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Entry  28 May 2020, Marius Koeppel, Suggestion, ODB++ API - documantion updates and odb view after key creation
    Reply  28 May 2020, Stefan Ritt, Suggestion, ODB++ API - documantion updates and odb view after key creation 
    Reply  30 May 2020, Stefan Ritt, Suggestion, ODB++ API - documantion updates and odb view after key creation 
       Reply  04 Jun 2020, Marius Koeppel, Suggestion, ODB++ API - documantion updates and odb view after key creation 
          Reply  05 Jun 2020, Stefan Ritt, Suggestion, ODB++ API - documantion updates and odb view after key creation 
             Reply  08 Jun 2020, Marius Koeppel, Suggestion, ODB++ API - documantion updates and odb view after key creation 
                Reply  16 Jun 2020, Marius Koeppel, Suggestion, ODB++ API - documantion updates and odb view after key creation 
                   Reply  23 Jun 2020, Stefan Ritt, Suggestion, ODB++ API - documantion updates and odb view after key creation 
                      Reply  24 Jun 2020, Marius Koeppel, Suggestion, ODB++ API - documantion updates and odb view after key creation 
Message ID: 1921     Entry time: 28 May 2020     Reply to this: 1922   1924
Author: Marius Koeppel 
Topic: Suggestion 
Subject: ODB++ API - documantion updates and odb view after key creation 
Hello everybody,

I am really appreciate the development of the new odb++ API. So I directly started to rewrite the code for the Mu3e DAQ system.

I have a view questions / suggestions which came up during my work so fare:

1. The documentation seems to be quite new so there are some variables wrong named and small typo stuff. I would like to fix them. Should I request for an account or what else is needed to change them?

2. When I create an ODB structure with the new API I do for example:

    midas::odb stream_settings = {
            {"Test_odb_api", {
                                      {"Divider", 1000},     // int
                                      {"Enable", false},     // bool
    stream_settings.connect("/Equipment/Test/Settings", true);

and with 

midas::odb datagen("/Equipment/Test/Settings/Test_odb_api");
std::cout << "Datagenerator Enable is " << datagen["Enable"] << std::endl;

I am getting back false. Which looks nice but when I look into the odb via the browser the value is actually "y" meaning true which is stange. I added my frontend where I cleaned all function leaving only the frontend_init() one where I create this key. Its a cuda program but since I clean everything no cuda function is called anymore.

Thank you again for the nice development!

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