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Entry  17 Nov 2003, Stefan Ritt, , Revised MVMESTD 
    Reply  20 Nov 2003, Pierre-André Amaudruz, Konstantin Olchanski, , Revised MVMESTD 
       Reply  21 Nov 2003, Stefan Ritt, , Revised MVMESTD 
Message ID: 99     Entry time: 20 Nov 2003     In reply to: 98     Reply to this: 100
Author: Pierre-André Amaudruz, Konstantin Olchanski 
Subject: Revised MVMESTD 
Before we try to merge the different access scheme for the different VME hardware,
we present the "optimal" configuration for the VMIC setup. This is a first shot so take it
with caution.
From these definitions, we should be able to workout a compromise and come up with
a satisfactory standard.

A) The VMIC vme_slave_xxx() options are not considered.
B) The interrupt handling can certainly match the 4 entries required in the user frontend
    code i.e. Attach, Detach, Enable, Disable.

I don't understand your argument that the handle should be hidden. In case of multiple
interfaces, how do you refer to a particular one if not specified? 
The following scheme does require a handle for refering to the proper (device AND window).

1 ) deviceHandle = vme_init(int devNumber);
    Even though the VMIC doesn't deal with multiple devices,
    the SIS/PCI does and needs to init on a specific PCI card.
      opening of the device (/dev/sisxxxx_1) (ignored in case of VMIC).
      Possible including a mapping to a default VME region of default size with default AM
      (VMIC :16MB, A24). This way in a single call you get a valid handle for full VME access
      in A24 mode. Needs to be elaborate this option. But in principle you need to declare the 
     VME region that you want to work on (vme_map).

2) mapHandle = vme_map(int deviceHandle, int vmeAddress, int am, int size);
    Return a mapHandle specific to a device and window. The am has to be specified.
    What ever are the operation to get there, the mapHandle is a reference to thas setting.
    It could just fill a map structure.
      WindowHandle[deviceHandle] = vme_master_create(BusHandle[deviceHandle], ...
      WindowPtr[WindowHandle] = vme_master_window(BusHandle[deviceHandle]
                                                                           , WindowHandle[deviceHandle]...

3) vme_setmode(mapHandle, const int DATA_SIZE, const int AM
                           , const BOOL ENA_DMA, const BOOL ENA_FIFO);
    Mainly used for the vme_block_read/write. Define for following read the data size and 
    am in case of DMA (could use orther DMA mode than window definition for optimal

    Predefine the mode of access:
    DATA_SIZE : D8, D16, D32
    AM             : A16, A24, A32, etc...
    enaDMA     : optional if available.
    enaFIFO     : optional for block read for autoincrement source pointer.

PAA- I can imagine this function to be a vme_ioctl (int mapHandle, int *param)
        such that extension of functionality is possible. But by passing cons int
        arguments, the optimizer is able to substitute and reduce the internal code.

   uint_8Value   = vme_readD8  (int mapHandle, uint_64 vmeSrceOffset)
   uint_16Value = vme_readD16 (int mapHandle, uint_64 vmeSrceOffset)
   uint_32Value = vme_readD32 (int mapHandle, uint_64 vmeSrceOffset)
   Single VME read access. In the VMIC case, this access is always through mapping.
   Value = *(WindowPtr[WindowHandle] + vmeSrceOffset) 
   Value = *(WindowStruct->WindowPtr[WindowHandle] + vmeSrceOffset) 
   status  = vme_writeD8   (int mapHandle, uint_64 vmeSrceOffset, uint_8 Value)
   status  = vme_writeD16 (int mapHandle, uint_64 vmeSrceOffset, uint_16 Value)
   status  = vme_writeD32 (int mapHandle, uint_64 vmeSrceOffset, uint_32 Value)
   Single VME write access.

   nBytes = vme_block_read(mapHandle, char * pDest, uint_64 vmeSrceOffset, int size);
   Multiple read access. Can be done through standard do loop or DMA if available.
   nBytes < 0 :  error
   Incremented pDest  = (pDest + nBytes); Don't need to pass **pDest for autoincrement.

   nBytes = vme_block_write(mapHandle, uint_64 vmeSrceOffset, char *pSrce, int size);
   Multiple write access.
   nBytes < 0 :  error
   Incremented pSrce  = (pSrce + nBytes); Don't need to pass **pSrce for autoincrement.

8) status = vme_unmap(int mapHandle)
   Cleanup internal pointers or structure of given mapHandle only.

9) status = vme_exit()
   Cleanup deviceHandle and release device.
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