 2058 cd ../UserMerge/ 2059 git fetch 2060 git checkout REL1_35 2061 cd ../ConfirmAccount/ 2062 git fetch 2063 git checkout REL1_35 2064 cd .. 2065 cd maintenance/ 2066 ./update.php
Update AgWiki 1.31 to 1.35
- ssh daq00, cd ~daqweb/mediawiki/AgWiki/core
- mv composer.json composer.json-1.31
- git fetch, git checkout REL1_35
- cd extensions/WikiEditor, git fetch, git checkout REL1_35
- cd skins/Vector, git fetch, git checkout REL1_35
- ../../composer.phar update ### composer version 2.2.5
- cd maintenance, run ./update.php ### does a lot of stuff
- cd extensions/{ConfirmAccount,UserMerge,Math}, git fetch, git checkout REL1_35
- cd maintenence, run ./update.php ### again
- agwiki version page reports correct version 1.35 and dates from Jan-Feb 2022 for all extensions, etc.
- add this to LocalSettings.php to disable the "create account" link on the login page
# disable "create account" - we should always go through "request account" $wgGroupPermissions['*']['createaccount'] = false;
Migrate and update (el7 to U-20.04)
Migrating AgWiki from daqstore (el7) to daq00 (U-20.04).
- rsync daqstore:/var/www/html/AgWiki to /home/daqweb/mediawiki/AgWiki/core
- rsync core to core-1.30 ### make a backup
- cd core
- git fetch
- refer to https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Version_lifecycle to decode which version to use
- upgrade path 1.30 -> 1.31 LTS -> 1.35 LTS
- mv composer.json composer.json-1.30
- git checkout REL1_31
- cd extensions/WikiEditor, git fetch, git checkout REL1_31
- cd skins/Vector, git fetch, git checkout REL1_31
- try to load https://daq00/AgWiki, error 500
- run composer update. composer version 2 bombs, composer version 1 bombs with php error
- ssh daqstore, cd ~daqweb/mediawiki/AgWiki/core, ../../composer.phar-1.2.2 update
- try to load https://daq00/AgWiki, php error: no viable database extension found for type 'mysql'
- apt install php-mysql, same error
- edit /etc/php/7.4/apache2/php.ini, uncomment "extension=mysqli", systemctl reload apache2
- try to load https://daq00/AgWiki, php error: Cannot access the database: No such file or directory (localhost), this is correct we did not copy/migrate the mysql database yet.
- ssh daqstore, mysqldump -h localhost -u aguser -p AgWiki > backup.sql
- apt install mariadb-server
- mysql_secure_installation ### accept all default answers
- try to load https://daq00/AgWiki, php error: Cannot access the database: Access denied for user 'aguser'@'localhost' (localhost), this is correct, we did not create the user
- per https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Manual:Installing_MediaWiki#MariaDB/MySQL
mysql -p MariaDB [(none)]> CREATE DATABASE AgWiki; MariaDB [(none)]> CREATE USER 'agwikiuser'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'agwikiuser123'; MariaDB [(none)]> GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON AgWiki.* TO 'agwikiuser'@'localhost' WITH GRANT OPTION;
- edit mysql user and password on LocalSettings.php
- try to load https://daq00/AgWiki, php error: Error: 1146 Table 'AgWiki.l10n_cache' doesn't exist (localhost), this is correct we did not load the database contents yet
- mysql -uagwikiuser -p AgWiki < backup.sql
- cd maintenance, run update.php
- try to load https://daq00/AgWiki, main wiki page redirects to daqstore/AgWiki, not good.
- edit LocalSettings.php, change $wgServer to daq00
- try to load https://daq00/AgWiki, main wiki page loads, looks good.
- login works, version page looks ok
- update extensions:
- cd extensions/ConfirmAccount, git fetch, git checkout REL1_31
- cd extensions/UserMerge, git fetch, git checkout REL1_31
- cd extensions/Math, git fetch, git checkout REL1_31
- edit Localsettings.php, comment-out load NativeSvgHandler.php and SVGEdit.php
- agwiki version page still shows all versions of extensions, run maintenance/update.php, now it shows the updated versions. good.
- edit LocalSettings.php, update $wgEmergencyContact and $wgPasswordSender
Install (el7)
ssh ladd00 cd ~daqweb/mediawiki rsync -av DaqWiki daqstore:/var/www/html/ ssh daqstore cd /var/www/html mv DaqWiki/core AgWiki cd AgWiki git fetch git checkout REL1_30 cd skins/Vector git fetch git checkout REL1_30 cd extensions/WebEditor git fetch git checkout REL1_30 open https://daqstore.triumf.ca/AgWiki/ - should give an internal error, a php exception edit LocalSettings.php
do the composer stuff
get the composer: https://getcomposer.org/download/ cd AgWiki ../composer.phar update open https://daqstore.triumf.ca/AgWiki/ - should give an error - cannot connect to the database
configure mysql
yum install php71w-mysql rpm -q mariadb ### mariadb-5.5.56-2.el7.x86_64 systemctl enable mariadb systemctl start mariadb mysql_secure_installation # set root password # accept all default answers mysql -p ### enter the root password create database `AgWiki`; create user `agwiki` identified by `agwiki123`; GRANT USAGE ON *.* TO 'aguser'@localhost IDENTIFIED BY 'aguser123'; GRANT ALL privileges ON `AgWiki`.* TO 'aguser'@localhost; FLUSH PRIVILEGES; show grants for 'aguser'@localhost; exit enter these database settings to LocalSettings.php
configure mediawiki
get rid of (rename) LocalSettings.php open https://daqstore.triumf.ca/AgWiki/ follow the link to do the configuration answer all the questions answer all the additional questions save LocalSettings.php copy it to AgWiki open the wiki - login page should open, login normally got to special pages -> version update all the individual extensions: cd extensions/XXX git fetch git checkout REL1_30 ### as appropriate systemctl restart httpd reload the wiki version page
make images directory writable
semanage fcontext -a -t httpd_sys_rw_content_t '/var/www/html/AgWiki/images(/.*)?' restorecon -Rv /var/www/html/AgWiki/images ls -alZ /var/www/html/AgWiki/images/
additional selinux incantations
setsebool -P httpd_setrlimit 1
- MediaWiki:Sidebar edit the navigation side bar