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Information on EMMA DAQ
General info
- https://midemma01.triumf.ca - EMMA MIDAS DAQ
- https://midemma01.triumf.ca/rootana/ - EMMA analyzer
- https://elog.triumf.ca/EMMA/ - EMMA elog
EMMA DAQ computers
- midemma01 - main daq computer in the ISAC2 CR#2 (TIGRESS)
- midemma02 - terminal in ISAC2 on the table next to the EMMA platform
- lxemma01 -EMMA VME processor (in the VME crate on the EMMA platform)
DAQ instructions
To start the DAQ:
- login emma@midemma01
- run "mhttpd -D"
- open web page https://midemma01.triumf.ca
- go to the Programs page, start all programs in order
- go to the Status page, start a run, stop a run
To start the analyzer:
- login emma@midemma01
- cd online/ana
- run ./emmana.exe -g -R8081
- if a run is active, watch the histograms update every 15 seconds on the canvases
- open web page: https://midemma01.triumf.ca/rootana/ (tailing slash is important!), watch the histograms on the web, click "monitoring" to enable periodic update.
- to rebuild the analyzer, edit emma_module.cxx, then run "make". Use "make clean" to remove old object files, etc. Commit changes using "git commit ."
If the DAQ crashes here are some suggested diagnostics checks:
- Check connection to feemma (VME crate): Type "ping lxemma01". If it does not respond then power cycle the VME crate at the focal plane.
- Check the status of the mlogger program: Sometimes an interrupted connection can cause problems with the mlogger program, which will result in being unable to restart a new run. Type "ps aux | grep mlogger". If multiple mlogger programs are running then midemma01 will need to be restarted. You must perform a hard restart by holding down the power button.
- Once both midemma01 and the VME crate are back up and running, follow the DAQ restart instructions listed above or type "start_daq.sh" in terminal.
- Barry - davids
- Matt - mwilliams
- Martin - malcorta
- Nicholas Esker - neesker
- Konstantin - olchansk (daq group)
- Thomas - lindner (daq group)
Other info
- main account: emma@ISAC-NIS (physically on isdaq00)
- data directory: /home/emma/Experiments (physically on isdaq01)
online analyzer can be invoked from any directory using emmana.exe .