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Entry  23 Jul 2006, Art Olin, Forum, File output for histories 
    Reply  23 Jul 2006, Stefan Ritt, Forum, File output for histories 
       Reply  23 Jul 2006, Art Olin, Forum, File output for histories 
          Reply  24 Jul 2006, Sergio Ballestrero, Forum, File output for histories 
Message ID: 271     Entry time: 23 Jul 2006     Reply to this: 272
Author: Art Olin 
Topic: Forum 
Subject: File output for histories 
The ALPHA experiment at CERN has recently adopted MIDAS, and the history data in numerical form is needed by the collaboration. Furthermore the DAQ is running under linux and most collaborators are windows or mac users, so it should be available in a platform independent way.

Basically we need the output from the mhist code. The most convenient, and possibly easiest implementation would be to select required data (ID, variable, time range) in the midas history display, click a button requesting file output and input a file name. One might also want to specify the interval time required.

A related nice feature would be like the root "view event status" , where text at the bottom of the history would display the position of the cursor in the history chart coordinates. Probably more work and less important to us.

Comments on the practicality?
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