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Entry  14 May 2015, Konstantin Olchanski, Suggestion, checksums for midas data files 
    Reply  14 May 2015, Stefan Ritt, Suggestion, checksums for midas data files 
       Reply  15 May 2015, Konstantin Olchanski, Suggestion, checksums for midas data files 
    Reply  05 Oct 2016, Lee Pool, Suggestion, checksums for midas data files 
       Reply  13 Oct 2016, Konstantin Olchanski, Suggestion, checksums for midas data files 
          Reply  13 Mar 2017, Konstantin Olchanski, Suggestion, checksums for midas data files 
Message ID: 1208     Entry time: 05 Oct 2016     In reply to: 1057     Reply to this: 1209
Author: Lee Pool 
Topic: Suggestion 
Subject: checksums for midas data files 

> On one side, such checksums help me confirm that uncompressed data contents is the same as original 
> data (compression/decompression is okey).

> I can write the computed checksums into midas.log, or into runNNN.crc32, runNNN.sha256, etc files. (or 
> both).

Just a thought on my side. I have been using a checksum, on data produced  by our experiments via mlogger, the runxxxx.mid.gz, in 
the same manner you proposed and I see now implemented. 

I have a slight, objection, if I may call it that, to how the checksum is saved to disk, in 
run00007.mid.gz.sha256 as an example.

$ cat ~/Data/run00007.mid.gz.sha256
f315af7caf6ca204cc082132862cb4227d77066cb60c6e2b1039d6dc5b04d1ee 650597 Data/run00007.mid.gz

It seems a little misleading to have the gzip'd filename paired with the checksum of the uncompressed content.

May I suggest that the pairing should be ,

f315af7caf6ca204cc082132862cb4227d77066cb60c6e2b1039d6dc5b04d1ee  run00007.mid as an example.

As I find, this information will sit in an archive, database in my case for a long period, and it might
be confusing later on, when verification of the checksum is required.
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