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Entry  28 Jun 2020, Konstantin Olchanski, Info, mhttpd https support openssl -> mbedtls 
    Reply  28 Jun 2020, Konstantin Olchanski, Info, mhttpd https support openssl -> mbedtls 
Message ID: 1960     Entry time: 28 Jun 2020     In reply to: 1959
Author: Konstantin Olchanski 
Topic: Info 
Subject: mhttpd https support openssl -> mbedtls 
To add. Using https with either openssl or mbedtls requires obtaining an https certificate. This can be self-
signed, or signed by a higher authority, or issued by the "let's encrypt" project.

mhttpd is looking for this certificate in the file ssl_cert.pem.

If this file does not exist, mhttpd will print the instructions for creating it using openssl (self-signed) or 
using certbot (instantaneously and automatically issued let's encrypt certificate).

The certbot route is recommended:

1) (as root) setup certbot (i.e. see my CentOS and Ubuntu instructions on DAQWiki)
2) (as root) copy /etc/letsencrypt/live/$HOME/fullchain.pem and privkey.pem to $MIDASSYS
3) cat fullchain.pem privkey.pem > ssl_cert.pem
4) start mhttpd, watch the first few lines it prints to confirm it found the right certificate file.

The only missing piece for using this in production is lack of integration
with certbot automatic certificate renewal:

- a script has to run for steps (2) and (3) above
- mhttpd has to tell openssl/mbedtls to reload the certificate file (alternative is to automatically restart 
mhttpd, bad!).

As an alternative, we can wait for the mongoose web server library and for the mbedtls crypto library to "grow" 
certbot-style automatic certificate renewal features. (unavoidable, in my view).

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