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Entry  22 Oct 2021, Francesco Renga, Forum, mhttpd error 
    Reply  22 Oct 2021, Stefan Ritt, Forum, mhttpd error 
       Reply  25 Oct 2021, Francesco Renga, Forum, mhttpd error 
       Reply  26 Jan 2022, Konstantin Olchanski, Forum, mhttpd error 
Message ID: 2291     Entry time: 22 Oct 2021     Reply to this: 2292
Author: Francesco Renga 
Topic: Forum 
Subject: mhttpd error 
Dear all,
      I am trying to make the MIDAS web server for my DAQ project accessible from other machines. In the ODB, I activated the necessary flags:

Enable localhost port           y
localhost port                  8080
localhost port passwords        n
Enable insecure port            y
insecure port                   8081
insecure port passwords         y
insecure port host list         y
Enable https port               y
https port                      8443
https port passwords            y
https port host list            n
Host list
Enable IPv6                     y

Following the instructions on the Wiki I enabled the SSL support. When running mhttpd, I get these messages:

Mongoose web server will use HTTP Digest authentication with realm "CYGNUS_RD" and password file "/home/cygno/DAQ/online/htpasswd.txt"
Mongoose web server will use the hostlist, connections will be accepted only from: localhost
Mongoose web server listening on http address "localhost:8080", passwords OFF, hostlist OFF
Mongoose web server listening on http address "[::1]:8080", passwords OFF, hostlist OFF
Mongoose web server listening on http address "8081", passwords enabled, hostlist enabled
[mhttpd,ERROR] [mhttpd.cxx:19166:mongoose_listen,ERROR] Cannot mg_bind address "[::0]:8081"
Mongoose web server will use https certificate file "/home/cygno/DAQ/online/ssl_cert.pem"
Mongoose web server listening on https address "8443", passwords enabled, hostlist OFF
[mhttpd,ERROR] [mhttpd.cxx:19166:mongoose_listen,ERROR] Cannot mg_bind address "[::0]:8443"

and the server is not accessible from other machines. Any suggestion to solve or better investigate this problem?

Thank you very much,
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