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Entry  22 Oct 2008, Konstantin Olchanski, Info, mscb timeouts and retries 
    Reply  28 Oct 2008, Stefan Ritt, Info, mscb timeouts and retries 
Message ID: 513     Entry time: 22 Oct 2008     Reply to this: 519
Author: Konstantin Olchanski 
Topic: Info 
Subject: mscb timeouts and retries 
A new set of functions was added to mscb.h to adjust mscb timeouts and retries to better match specific 

+   int EXPRT mscb_get_max_retry();
+   int EXPRT mscb_set_max_retry(int max_retry);
+   int EXPRT mscb_get_usb_timeout();
+   int EXPRT mscb_set_usb_timeout(int timeout);
+   int EXPRT mscb_get_eth_max_retry();
+   int EXPRT mscb_set_eth_max_retry(int eth_max_retry);

There are 3 settings:

1) mscb_max_retry: most (all?) mscb operations, like mscb_read(), retry failed mscb transactions up to 
10 times. The corresponding set and get functions allow tuning this retry limit.

2) mscb_usb_timeout: the driver for the USB-MSCB adapter uses a timeout of 6 seconds. 
mscb_set_usb_timeout() permits changing this value.

3) mscb_eth_max_retry: the driver for the Ethernet-MSCB adapter has to deal with UDP packet loss. If 
the adapter does not respond to a UDP command, the UDP command is sent again, with a bigger 
timeout (timeout = 100 * (retry+1), in ms), this is repeated up to 10 times. mscb_set_eth_max_retry() 
permits adjusting this number of retries.

This is how it works for the usb interface:

int mscb_read(...)
   for (retry=0; retry<mscb_max_retry; retry++)
            musb_write(..., mscb_usb_timeout)
            musb_read(..., mscb_usb_timeout)     

This is how it works for the ethernet interface:

int mscb_read(...)
   for (retry=0; retry<mscb_max_retry; retry++)
            for (retry=0; retry<mscb_eth_max_retry; retry++)
                 wait_for_udp_response(timeout = 100 * (retry+1))

This is how the new functions are intended to be used:
   int old = mscb_set_max_retry(2);
   ... do stuff ...
   mscb_set_max_retry(old); // restore default value

svn revision 4356.
ELOG V3.1.4-2e1708b5