DAQ Cluster
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- Nodeinfo
- Ganglia
- Diskusers
- https://daq00.triumf.ca/zfsquotareport/zfsquota.html daq00 ZFS disk usage and quotas
- https://daqstore.triumf.ca/zfsquotareport/zfsquota.html daqstore ZFS disk usage and quotas
- https://alpha00.triumf.ca/zfsquotareport/zfsquota.html alpha00 ZFS disk usage and quotas
- https://ladd00.triumf.ca/zfsquotareport/zfsquota.html ladd00 ZFS disk usage and quotas
DAQ/LADD cluster machines
- ladd00 - old main server (2x120GB SSD, 2x6TB HDD ZFS)
- daq00 - new main server: home directories, NIS master, httpd, elogs, ganglia, gonodeinfo, etc (2x2TB SSD ZFS storage)
- daqstore - main storage server: home directories, data disk, network boot disk (/nfsroot), archives, etc (2x10TB ZFS, 2x6TB ZFS, 2x1TB SSD ZFS)
- daqbackup - rsync backups of home directories, system disks, etc (uses zfs snapshots)
- daqubuntu - ubuntu test machine
- daqlabpc - centos-8 test machine, test machine for sata SSD/HDD (rackmounted in daq lab)
- daqNN - see allocation of machines in the inventory database and in the nodeinfo reports, see active machines in ganglia reports
- ladd10 - M11 - part of the minifgd system (stored, not in use)
- exptape - (temporarily disassembled) isac2 cr#1 - experiment tape facility - SDLT, 8mm, 4mm, etc. (32-bit SL5)
- armdaq01..04 - MityCAMAC interfaces
- armdaq05 - francium pi
- armdaq06 - rpi
- armdaq07 - chronobox
- armdaq08 - rpi (lmartin)
Services running on daq00/ladd00/daqstore
Status of migration from ladd00 and daqstore to daq00: services are running on ladd00 unless marked (daq00) and (daqstore).
- DAQ-NIS primary master on daq00 (make -C /var/yp)
- https://daq00.triumf.ca. (http port 80 used by certbot only)
- https://ladd00.triumf.ca, http://ladd00.triumf.ca
- DocumentRoot at /var/www/html
- DAQ elog, etc (moved to daq00)
- viewvc svn access (/etc/httpd/conf.d/viewvc.conf, /etc/viewvc/viewvc.conf)
- https svn access
- https://{ladd00,daq00,daqstore}.triumf.ca/~username
- ganglia web frontend (moved to daq00)
- daq inventory system (see ~daqinv, /etc/httpd/conf.d/daqinv.conf, daqinv)
- https://midas.triumf.ca
- DocumentRoot at ~daqweb/midas.triumf.ca
- MidasWiki (MediaWiki)
- Elog proxy at https://midas.triumf.ca/elog
- Midas forum redirect at https://midas.triumf.ca/forum
- https://daq.triumf.ca (redirect to DaqWiki)
- https://daq00.triumf.ca
- /~username - serves ~username/public_html
- /elog-daq - DAQ elog
- /elog-midas - MIDAS forum (elog)
- /ganglia - computer monitoring
- /gonodeinfo - computer monitoring
- dhcpd on ladd00
- dnsmasq dhcp, tftp and dns on daq00
- xinetd, tftp server, PXE (linux installation, linux rescue, memtest)
- mysql database for MidasWiki, DaqWiki, daqinv (ladd00)
- mysql database for DaqWiki, AgWiki (daq00)
- user home directories (on daqstore, 1TB SSD ZFS)
- user home directories (on daq00, 2TB SSD ZFS)
- ganglia server and database (gmetad, https://daq00.triumf.ca/ganglia)
- diskusers server, web pages
- quotareport cron, webpages
- backup of operating system images (see ~root/backup.os.all, /etc/cron.d/backup.os.cron)
- backups of VME processors (stored on ladd00, crontab on ladd01)
- boot files for VME processors (dhcp on ladd01, tftp on ladd00, os images on ladd00:/data0/root/, a few os images on ladd01:/home1)
- mirror of the ROOT GIT repository: git clone https://daq00.triumf.ca/~daqweb/git/root.git
- mirror of MIDAS, ELOG, etc: git clone https://daq00.triumf.ca/~daqweb/git/midas.git
- MIDAS doxygen documentation: https://daq00.triumf.ca/~daqweb/doc/midas-develop/html
- ROOTANA doxygen documentation: https://daq00.triumf.ca/~daqweb/doc/rootana/html
- (not migrated from ladd00 to daq00) update of FGDDAQ documentation, see /etc/cron.d/fgddaq-update.cron
- elogd for daq (in ~daqweb, elogd on daq00)
- elogd for alphag (in ~alphag, elogd on ladd00)
- elogd for MIDAS (in ~daqweb, elogd on daq00)
- elogd for darkside (in ~darkside, elogd on ladd00)
- mediawiki DaqWiki (daq00)
- mediawiki MidasWiki (ladd00)
- mediawiki AgWiki (daq00)