- mhttpd web server
- odbedit
- /Experiment/Security ODB subtree
Access Control to a MIDAS experiment
- To prevent access by determined or malicious hackers via the web, the following strategies are recommended:
- Use the HTTPS/SSL server using the command mhttpd --mg
- Implement a firewall and/or restrictions on off-site access. This kind of security can be provided by setting up Proxy Access to mhttpd .
By default, there is no restriction for any user to connect locally or remotely to a given experiment. The MIDAS system provides a means to setup access restrictions using the ODB in order to protect the experiment from accidental or unauthorized access.
There are two levels of access restriction available each of which can be enabled independently:
- To restrict write access via the web by requiring a password before any parameter can be changed.
- To require a password before MIDAS clients can start running on the host.
The user can select either or both of these security features.
Note that other forms of ODB access control independent of these security features is also available:
- Write access can be restricted while a run is in progress (see Lock when running )
- Individual keys or subtrees in the experiment's ODB can be set "read only" with the odbedit command chmod.
How to Setup Web Access Restrictions
The ODB /Experiment/Security subtree can also be used to restrict access to the experiment via the Web. This subtree is automatically created (if not already present) when the odbedit command webpasswd is issued as follows:
C:\online>odbedit [local:Default:S]/>cd Experiment/ [local]/>webpasswd Password:<xxxx> Retype password:<xxxx>
After running webpasswd, a new ODB key i.e. /Experiment/Security/Web Password will be present containing the encrypted web password.
If web access restriction is set up, the user will be requested to provide the "Web Password" when accessing the requested experiment in "Write Access" mode. The "Read Only Access" mode is still available to all users.
[local:bnqr:S]/Experiment>ls Security/ Web Password pon4@#@%SSDF2
How to Setup Client Access Restrictions
In order to restrict access to the experiment, a password mechanism needs to be defined. This is provided by the /Experiment/Security subtree in odb. This subtree is automatically created (if not already present) when the odbedit command passwd is issued as follows:
C:\online>odbedit [local:Default:S]/>cd Experiment/ [local]/>passwd Password:<xxxx> Retype password:<xxxx>
After running the odb command "passwd", the /Experiment/Security subtree will be present.
Allowing specific hosts/clients access without password
While restricting access can make sense to deny access to outsider to a given experiment, it can be annoying for the people working directly at the back-end computer or for an automatic frontend reloading mechanism. To address this problem, specific hosts and clients can be exempt from having to supply a password before being granted full access.
Allowed hosts
Hostnames to be allowed full access to the ODB are listed in the /Experiment/Security/Allowed hosts subtree, e.g.
[local]/>cd "/Experiment/Security/Allowed hosts" [local]rhosts>create int myhost.domain [local]rhosts>
where <myHost.domain> is to be replaced by the full IP address of the host requesting full clearance, e.g "".
Allowed programs
Programs (i.e. clients) to be allowed full access to the ODB (regardless of the node on which they are running) can be listed in the /Experiment/Security/Allowed programs subtree,
[local]/>cd "/Experiment/Security/Allowed programs" [local]:S>create int mstat [local]:S>