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Entry  12 Sep 2023, Maia Henriksson-Ward, Suggestion, Syntax highlighting for sequencer scripts 
    Reply  12 Sep 2023, Stefan Ritt, Suggestion, Syntax highlighting for sequencer scripts 
Message ID: 2597     Entry time: 12 Sep 2023     Reply to this: 2598
Author: Maia Henriksson-Ward 
Topic: Suggestion 
Subject: Syntax highlighting for sequencer scripts 
Recently I was trying to read sequencer scripts written by a previous student, and realized it would be easier to 
quickly read/skim sequencer code with some form of syntax highlighting. I've been using Visual Studio Code as my 
editor, so I made myself an extension for VS Code that provides basic syntax highlighting (with help from 
ChatGPT-3.5). It's good enough for my purposes, but is missing some features you'd expect for full language 
support. This got me wondering - does anything like this already exist, perhaps with more complete support?

If it doesn't already exist, and if there is interest, I could to publish mine 
to vscode's "Extension Marketplace" for easy installations (I'd also welcome contributions for 
more features). For now, I've installed it on my computer directly from the .vsix file, which I've put on my own 
github at . There is also a readme with screenshot showing what scripts 
will look like with the highlighting
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