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Entry  17 Mar 2025, Federico Rezzonico, Bug Report, python hist_get_recent_data returns no historical data 
    Reply  17 Mar 2025, Ben Smith, Bug Report, python hist_get_recent_data returns no historical data 
       Reply  18 Mar 2025, Federico Rezzonico, Bug Report, python hist_get_recent_data returns no historical data 
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Message ID: 2954     Entry time: 17 Mar 2025     In reply to: 2953
Author: Federico Rezzonico 
Topic: Bug Report 
Subject: python hist_get_recent_data returns no historical data 
> Unfortunately I again cannot reproduce this:
> $ python ~/DAQ/midas_latest/python/examples/
> Valid events are:
> * Run transitions
> * test_slow/data
> Enter event name: test_slow/data
> Valid tags for test_slow/data are:
> * data
> Enter tag name: data
> Event/tag test_slow/data/data has 1 elements
> How many hours: 1
> Interval in seconds: 1
> 78 entries found
> 2025/03/17 17:00:56 => 98.097391
> 2025/03/17 17:00:57 => 98.982151
> 2025/03/17 17:00:58 => 99.589187
> 2025/03/17 17:00:59 => 99.926821
> 2025/03/17 17:01:00 => 99.989878
> 2025/03/17 17:01:01 => 99.778216
> 2025/03/17 17:01:02 => 99.292485
> .......
> I want to narrow down whether the issue is in the or the lower-level code. So there are a few steps of debugging to do.
> 1) Run code directly in the python interpreter: 
> Can you run the following and send the output please?
> ```
> import midas.client
> c = midas.client.MidasClient("history_test")
> data = c.hist_get_recent_data(1,1,"test_slow/data","data")
> print(f"event_name='{data[0]['event_name']}', tag_name='{data[0]['tag_name']}', num_entries={data[0]['num_entries']}, status={data[0]['status']}, arrlen={len(data[0]['values'])}")
> ```
> For me, I get:
> event_name='test_slow/data', tag_name='data', num_entries=441, status=1, arrlen=441
> 2) If things look sensible for you (status=1, non-zero num_entries), then the problem is in the Can you add the same print() statement in immediately after the call to hist_get_recent_data(), then run that script again and send the output of that?
> 3) Debug the python/C conversions.
> In midas/ add the following line to hist_get_data() immediately before the call to self.lib.c_hs_read():
> ```
>         print(f"c_start_time={c_start_time.value}, c_end_time={c_end_time.value}, c_interval={c_interval.value}, c_event_name={c_event_name.value}, c_tag_name={c_tag_name.value}")
> ```
> Then run the following and send the output:
> ```
> import midas.client
> c = midas.client.MidasClient("history_test")
> data = c.hist_get_recent_data(1,1,"test_slow/data","data")
> ```
> For me, I get:
> c_start_time=1742254428, c_end_time=1742258028, c_interval=1, c_event_name=b'test_slow/data', c_tag_name=b'data'
> I want to check that the UNIX timestamps match what you expect for your server, and that nothing weird is going on with the python/C string conversions.
> Thanks,
> Ben

Hi, thank you for the support!

event_name='test_slow/data', tag_name='data', num_entries=0, status=1, arrlen=0
The number of entries is zero
I get
c_start_time=1742275653, c_end_time=1742279253, c_interval=1, c_event_name=b'test_slow/data', c_tag_name=b'data'
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