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Entry  11 Mar 2019, Francesco Renga, Forum, Run length 
    Reply  12 Mar 2019, Stefan Ritt, Forum, Run length 
    Reply  12 Mar 2019, Pierre Gorel, Forum, Run length 
    Reply  13 Mar 2019, Konstantin Olchanski, Forum, Run length 
Message ID: 1484     Entry time: 11 Mar 2019     Reply to this: 1486   1487   1490
Author: Francesco Renga 
Topic: Forum 
Subject: Run length 
Dear all,
        I need to implement a DAQ sequence where a short run (100 events, which takes a couple of 
minutes) is taken every hour, with a long run in between two short runs. In the sequencer, I can do:

LOOP infinite

.... some ODB settings ....
     WAIT events 100

.... some ODB settings ....
     WAIT seconds 3600


I have two questions: 

- for the long run, I want to write on disk only a maximum number of events. I think I can suppress 
the event polling in the frontend, with an ODB query of the number of collected events. I'm 
wondering if there is a smarter way to do that. It is also ok if the run is stopped after a maximum 
number of events, but the subsequent short run should still start exactly after 1h from the previous 
short run. 

- with the script above, the real time lapse between the start of two short runs would depend on 
the duration of the short run itself. Is there a way to start the short run exactly 1 h after the starting 
of the previous short run?

Thank you in advance for your help,
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