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Entry  22 Jan 2024, Ben Smith, Bug Report, Warnings about ODB keys that haven't been touched for 10+ years 
    Reply  22 Jan 2024, Stefan Ritt, Bug Report, Warnings about ODB keys that haven't been touched for 10+ years 
    Reply  23 Jan 2024, Nick Hastings, Bug Report, Warnings about ODB keys that haven't been touched for 10+ years 
       Reply  24 Jan 2024, Pavel Murat, Bug Report, Warnings about ODB keys that haven't been touched for 10+ years 
          Reply  28 Jan 2024, Konstantin Olchanski, Bug Report, Warnings about ODB keys that haven't been touched for 10+ years 
             Reply  28 Jan 2024, Stefan Ritt, Bug Report, Warnings about ODB keys that haven't been touched for 10+ years 
Message ID: 2682     Entry time: 22 Jan 2024     Reply to this: 2683   2684
Author: Ben Smith 
Topic: Bug Report 
Subject: Warnings about ODB keys that haven't been touched for 10+ years 
We have an experiment that's been running for a long time and has some ODB keys that haven't been touched in ages. Mostly related to features that we don't use like the elog and lazylogger, or things that don't change often (like the logger data directory).

When we start any program, we now got dozens of error messages in the log with lines like:
hkey 297088, path "/Elog/Display run number", invalid pkey->last_written time 1377040124

That timestamp is reasonable though, as the experiment was set up in 2013!

What's the best way to make these messages go away? 
- Change the logic in db_validate_and_repair_key_wlocked() to not worry if keys are 10+ years old? 
- Write a script to "touch" all the old keys so they've been modified recently?
- Something else?
ELOG V3.1.4-2e1708b5