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Entry  07 May 2009, Konstantin Olchanski, Bug Report, mlogger duplicate event problem 
    Reply  02 Jun 2009, Konstantin Olchanski, Bug Report, mlogger duplicate event problem 
       Reply  16 Jun 2009, Konstantin Olchanski, Bug Report, mlogger duplicate event problem 
          Reply  24 Jun 2009, Konstantin Olchanski, Bug Report, TR_STARTABORT transition, mlogger duplicate event problem 
             Reply  25 Jun 2009, Stefan Ritt, Bug Report, TR_STARTABORT transition, mlogger duplicate event problem 
                Reply  25 Jun 2009, Konstantin Olchanski, Bug Report, TR_STARTABORT transition, mlogger duplicate event problem 
                   Reply  25 Jun 2009, Stefan Ritt, Bug Report, TR_STARTABORT transition, mlogger duplicate event problem 
Message ID: 576     Entry time: 07 May 2009     Reply to this: 585
Author: Konstantin Olchanski 
Topic: Bug Report 
Subject: mlogger duplicate event problem 
We have seen on several daq systems this problem: we start a run and observe that the number of 
events written by mlogger to the output file is double the number of events actually collected. Upon 
inspection of the output file, we see that every event is written twice. Restarting the run usually fixes 
this problem.

We now traced this to an error in mlogger.c. If we start a run and the run transition fails in some 
frontend,  mlogger does not disconnect from the SYSTEM buffer (it does not know the transition failed 
and the run did not really start). The SYSTEM buffer connection and the associated event request 
remain active. Then we start the next run and mlogger connects to the SYSTEM buffer again, creates a 
second (third, etc) event request. Eventually mlogger reaches the maximum permitted number of event 
requests and no more runs can be started unless mlogger is restarted.

If at some point a run actually starts successfully, there are multiple event requests present from 
mlogger and theoretically, each event should be written to the output file many times. This was a 
puzzle until we got a good laugh from looking at mlogger.c::receive_event() callback - in retrospect it 
is obvious why events are only written in duplicate.

Then, after the run is ended, mlogger disconnects from the SYSTEM buffer, all multiple event requests 
are automatically deleted and the problem is not present during the next run.

I am not yet sure how to best fix this, but I see that other midas programs (i.e. mevb) suffer form the 
same problem - multiple connections to the event buffer - in presence of failed run starts. I think we 
have seen "event duplication" from mevb, as well.

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