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Entry  25 Aug 2024, Adrian Fisher, Info, Help parsing scdms_v1 data? 
    Reply  26 Aug 2024, Stefan Ritt, Info, Help parsing scdms_v1 data? 
       Reply  26 Aug 2024, Adrian Fisher, Info, Help parsing scdms_v1 data? 
    Reply  11 Sep 2024, Konstantin Olchanski, Info, Help parsing scdms_v1 data? 
Message ID: 2836     Entry time: 11 Sep 2024     In reply to: 2811
Author: Konstantin Olchanski 
Topic: Info 
Subject: Help parsing scdms_v1 data? 
Look at the C++ implementation of the MIDAS data file reader, the code is very 
simple to follow.

Depending on how old are your data files, you may run into a problem with 
misaligned 32-bit data banks. Latest MIDAS creates BANK32A events where all 
banks are aligned to 64 bits. old BANK32 format had banks alternating between 
aligned and misaligned. old 16-bit BANK format data hopefully you do not have.

If you successfully make a data format description file for MIDAS, please post 
it here for the next user.


[quote="Adrian Fisher"]Hi! I'm working on creating a ksy file to help with 
parsing some data, but I'm having trouble finding some information. Right now, I 
have it set up very rudimentary - it grabs the event header and then uses the 
data bank size to grab the size of the data, but then I'm needing additional 
padding after the data bank to reach the next event.
However, there's some irregularity in the "padding" between data banks that I 
haven't been able to find any documentation for. For some reason, after the data 
banks, there's sections of data of either 168 or 192 bytes, and it's seemingly 
arbitrary which size is used. 
I'm just wondering if anyone has any information about this so that I'd be able 
to make some more progress in parsing the data.
The data I'm working with can be found at
And the ksy file that I've created so far is at

There's also a block of data after the odb that runs for 384 bytes that I'm 
unsure the purpose of, if anyone could point me to some information about that.

Thank you![/quote]
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