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Entry  01 Mar 2019, Konstantin Olchanski, Info, Gyrations of custom pages and ODB /Custom/Path 
    Reply  04 Mar 2019, Stefan Ritt, Info, Gyrations of custom pages and ODB /Custom/Path 
       Reply  04 Mar 2019, Thomas Lindner, Info, Gyrations of custom pages and ODB /Custom/Path 
          Reply  04 Mar 2019, Stefan Ritt, Info, Gyrations of custom pages and ODB /Custom/Path 
             Reply  04 Mar 2019, Suzannah Daviel, Info, Gyrations of custom pages and ODB /Custom/Path 
                Reply  04 Mar 2019, Konstantin Olchanski, Info, Gyrations of custom pages and ODB /Custom/Path 
                   Reply  05 Mar 2019, Stefan Ritt, Info, Gyrations of custom pages and ODB /Custom/Path 
                      Reply  05 Mar 2019, Thomas Lindner, Info, Gyrations of custom pages and ODB /Custom/Path 
                         Reply  05 Mar 2019, Konstantin Olchanski, Info, Gyrations of custom pages and ODB /Custom/Path 
                      Reply  05 Mar 2019, Konstantin Olchanski, Info, Gyrations of custom pages and ODB /Custom/Path 
                         Reply  05 Mar 2019, Stefan Ritt, Info, Gyrations of custom pages and ODB /Custom/Path 
                            Reply  05 Mar 2019, Konstantin Olchanski, Info, Gyrations of custom pages and ODB /Custom/Path 
                               Reply  05 Mar 2019, Stefan Ritt, Info, Gyrations of custom pages and ODB /Custom/Path 
                                  Reply  06 Mar 2019, Konstantin Olchanski, Info, Gyrations of custom pages and ODB /Custom/Path 
                   Reply  05 Mar 2019, Stefan Ritt, Info, Gyrations of custom pages and ODB /Custom/Path 
                      Reply  05 Mar 2019, Konstantin Olchanski, Info, Gyrations of custom pages and ODB /Custom/Path 
                         Reply  05 Mar 2019, Stefan Ritt, Info, Gyrations of custom pages and ODB /Custom/Path 
                            Reply  05 Mar 2019, Konstantin Olchanski, Info, Gyrations of custom pages and ODB /Custom/Path 
       Reply  14 Mar 2019, Konstantin Olchanski, Info, Gyrations of custom pages and ODB /Custom/Path 
          Reply  14 Mar 2019, Konstantin Olchanski, Info, Gyrations of custom pages and ODB /Custom/Path 
             Reply  14 Mar 2019, Konstantin Olchanski, Info, Gyrations of custom pages and ODB /Custom/Path 
          Reply  21 Mar 2019, Konstantin Olchanski, Info, Gyrations of custom pages and ODB /Custom/Path 
    Reply  21 Mar 2019, Konstantin Olchanski, Info, Gyrations of custom pages and ODB /Custom/Path 
Message ID: 1495     Entry time: 14 Mar 2019     In reply to: 1457     Reply to this: 1496   1503
Author: Konstantin Olchanski 
Topic: Info 
Subject: Gyrations of custom pages and ODB /Custom/Path 
I now understand Stefan's and Thomas's proposal a little bit better.

In my mind only one issue remains - when we say "we will serve files from directory X", how
to we prevent mhttpd from serving files outside this directory by using trick URLs containing ".."
and/or other gimmicks.

The code I currently put in mhttpd, disallows multi-level URL path names (by rejecting names that contain the directory separator "/").

This has the effect of keeping the mhttpd URL space flat (without subdirectories).

http://localhost:8080/Status.html  <--- no multi level URLs like we used to have:
http://localhost:8080/CS/Custom.html <--- no more of these

Keeping the URL space restricted to one level is important if we do not want to defeat
the recent change to the mhttpd URL scheme - if mhttpd runs behind a proxy, without
a "Base URL" (which we just removed), we can only use relative URLs to navigate
between midas pages and if we permit multi-level URLs, it becomes hard to get
back to the status page without the ugly counting of ".." URL elements (which ugly and
brittle code we also just recently removed) (n.b. to navigate from CS/Custom.html
to the status page, one must redirect to "../Status.html").

But this whole beautiful cathedral falls apart from one valid use case: we want to serve "jsroot"
from a subdirectory called "jsroot" - this is how this package is packaged and we do not want
to mess with it just to make midas happy.

So at the least we must enable serving of multi-level URL path names to serve 3rd party packages.

The most trivial way out is to replace the URL check "/ is not permitted" with ".. is not permitted".

(One could also have a list of all permitted subdirectories in ODB, but this would be hard to use and 
difficult to implement. Not my favourite solution.)

This will break the flatness of the mhttpd URLs (no subdirectories). But maybe it is sufficient
to write down "do not do this!" and close with "wontfix" all bug reports about "my custom page
is at http://localhost:8080/mycustomdir/new/verynew/custom.html, how come the [status] button
does not take me back to the status page?".


> Parsing all URL in mhttpd to prevent /etc/passwd etc. to be returned is tricky, because people can use escape sequences etc. Therefore I think it is much better to restrict file access 
> on the file system level when opening a file. The only escape there one could have is "..", which can be tested easily. 
> Therefore, I propose to restrict file access to two well-defined directories, which is one system directory and one user directory. The system directory should be defined via 
> $MIDASSYS/resources, and the user directory should be the experiment directory (as defined in exptab) followed by "resources". So if MIDASSYS equals to /usr/local/midas and the 
> experiment directory equals to /home/users/exp for example, we would only have these two directories (and of course the subdirectories within these) served by mhttpd:
> $MIDASSYS/resource -> /usr/local/midas/resources
> <exptab>/resources -> /home/users/exp/resources
> These directories should be hard-wired into mhttpd, and not go through and ODB entry, since otherwise one could manipulate the ODB entries (knowingly or unknowingly) and open a 
> back-door. 
> If users need a more complex structure, they can put soft links into these directories.
> The code which opens a resource file should then first evaluate $MIDASSYS, then add "/resources/", then add the requested file name, make sure that there is no ".." in the file name, 
> then open the file. If not existing, do the same for the <exptab>/resources/ directory.
> This change will break most experiments, and forces people to move their custom pages to different directories, but I think it's the only clean solution and we just have to bite the 
> bullet.
> Comments are welcome.
> Stefan
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