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Usage: lazylogger [-D] [-h <Hostname>] [-e <Experiment>] -c <channel name>
Usage: lazylogger [-D] [-h <Hostname>] [-e <Experiment>] -c <channel name>
-c <channel name> - specify lazylogger channel name
-C - convert old-format done list to new file-based format
-d - enable debug printout
-n - do not delete any files (for testing "Maintain free space")
-D - start as a daemon
-h - connect to experiment on another machine
-e - connect to non-default experiment
-z - clear /Lazy/channel/Statistics
-t - permit lazy logger to TALK (see mlxspeaker)

Quick man :
Quick man :

Revision as of 11:21, 4 September 2020



The lazylogger utility decouples the data acquisition from the data logging mechanism. The need for such an application has been dictated by the slow response time of the old media logging devices, such as tape devices. Delay due to tape mounting, re-tension and re-positioning implies that the data acquisition has to be held until operation completion. By using mlogger to log data to disk in a first stage and then using lazylogger to copy or move the stored files, the data acquisition can be kept running without interruption. These devices are no longer supported internally by Midas but can still be managed through scripts. Lazylogger is still much used for getting a copy of the original data to a remote data storage. While there are many ways to do this independently of the acquisition system, the lazylogger provides a simple way to manage this task. Lazylogger features are listed below.

  • Multiple lazyloggers can be running simultaneously on the same computer, each one taking care of a particular channel.
  • Each lazylogger channel will have a dedicated ODB tree (see ODB /Lazy Tree ) containing its own information.
  • All the lazylogger channels will be in the ODB under /Lazy/<channel-name>/....
  • Each channel tree is composed of two sub-trees Settings,Statistics and /Lazy ODB tree#The ODB /Lazy/<channel_name>.
  • Dynamic directory destination based on run number or date.
  • Script copy support.
  • Compression copy.

The Settings and Statistics trees are self-explanatory, and contain the operational parameters of the channel(s). Two hidden log files for each channel are created and updated ans resides in the main experiment directory (.<channel_name>.dirlist, .<chanel_name>.donelist), these files reflect the current state of the data copy. Lazylogger support internally data file transfer through FTP repository system. Improvements towards more generic support (including scripting and pipe compression) have been added as well.


Usage: lazylogger [-D] [-h <Hostname>] [-e <Experiment>] -c <channel name>

Quick man : The Lazy/Settings tree is composed of the following parameters: Maintain free space (%)(0): purge source device to maintain free space on the source directory

                     (0) : no purge      

Stay behind (0)  : If negative number : lazylog runs starting from the OLDEST

                            run file sitting in the 'Dir data' to the current acquisition
                            run minus the 'Stay behind number'
                           If positive number : lazylog starts from the current
                            acquisition run minus 'Stay behind number' 
                           Zero : no stay-behind - files are saved as soon as they are closed

Alarm Class  : Specify the Class to be used in case of Tape Full condition Running condition  : active/deactive lazylogger under given condition i.e:

                          'ALWAYS' (default)     : Independent of the ACQ state ...
                          'NEVER'                : ...
                          'WHILE_ACQ_NOT_RUNNING': ...
                          '/alias/max_rate < 200'    (max_rate is a link)
                          '/equipment/scaler/variables/scal[4] < 23.45'
                          '/equipment/trigger/statistics/events per sec. < 400'

Data dir  : MIDAS Data Directory (same as "/Logger/Data Dir") Data format  : Data format (MIDAS) Filename format  : Run format i.e. "run%05d.mid", or "*.mid.gz" or "*.mid.gz,*.xml" List label  : Label of destination save_set.

                           Prevent lazylogger to run if not given.
                           Will be reset if maximum capacity reached.

Execute after rewind  : Execute the command <cmd> after rewind complete

                         : args passed are: 'device path' 'channel name' 'list label'
                         : The actual command will look like: <cmd> /dev/nst0 Tape Data_2000

Backup type  : Destination device type (Disk, Tape, Script, SFTP, FTP) Path  : Destination path (file.ext, /dev/nst0, ftp...)

                           in case of SFTP type, the 'Path' entry should be:
                           in case of FTP type, the 'Path' entry should be:
                           host, port, user, password, directory, run%05d.mid

Capacity (Bytes)  : Maximum capacity of the destination device. modulo  : Enable multiple lazy on same source. Ex: 3ch : 3.0, 3.1, 3.2 tapeAppend  : Enable positioning of the TAPE to EOD before each lazy copy


[-h ] : help.
[-h hostname ]        : see common parameters
[-e experiment_name ] : see common parameters
[-D ]                 : start program as a daemon.
[-c channel ]         : logging channel <channel-name>. Specify the lazylogger to activate.
[-z ]                 : zap statistics. Clear the statistics tree of all the defined lazylogger channels.
[-t ]                 : permit lazylogger to TALK msg.
[-n ]                 : No file purging on the source dir.
[-d ]                 : Additional debug messages

Setting up the Lazylogger

The Lazylogger requires to be set up before the data file can be moved. This setup consists of the following steps:

1. Invoke the lazylogger once for setting up the appropriate ODB <channel-name> tree and exit. In this example, the <channel-name> is "Pion".
 >lazylogger -c pion
2. Edit the newly created ODB tree. Set the Settings field(s) to match your requirements.
The following example is shown using odbedit :
> odbedit -e midas
[local:midas:Stopped]/>cd /Lazy/pion/
[local:midas:Stopped]pion>ls -lr
Key name                        Type    #Val  Size  Last Opn Mode Value
pion                           DIR
   Settings                    DIR
       Maintain free space(%)  INT     1     4     3m   0   RWD  0
       Stay behind             INT     1     4     3m   0   RWD  -3
       Alarm Class             STRING  1     32    3m   0   RWD  
       Running condition       STRING  1     128   3m   0   RWD  ALWAYS
       Data dir                STRING  1     256   3m   0   RWD  /home/midas/online
       Data format             STRING  1     8     3m   0   RWD  MIDAS
       Filename format         STRING  1     128   3m   0   RWD  run%05d.mid
       Backup type             STRING  1     8     3m   0   RWD  Pion
       Execute after rewind    STRING  1     64    3m   0   RWD  
       Path                    STRING  1     128   3m   0   RWD  
       Capacity (Bytes)        FLOAT   1     4     3m   0   RWD  5e+09
       List label              STRING  1     128   3m   0   RWD  
   Statistics                  DIR
       Backup file             STRING  1     128   3m   0   RWD  none 
       File size [Bytes]       DOUBLE  1     4     3m   0   RWD  0
       KBytes copied           DOUBLE  1     4     3m   0   RWD  0
       Total Bytes copied      DOUBLE  1     4     3m   0   RWD  0
       Copy progress [%]       DOUBLE  1     4     3m   0   RWD  0
       Copy Rate [bytes per s] DOUBLE  1     4     3m   0   RWD  0
       Backup status [%]       DOUBLE  1     4     3m   0   RWD  0
       Number of Files         INT     1     4     3m   0   RWD  0
       Current Lazy run        INT     1     4     3m   0   RWD  0
[local:midas:Stopped]pion>cd Settings/
[local:midas:Stopped]Settings>set "Data dir" /data
[local:midas:Stopped]Settings>set "Capacity (Bytes)" 15e9

3. Start lazylogger in the background
>lazylogger -c Pion -D

4. Define List label key
At this point, the lazylogger is running and waiting for the List label key to be defined before starting the copy procedure.
> odbedit -e midas
[local:midas:Stopped]/>cd /Lazy/pion/Settings
[local:midas:Stopped]Settings>set "List label" cni-043

NOTE: The mstat utility will display information regarding the status of the lazylogger.

Operation of the Lazylogger

For every major operation of the lazylogger a message is sent to the Message buffer and will be appended to a default Lazy log file (lazy.log). These messages are the only means of finding out What/When/Where/How the lazylogger has operated on a data file. A fragment of the lazy.log for the iris experiment is shown below. In this case, the Maintain free space field was enabled which produces the cleanup of the data files and the entry in the List tree after copy. In this particular case, the lazylogger uses a perl script to push the data file to a data storage system using dCache.

Key name                        Type    #Val  Size  Last Opn Mode Value
Lazy                            DIR
    Dcache                      DIR
        Settings                DIR
            Period              INT     1     4     51h  0   RWD  2
            Maintain free space INT     1     4     51h  0   RWD  15
            Stay behind         INT     1     4     51h  0   RWD  1
            Alarm Class         STRING  1     32    51h  0   RWD  
            Running condition   STRING  1     128   51h  0   RWD  ALWAYS
            Data dir            STRING  1     256   51h  0   RWD  /iris_data0/iris/current
            Data format         STRING  1     8     51h  0   RWD  MIDAS
            Filename format     STRING  1     128   51h  0   RWD  iris_%08d%04d.mid.gz
            Backup type         STRING  1     8     51h  0   RWD  Script
            Execute after rewindSTRING  1     64    51h  0   RWD  
            Path                STRING  1     128   51h  0   RWD  /home/iris/bin/lazy_dcache.perl
            Capacity (Bytes)    FLOAT   1     4     51h  0   RWD  5e+09
            List label          STRING  1     128   51h  0   RWD  Dcache
            Execute before writiSTRING  1     64    51h  0   RWD   
            Execute after writinSTRING  1     64    51h  0   RWD  
            Modulo.Position     STRING  1     8     51h  0   RWD  
            Tape Data Append    BOOL    1     4     51h  0   RWD  y
         Statistics              DIR
            Backup file         STRING  1     128   15h  0   RWDE iris_000035270000.mid.gz
            File size (Bytes)   DOUBLE  1     8     15h  0   RWDE 326345493
            KBytes copied       DOUBLE  1     8     15h  0   RWDE 0
            Total Bytes copied  DOUBLE  1     8     15h  0   RWDE 0
            Copy progress (%)   DOUBLE  1     8     15h  0   RWDE 0
            Copy Rate (Bytes perDOUBLE  1     8     15h  0   RWDE 0
            Backup status (%)   DOUBLE  1     8     15h  0   RWDE 0
            Number of Files     INT     1     4     15h  0   RWDE 247
            Current Lazy run    INT     1     4     15h  0   RWDE 35270000
Excerpt of lazy.log:
Wed May  6 17:26:00 2015 [Lazy_Dcache] Dcache[30] (cp:1.0s) iris_000032140000.mid.gz 6.146MB  file NEW
Wed May  6 17:26:02 2015 [Lazy_Dcache] Dcache[31] (cp:0.1s) iris_000032150000.mid.gz 22.894MB  file NEW
Wed May  6 17:26:04 2015 [Lazy_Dcache] Dcache[32] (cp:0.1s) iris_000032160000.mid.gz 116.110MB  file NEW
Wed May  6 17:26:07 2015 [Lazy_Dcache] Dcache[33] (cp:0.1s) iris_000032170000.mid.gz 110.228MB  file NEW
Wed May  6 17:26:09 2015 [Lazy_Dcache] Dcache[34] (cp:0.0s) iris_000032180000.mid.gz 101.333MB  file NEW
Wed May  6 17:26:12 2015 [Lazy_Dcache] Dcache[35] (cp:0.1s) iris_000032190000.mid.gz 90.928MB  file NEW
Wed May  6 17:26:14 2015 [Lazy_Dcache] Dcache[36] (cp:0.1s) iris_000032200000.mid.gz 88.461MB  file NEW
Thu May  7 15:47:02 2015 [Lazy_Dcache] Dcache[1] (cp:3.2s) iris_000032210000.mid.gz 87.862MB  file NEW
Thu May  7 15:47:06 2015 [Lazy_Dcache] Dcache[2] (cp:2.2s) iris_000032220000.mid.gz 74.789MB  file NEW
Thu May  7 15:47:10 2015 [Lazy_Dcache] Dcache[3] (cp:1.2s) iris_000032230000.mid.gz 0.204MB  file NEW
Thu May  7 15:47:16 2015 [Lazy_Dcache] Dcache[4] (cp:4.1s) iris_000032240000.mid.gz 105.346MB  file NEW
Thu May  7 15:47:20 2015 [Lazy_Dcache] Dcache[5] (cp:1.2s) iris_000032250000.mid.gz 14.048MB  file NEW
Thu May  7 15:47:23 2015 [Lazy_Dcache] Dcache[6] (cp:1.2s) iris_000032260000.mid.gz 5.011MB  file NEW
Thu May  7 15:47:30 2015 [Lazy_Dcache] Dcache[7] (cp:4.2s) iris_000032270000.mid.gz 94.028MB  file NEW
Thu May  7 15:47:36 2015 [Lazy_Dcache] Dcache[8] (cp:4.2s) iris_000032280000.mid.gz 110.765MB  file NEW
Thu May  7 15:47:42 2015 [Lazy_Dcache] Dcache[9] (cp:3.0s) iris_000032290000.mid.gz 88.982MB  file NEW
Thu May  7 15:47:46 2015 [Lazy_Dcache] Dcache[10] (cp:2.0s) iris_000032300000.mid.gz 51.735MB  file NEW

... Once the lazylogger has started a job on a data file, trying to terminate the application will result in producing a log message informing the user of the actual percentage of the backup completed so far. This message will repeat itself until completion of the backup, and only then the lazylogger application will terminate.