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Entry  24 Oct 2016, Tim Gorringe, Bug Report, problem with error code DB_NO_MEMORY from db_open_record() call when establish additional hotlinks 
    Reply  25 Oct 2016, Tim Gorringe, Bug Report, problem with error code DB_NO_MEMORY from db_open_record() call when establish additional hotlinks 
       Reply  04 Nov 2016, Thomas Lindner, Bug Report, problem with error code DB_NO_MEMORY from db_open_record() call when establish additional hotlinks 
          Reply  25 Nov 2016, Thomas Lindner, Bug Report, problem with error code DB_NO_MEMORY from db_open_record() call when establish additional hotlinks 
Message ID: 1218     Entry time: 25 Oct 2016     In reply to: 1216     Reply to this: 1219   1220
Author: Tim Gorringe 
Topic: Bug Report 
Subject: problem with error code DB_NO_MEMORY from db_open_record() call when establish additional hotlinks 
oOne additional comment. I was able to trace the setting of the error code DB_NO_MEMORY 
to a call to the db_add_open_record() by mserver that is initiated during the start-up 
of my frontend via an RPC call. I checked with a debug printout that I have indeed 
reached the number of MAX_OPEN_RECORDS

> Hi Midas forum,
> I'm having a problem with odb hotlinks after increasing sub-directories in an 
> odb. I now get the error code DB_NO_MEMORY after some db_open_record() calls. I 
> tried 
> 1) increasing the parameter DEFAULT_ODB_SIZE in midas.h and make clean, make
> but got the same error
> 2) increasing the parameter  MAX_OPEN_RECORDS in midas.h and make clean, make
> but got fatal errors from odbedit and my midas FE and couldnt run anything
> 3) deleting my expts SHM files and starting odbedit with "odbedit -e SLAC -s 
> 0x1000000" to increse the odb size but got the same error?
> 4) I tried a different computer and got the same error code DB_NO_MEMORY
> Maybe I running into some system limit that restricts the humber of open records? 
> Or maybe I've not increased the correct midas parameter?
> Best ,Tim.
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