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Entry  29 Oct 2015, Konstantin Olchanski, Info, synchronous ajax deprecated 
    Reply  29 Oct 2015, Amy Roberts, Info, synchronous ajax deprecated 
       Reply  30 Oct 2015, Stefan Ritt, Info, synchronous ajax deprecated 
          Reply  18 Nov 2015, Amy Roberts, Info, synchronous ajax deprecated 
             Reply  18 Nov 2015, Konstantin Olchanski, Info, synchronous ajax deprecated 
                Reply  19 Nov 2015, Amy Roberts, Info, synchronous ajax deprecated 
       Reply  02 Nov 2015, Konstantin Olchanski, Info, synchronous ajax deprecated 
          Reply  17 Nov 2015, Konstantin Olchanski, Info, synchronous ajax deprecated 
             Reply  18 Nov 2015, Amy Roberts, Info, synchronous ajax deprecated 
                Reply  26 Nov 2015, Konstantin Olchanski, Info, browser compatibility test: synchronous ajax deprecated 
                Reply  27 Nov 2015, Konstantin Olchanski, Info, synchronous ajax deprecated 
Message ID: 1137     Entry time: 18 Nov 2015     In reply to: 1130     Reply to this: 1139
Author: Amy Roberts 
Topic: Info 
Subject: synchronous ajax deprecated 
> Why don't you post the functions here so that we can have a look? 

Here is (1) my promisified HTTP request function and (2) a function that uses the returned promises to build an asynchronous, sequential chain of requests to Midas.

Note that if something seems ugly, it's likely because I didn't take the time to clean it up, and not because it particularly *needs* to be ugly.

###### promisified HTTP request ######
In addition to promisifying HTTP requests to Midas, I wanted the Promise.resolve from this function to always return valid JSON.  I also wanted the promise to reject if the response from mhttpd indicated
failure - so that we wouldn't have to rewrite this error checking throughout the code.  The function is so long becuase we make many different calls to mhttpd, and most of them need custom error checking
and, if successful, response packaging.

// begin cdms.daq.utilities.get()
cdms.daq.utilities.get = function(url) {
  return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
    // XHR request
    var req = new XMLHttpRequest();'GET',url);
    req.onload = function() {
      //console.log('done with ', url);
      if(req.status == 200 || req.status == 302) {
        // ''
        // ''
        // both return <DB_NO_KEY>
        if(/DB_NO_KEY/gi.test(req.response)) {
        // '' 
        // returns {"/error": 312}
        } else if(/error.+:\s*\d+/.test(req.response)) {
        // attempting to start (or stop) a run when a run is already started (or stopped) with
        // '' 
        // returns ...<title>MIDAS error</title></head><body><H1>Run is not running</H1>...
        } else if(/MIDAS error/i.test(req.response)) {
          var error_str = /<H1>(.*)<\/H1>/i.exec(req.response);
        // ''
        // returns either 1 (creation successful) or 311 (already exists)
        } else if(/jcreate/i.test(url) && (req.response=='1' || req.response=='311')) {
          resolve({'success': true});
        // ''
        // returns OK
        } else if(/jset/i.test(url) && (req.response=='OK')) {
          resolve({'success': true});
        // returns an html page showing all available sequencer files
        } else if(/SEQ.*cmd=Load.+Script/i.test(url)) {
          console.log('match Seq load script command url');
          fileList = req.response.match(/\w+.msl/gi);
          resolve({'success': true, 'files': fileList});
        // returns 10 most recent messages
        } else if(/.*cmd=jmsg/i.test(url)) {
          console.log('match command url to get messages from mlogger');
          resolve({'success': true, 'messages': req.response});
        // returns <html>redir</html>
        } else if(/SEQ.+fs=\w+.msl&.*cmd=Load/i.test(url)) {
          resolve({'success': true});
        // returns a status of 302 but no response
        } else if(/SEQ.+\?cmd=Start.+Script/i.test(url)) {
          resolve({'success': true});
        // returns a status of 302 but no response
        // although the redir causes a network call to
        // (in this case) the Midas home page,
        // and that seems to be the req.response
        } else if(/redir/i.test(url)) {
          resolve({'success': true});
        // all other responses should be valid JSON
        } else {
          try {
            var json_obj = JSON.parse(req.response);
            if(json_obj && typeof json_obj === "object" && json_obj !== null){
          } catch(err) {
            console.log('url is ',url);
            console.log('response is ',req.response);
    req.onerror = function() {
      reject(Error("Network Error"));
    //console.log('request to ', url);
}; // end cdms.daq.utilities.get()

###### using promisified HTTP request ######
This is an excerpt that attempts to 
(1) run a script on the DAQ computer, producing a sequencer file
(2) check that the script is completed
(3) load the sequencer file
(4) run the sequencer

Failures on any step jump to the catch, which prints the error on screen.

These are HTTP calls, and given my buggy network should be asynchronous.  At the same time, each of these steps should happen only after its predecessor is completed.  To force sequential execution,
functions within a .then() clause return a Promise object. 

// set the argument string for {{scriptname}}
// then run {{scriptname}}
// check the message log until the success of the script is verified
// check that the sequencer sees the expected file (not implemented!)
// then load the resulting sequencer file
// then start the sequencer
cdms.daq.utilities.get(url).then(function() {
  // call customscript
  var cmd_str = '?customscript=' + scriptName_str + '&redir=.';
  return cdms.daq.utilities.get(baseURL_str + cmd_str);
}).then(function() {
  return checkScriptLoop(uid);
}).then(function() {
  var load_str = baseURL_str + '/SEQ/?cmd=Load+Script';
  console.log('execute promise for url ', load_str);
  return cdms.daq.utilities.get(load_str);
}).then(function() {
  var load_str = '/SEQ/?fs=' + seqFile_str + '&dir=&cmd=Load';
  console.log('execute promise for url ', load_str);
  return cdms.daq.utilities.get(baseURL_str + load_str);
}).then(function() {
  var startSeq_str = '/SEQ/?cmd=Start+Script&params=1';
  console.log('execute promise for url ', startSeq_str);
  return cdms.daq.utilities.get(baseURL_str + startSeq_str);
}).catch(function(error) {
}).then(function() {
  window.frames['flash-frame'].location = baseURL_str + '/SEQ/';
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