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Entry  24 Oct 2016, Tim Gorringe, Bug Report, problem with error code DB_NO_MEMORY from db_open_record() call when establish additional hotlinks 
    Reply  25 Oct 2016, Tim Gorringe, Bug Report, problem with error code DB_NO_MEMORY from db_open_record() call when establish additional hotlinks 
       Reply  04 Nov 2016, Thomas Lindner, Bug Report, problem with error code DB_NO_MEMORY from db_open_record() call when establish additional hotlinks 
          Reply  25 Nov 2016, Thomas Lindner, Bug Report, problem with error code DB_NO_MEMORY from db_open_record() call when establish additional hotlinks 
Message ID: 1216     Entry time: 24 Oct 2016     Reply to this: 1218
Author: Tim Gorringe 
Topic: Bug Report 
Subject: problem with error code DB_NO_MEMORY from db_open_record() call when establish additional hotlinks 
Hi Midas forum,

I'm having a problem with odb hotlinks after increasing sub-directories in an 
odb. I now get the error code DB_NO_MEMORY after some db_open_record() calls. I 

1) increasing the parameter DEFAULT_ODB_SIZE in midas.h and make clean, make
but got the same error

2) increasing the parameter  MAX_OPEN_RECORDS in midas.h and make clean, make
but got fatal errors from odbedit and my midas FE and couldnt run anything

3) deleting my expts SHM files and starting odbedit with "odbedit -e SLAC -s 
0x1000000" to increse the odb size but got the same error?

4) I tried a different computer and got the same error code DB_NO_MEMORY

Maybe I running into some system limit that restricts the humber of open records? 
Or maybe I've not increased the correct midas parameter?

Best ,Tim.
ELOG V3.1.4-2e1708b5