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Entry  14 Oct 2016, Luka Pavelic, Forum, Wiener PCIVME link 
    Reply  14 Oct 2016, Konstantin Olchanski, Forum, Wiener PCIVME link 
       Reply  14 Oct 2016, Pierre-Andre Amaudruz, Forum, Wiener PCIVME link 
Message ID: 1211     Entry time: 14 Oct 2016     Reply to this: 1212
Author: Luka Pavelic 
Topic: Forum 
Subject: Wiener PCIVME link 
I'm trying to make Wiener PCIVME link work with MIDAS. 
In documentation/VME dirvers/ it's saying: "wevmemm.c PCI/VME Wiener board
supported. (see Wiener PCI)".
Provided link is dead. Does anyone have that file? I would appreciate very very
much if someone could send it to me.

Thank you and best regards, 
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