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Entry  23 Mar 2022, Konstantin Olchanski, Bug Fix, mhttpd bug fixed 
    Reply  24 Mar 2022, Stefan Ritt, Bug Fix, mhttpd bug fixed 
       Reply  24 Mar 2022, Konstantin Olchanski, Bug Fix, mhttpd bug fixed 
          Reply  24 Mar 2022, Stefan Ritt, Bug Fix, mhttpd bug fixed 
             Reply  24 Mar 2022, Konstantin Olchanski, Bug Fix, mhttpd bug fixed 
Message ID: 2364     Entry time: 23 Mar 2022     Reply to this: 2366
Author: Konstantin Olchanski 
Topic: Bug Fix 
Subject: mhttpd bug fixed 
the mhttpd bug should be fixed now (branch feature/buffer_mutex).

simplest way to reproduce:

wget http://localhost:8080/
quickly ctrl-C it
wget http://localhost:8080/
inside mhttpd (by hook or crook) observe that the second wget got the data meant for the first wget.

if you cannot ctrl-C the first wget quickly enough, put a sleep somewhere in the worker thread (in 
mongoose_write(), I think).

this is what happens.

1st wget stops (by ctrl-C), socket is closed, mongoose frees it's mg_connection object
(corresponding worker is still labouring, hmm... actually sleeping, and now has a stale nc pointer)

2nd wget starts, new socket is opened, mongoose allocates a new mg_connection object,
but malloc() gives it back the same memory we just freed(), and the 1st wget's worker thread
nc pointer is no longer stale, but points to 2nd wget's connection.

so we think we are clever and we check the socket file descriptors. but same thing
happens there, too. if 1st wget was file descriptor 7, it is closed, (1st wget worker now has
a stale file handle), then reopened for the 2nd wget, per POSIX, we get back the same
file descriptor 7. 1st wget worker now has the file handle for the 2nd wget tcp socket and
the famous test/crash for "sending data to wrong socket" is defeated.

now, worker thread for the 1st wget wants to send a reply, it has a valid nc pointer (points to 2nd wget's
mg_connection object) and a valid file descriptor (points to 2nd wget's tcp socket),
reply meant for the 1st wget is successfully sent to the 2nd wget, 2nd wget finishes, it's socket
is closed, mg_connection object is free'ed. Now the worker thread for the 2nd wget has stale
connection info, but this is okey, mongoose does not find a matching connection, 2nd wget
worked thread reply goes nowhere, thread finishes silently (no memory leaks here, I checked).

so, connection for 2nd wget completely impersonates the closed connection of 1st wget (I guess I could
check the full socket address info, remote ip address, remote port number, etc, but...)

in practice, this bug does not happen often because modern browsers tend to keep tcp sockets open
for very long time. (not sure about sundry web proxies, etc).

solution of course is very simple. match worker thread data to mongoose mg_connection objects
using our own connection sequential number, which are unique and very easy to keep track
of through the mongoose event handler. all this mess runs in the main thread,
so no locking trouble here, small blessing.

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