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Entry  24 Aug 2018, Lukas Gerritzen, Forum, Int64 datatype 
    Reply  25 Aug 2018, Stefan Ritt, Forum, Int64 datatype 
    Reply  28 Aug 2018, Konstantin Olchanski, Forum, Int64 datatype 
Message ID: 1383     Entry time: 24 Aug 2018     Reply to this: 1384   1389
Author: Lukas Gerritzen 
Topic: Forum 
Subject: Int64 datatype 
I would like to store the address of 1-Wire temperature sensors in a device
driver. However, the supportet data types (as definded around
include/midas.h:311) do not foresee a type large enough.

Is there a good reason against this?

I know that other experiments use this kind of sensor, how do you store the
addresses? I've noticed that most of the address is just zeroes, but I wouldn't
like to store just half the address, assuming that half the address is always
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