ISAC Cluster
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- (ganglia on ladd00)
DAQ machines
- isdaq00: main file server (NIS, home directories, central services, etc - see below)
- isdaq01: main daq server for running ISAC low-energy experiments (BNMR/BNQR/POL/etc)
- isdaq02: GPS PCI CAMAC DAQ
- isdaq03: DRAGON terminal
- isdaq04: POL terminal
- isdaq05: GRIFFIN terminal
- isdaq06: SL6 test machine, ISAC low-energy secondary DAQ server
- isdaq07: DRAGON terminal
- isdaq08: GRIFFIN terminal
- trinatdaq: TRINAT DAQ server
- smaug: DRAGON DAQ server (MacOS)
- lxdragon01: DRAGON VME DAQ (head)
- lxdragon02: DRAGON VME DAQ (tail)
- lxtrinat: TRINAT VME DAQ
- lxpol: POL VME DAQ
- lxbnmr: BNMR VME DAQ
- lxbnqr: BNQR VME DAQ
- bnmrvw: BNMR CAMP (vxworks)
- polvw: BNQR CAMP (vxworks)
- isysfe: ISAC1 Yield station MIDAS DAQ (Peter Kunz)
- midemma01: EMMA DAQ
- midemma02: EMMA terminal
- lxemma01: EMMA VME CPU
- iris00: IRIS DAQ
- lxiris01, lxiris02: IRIS VME CPU
- iris01, iris02: IRIS analysis
ISDAQ00 services
- NIS master (ISAC-NIS)
- home directories (for dragon)
- (temporarily moved to daq00) DHCP, TFTP for booting VME processors (/tftpboot)
- NFS-Root OS images for booting VME processors (/nfsroot)
- web server:
- nodeinfo for ISAC machines
- PHP and MySQL (actually mariaDB) for dragon web display. Here's critical setup info:
yum install php-devel php-gd php-pecl-memcache php-pspell php-snmp php-xmlrpc php-xml yum install mariadb-server systemctl enable mariadb mysql_secure_installation [root@isdaq00 ~]# mysql -u dragonuser -D dragon -h localhost -p MariaDB [dragon]> show grants; +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Grants for dragonuser@localhost | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | GRANT SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, CREATE, DROP, ALTER ON *.* TO 'dragonuser'@'localhost' | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
More details about account here: ~dragon/MYSQL_SETUP.txt
NIS configuration
- domainname ISAC-NIS
- master: isdaq00
- autofs/automount configuration: isdaq00:/etc files auto.master, auto.home, auto.local
- after editing NIS files, run: make -C /var/yp
- on all NIS clients, there is a script running from /etc/cron.hourly to update the local NIS maps
- if you do not want to wait 1 hour for the NIS maps to update, login there and run this script manually.
NFS configuration
- /isdaq/dataNNN - shared data disks
- /musr/xxx - BNMR/BNQR data disks
- /iris/xxx/iris - IRIS data disks
- /emma/xxx/emma - EMMA data disks