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Entry  17 Nov 2003, Stefan Ritt, , Revised MVMESTD 
    Reply  20 Nov 2003, Pierre-André Amaudruz, Konstantin Olchanski, , Revised MVMESTD 
       Reply  21 Nov 2003, Stefan Ritt, , Revised MVMESTD 
Message ID: 100     Entry time: 21 Nov 2003     In reply to: 99
Author: Stefan Ritt 
Subject: Revised MVMESTD 
Thanks for your contribution. Let me try to map your functionality to mvmestd calls:

> A) The VMIC vme_slave_xxx() options are not considered.

We could maybe do that through mvme_mmap(SLAVE, ...) instead of mvme_mmap(MASTER, ...)

> B) The interrupt handling can certainly match the 4 entries required in the user frontend
>     code i.e. Attach, Detach, Enable, Disable.


> I don't understand your argument that the handle should be hidden. In case of multiple
> interfaces, how do you refer to a particular one if not specified? 
> The following scheme does require a handle for refering to the proper (device AND window).

Four reasons for that:

1) For the SBS/Bit3, you need a handle for each address mode. So if I have two crates (and I do in our 
current experiment), and have to access modules in A16, A24 and A32 mode, I need in total 6 handles. 
Sometimes I mix them up by mistake, and wonder why I get bus errors. 

2) Most installations will only have single crates (as your VMIC). So if there is only one crate, why 
bother with a handle? If you have hunderds of accesses in your code, you save some redundant typing work.

3) A handle is usually kept global, which is considered not good coding style.

4) Our MCSTD and MFBSTD functions also do not use a handle, so people used to those libraries will find it 
more natural not to use one.

> 1 ) deviceHandle = vme_init(int devNumber);
>     Even though the VMIC doesn't deal with multiple devices,
>     the SIS/PCI does and needs to init on a specific PCI card.
>     Internally:
>       opening of the device (/dev/sisxxxx_1) (ignored in case of VMIC).
>       Possible including a mapping to a default VME region of default size with default AM
>       (VMIC :16MB, A24). This way in a single call you get a valid handle for full VME access
>       in A24 mode. Needs to be elaborate this option. But in principle you need to declare the 
>      VME region that you want to work on (vme_map).

Just vme_init(); (like fb_init()).

This function takes the first device, opens it, and stores the handle internally. Sets the AM to a default 
value, and creates a mapping table which is initially empty or mapped to a default VME region. If one wants 
to access a secondary crate, one does a vme_ioctl(VME_IOCTL_CRATE_SET, 2), which opens the secondary crate, 
and stores the new handle in the internal table if applicable.

> 2) mapHandle = vme_map(int deviceHandle, int vmeAddress, int am, int size);
>     Return a mapHandle specific to a device and window. The am has to be specified.
>     What ever are the operation to get there, the mapHandle is a reference to thas setting.
>     It could just fill a map structure.
>     Internally:
>       WindowHandle[deviceHandle] = vme_master_create(BusHandle[deviceHandle], ...
>       WindowPtr[WindowHandle] = vme_master_window(BusHandle[deviceHandle]
>                               , WindowHandle[deviceHandle]...

The best would be if a mvme_read(...) to an unmapped region would automatically (internally) trigger a 
vme_map() call, and store the WindowHandle and WindowPtr internally. The advantage of this is that code 
written for the SIS for example (which does not require this kind of mapping) would work without change 
under the VMIC. The disadvantage is that for each mvme_read(), the code has to scan the internal mapping 
table to find the proper window handle. Now I don't know how much overhead this would be, but I guess a 
single for() loop over a couple of entries in the mapping table is still faster than a microsecond or so, 
thus making it negligible in a block transfer. 

> 3) vme_setmode(mapHandle, const int DATA_SIZE, const int AM
>                            , const BOOL ENA_DMA, const BOOL ENA_FIFO);
>     Mainly used for the vme_block_read/write. Define for following read the data size and 
>     am in case of DMA (could use orther DMA mode than window definition for optimal
>     transfer).
>     Predefine the mode of access:
>     DATA_SIZE : D8, D16, D32
>     AM             : A16, A24, A32, etc...
>     enaDMA     : optional if available.
>     enaFIFO     : optional for block read for autoincrement source pointer.
> Remark:
> PAA- I can imagine this function to be a vme_ioctl (int mapHandle, int *param)
>         such that extension of functionality is possible. But by passing cons int
>         arguments, the optimizer is able to substitute and reduce the internal code.


>    uint_8Value   = vme_readD8  (int mapHandle, uint_64 vmeSrceOffset)
>    uint_16Value = vme_readD16 (int mapHandle, uint_64 vmeSrceOffset)
>    uint_32Value = vme_readD32 (int mapHandle, uint_64 vmeSrceOffset)
>    Single VME read access. In the VMIC case, this access is always through mapping.
>    Value = *(WindowPtr[WindowHandle] + vmeSrceOffset) 
>    or 
>    Value = *(WindowStruct->WindowPtr[WindowHandle] + vmeSrceOffset) 

mvme_read(*dst, DWORD vme_addr, DWORD size); would cover this in a single call. Note that the SIS for 
example does not have memory mapping, so if one consistently uses mvme_read(), it will work on both 
architectures. Again, this takes some overhead. Consider for example a possible VMIC implementation

mvme_read(char *dst, DWORD vme_addr, DWORD size)
  for (i=0 ; table[i].valid ; i++)
    if (table[i].start >= vme_addr && table[i].end < vme_addr+size)

  if (!table[i].valid)
    table[i].window_handle = vme_master_window(...)

  if (size == 2)
    mvme_ioctl(VME_IOCTL_DSIZE_SET, D16);
  else if (size == 1)
    mvme_ioctl(VME_IOCTL_DSIZE_SET, D8);

  memcpy(dst, table[i].window_handle + vme_addr - table[i].start, size);

Note this is only some rough code, would need more checking etc. But you see that for each access the for() 
loop has to be evaluated. Now I know that for the SBS/Bit3 and for the SIS a single VME access takes 
~0.5us. So the for() loop could be much faster than that. But one has to try. If one experiment needs the 
ultimate speed, it can use the native VMIC API, but then looses the portability. I'm not sure if one needs 
the automatic DSIZE_SET, maybe it works without.

>    status  = vme_writeD8   (int mapHandle, uint_64 vmeSrceOffset, uint_8 Value)
>    status  = vme_writeD16 (int mapHandle, uint_64 vmeSrceOffset, uint_16 Value)
>    status  = vme_writeD32 (int mapHandle, uint_64 vmeSrceOffset, uint_32 Value)
>    Single VME write access.

Dito. mvme_write(void *dst, DWORD vme_addr, DWORD size);

>    nBytes = vme_block_read(mapHandle, char * pDest, uint_64 vmeSrceOffset, int size);
>    Multiple read access. Can be done through standard do loop or DMA if available.
>    nBytes < 0 :  error
>    Incremented pDest  = (pDest + nBytes); Don't need to pass **pDest for autoincrement.

vmve_ioctl(VME_IOCTL_DMA_SET, TRUE);
n = mvme_read(char *pDest, DWORD vmd_addr, DWORD size);

>    nBytes = vme_block_write(mapHandle, uint_64 vmeSrceOffset, char *pSrce, int size);
>    Multiple write access.
>    nBytes < 0 :  error
>    Incremented pSrce  = (pSrce + nBytes); Don't need to pass **pSrce for autoincrement.


> 8) status = vme_unmap(int mapHandle)
>    Cleanup internal pointers or structure of given mapHandle only.

mvme_unmap(DWORD vme_addr, DWORD size)

Scan through internal table to find handle, then calls vme_unmap(mapHandle);

> 9) status = vme_exit()
>    Cleanup deviceHandle and release device.


Let me know if this all makes sense to you...

- Stefan
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